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Hear about Sansei on Episode 34 of our Podcast, the Japan Archives.

The Sansei in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki.


Sansei (山精 – Mountain Spirit) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki and the Wakan Sansai Zue. It is stated as a type of mountain Oni, dwelling in Anguo, China.

The creature is humanoid in appearance, but only has one leg. The Wakan Sansai Zue elaborates more on the creature stating that it ranges from 90 to 120cm in height and that it’s one foot faces the opposite way to its face.

Their favorite food is said to be roasted stone crabs, and they often steal salt from woodcutters according to the Chinese book ‘A Record of Yongjia.’ The Wakan Sansai Zue also states they are nocturnal and also enjoy eating frogs and toads.

The creature will cause you to suffer illness or for your home to catch fire should you attempt to attack them. However, should this creature attempt to attack you, shouting the word ‘batsu!‘ will stop the creature.1

External Links


1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopaedia of Toriyama Sekien.”. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.

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Supernatural Creatures