September 2024 Updates

September 2024 Updates
This month we added a new family to the website, the Amago Family, got several new yōkai on the website as well as all information concerning Emperor Keikō that resides in the nihongi.
We have plans to finish off the yōkai in the konjaku hyakki shūi this coming month, and we shall see where else our research takes us!
Hope you have all had a great month!
Total created pages: 1635.
Total pages waiting to be made: 1001.

- Amago Family
- Emishi (Updated)
Imperial Family
- Emperor Keikō (Updated)
- Mimorowake
- Takeuchi no Sukune (Updated)
- Yamato Takeru (Updated)

- Ayakashi
- Kidōmaru
- Oni (Updated)
- Onihitokuchi
You can listen to the full podcast episodes here: Japan Archives, or wherever you listen to Podcasts.
Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @japan_archives
We also started a Youtube channel for Japan Archives.
And another for other creative endeavours!