January 2025 Updates

January 2025 Updates

Happy New Year to everyone!

January 2025 Updates
Bashō no sei

It has been a busy two months with other projects but we have managed to add a small amount on the website since our last update.

Most importantly we now have all the yōkai from the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi on the site so we can turn our attention now to the next yōkai compendium. Additionally we have brought together a little bit of information we have for a few new pieces of literature, and no doubt we will continue to expand them as time goes on.

Total created pages: 1670.

Total pages waiting to be made: 1016.




You can listen to the full podcast episodes here: Japan Archives, or wherever you listen to Podcasts.

Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @japan_archives

We also started a Youtube channel for Japan Archives.

And another for other creative endeavours!

Heavenly Spear