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Minamoto no Yorimitsu
Minamoto no YorimitsuBirth: – Death: – Period: Occupation: Warrior Minamoto no Yorimitsu Minamoto no Yorimitsu (源 頼光) has ties to the creature known as the Shuten-dōji. In this tale he learns that this Yokai has captured several maidens, and so he takes a band of men with him in an attempt to[...]
AmenohohiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Amenohohi Amenohohi (Majestic Rice Ears of Heaven) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the second born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This[...]
Priest Jakuren
Priest JakurenPeriod: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Bureau of Poetry Family: Fujiwara no Ietaka (son-in-law) Fujiwara no Shunzei (adopted father) Birth: 1139 Death: 1202 Priest Jakuren Priest Jakuren (寂蓮), originally known as Fujiwara no Sadanaga (藤原定長) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 1139 to 1202AD.[...]
Fujiwara no Sadayori
Fujiwara no SadayoriPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Caligrapher, Director of Military Affairs, Middle Counselor. Family: Emperor Murakami (grandfather) Fujiwara no Kinto (father) Birth: 995AD Death: 1045AD Fujiwara no Sadayori Fujiwara no Sadayori (藤原定頼) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 995 to 1045AD. He was the grandson of Emperor[...]
Sakanoue no Korenori
Sakanoue no KorenoriPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor. Family: Sakanoue no Mochiki (son) Birth: Death: 930AD Sakanoue no Korenori Sakanoue no Korenori (坂上是則) was a known waka poet who had a good career, and ended up with the position of Governor for the Province of Kaga. His poetic legacy includes forty[...]
Mino Province
Mino ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Mino Province Mino Province (美濃国) also known as Nōshū (濃州) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Gifu Prefecture. It is included as one of the eight Provinces which made up the Tōsandō Region. It is well known for its Mino[...]
Fujiwara no Tadahira
Fujiwara no TadahiraPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Sadaijin, Sesshō, Waka Poet. Family: Fujiwara no Mototsune (father) Fujiwara no Saneyori (son) Fujiwara no Morosuke (son) Fujiwara no Morotada (son) Fujiwara no Morouji (son) Fujiwara no Tokihira (brother) Fujiwara no Nakahira (brother) Fujiwara no Kanehira (brother) Fujiwara no Raishi (sister) Fujiwara no Baishi (sister) Fujiwara no Onshi[...]
Rokkaku Yoshitaka
Rokkaku YoshitakaPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Warlord (daimyo) Family: Rokkaku Clan Birth: 1521 Death: 1598 Rokkaku Yoshitaka Rokkaku Yoshitaka (六角 義賢), born in 1521 and dying in 1958, was a Samurai and later Buddhist Monk under the name of Shōtei1. He was also a warlord (daimyo) who approached Koga clan, with the[...]
Fujiwara no Sanekata
Fujiwara no SanekataPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor. Family: Fujiwara no Tadahira (great-grandfather) Birth: – Death: 998AD Fujiwara no Sanekata Fujiwara no Sanekata (藤原 実方) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. He was the great-grandson of the poet Fujiwara no Tadahira. He[...]
Sugitani Zenjubo
Sugitani ZenjuboPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Ninja / Sniper Family: Koga Clan Birth: – Death: 1573 Sugitani Zenjubo Sugitani Zenjubo (杉谷善住坊) was born to one of the 53 families of the Koga Clan, acting as Ninja and Sniper for them until his death in 1573. He was best known for his use[...]
Fujiwara no Ietaka
Fujiwara no IetakaPeriod: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Priest Jakuren (father-in-law) Fujiwara no Mitsutaka (father) Birth: 1158AD Death: 1237AD Fujiwara no Ietaka Fujiwara no Ietaka (藤原 家隆) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan who lived between 1158 and 1237.1 He was also known as Mibu-ni-i and Karyū.3[...]
Battle of Mimikawa
Battle of MimikawaFor all battles on the site see: List of Battles. Period: Azuchi-Momoyama Period Date: 1578 Location: Kyushu Outcome: Defeat of Ōtomo Sōrin’s forces Battle of Mimikawa The Battle of Mimikawa occurred in 1578 on the island of Kyushu. The battle involving the forces of daimyō Ōtomo Sōrin and his vassal Tsunokumo[...]
Bungo Province
Bungo ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Bungo Province Bungo Province (豊後国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Ōita Prefecture.1 Azuchi-Momoyama Period During this period it was ruled over by the daimyō Ōtomo Sōrin, who led his warriors into a battle later known as the Battle of[...]
Tsunokuma Sekiso
Tsunokuma SekisoPeriod: Azuchi-Momoyama Period Occupation: Gunbaisha (Military Strategist) Family: ? Birth: ? Death: 1578AD Tsunokuma Sekiso Tsunokuma Sekiso (角隈 石宗) was a Gunbaisha (Military Strategist) and Vassal during the Azuchi-Momoyama Period for the Warlord Ōtomo Sōrin. He died during the Battle of Mimikawa in 1578. Records from his life state that[...]
Daini no Sanmi
Daini no SanmiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Fujiwara no Nobutaka (father) Murasaki Shibuki (mother) Fujiwara no Kanetaka (husband) Takashina no Nariaki (husband) Birth: 999AD Death: – Daini no Sanmi Daini no Sanmi, (大弐三位) also known as Fujiwara no Katako was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, born in 999AD. She[...]
Fujiwara no Yukinari
Fujiwara no YukinariPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Caligrapher Family: Fujiwara no Yoshitaka (father) Fujiwara no Yukitsune (son) Birth: 972AD Death: 1027AD Fujiwara no Yukinari Fujiwara no Yukinari (藤原 行成) (972-10271 10282AD) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. The son of Fujiwara no Yoshitaka, during his[...]
Fujiwara no Yoshitaka
Fujiwara no YoshitakaPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Fujiwara no Koretada (father) Fujiwara no Yukinari (son) Fujiwara no Yoshikane (brother) Fujiwara no Kaishi (sister) Birth: 954AD Death: 974AD Fujiwara no Yoshitaka Fujiwara no Yoshitaka 藤原 義孝 (954 – 74) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of[...]
SakuSaku A Saku (柵 – also pronounced ki) is a type of stockade or palisade constructed in frontier regions. Notably, most were constructed between the 7th and 9th centuries in northern Honshu to defend against the northern Ezo People, as well as to provide administration to the surrounding areas. Known[...]
Nutari no Ki
Nutari no KiNutari no Ki Nutari no Ki (渟足柵) was a type of Saku (fortified frontier) erected in 647AD in the old Province of Echigo, close to the city of Niigata. It’s construction was carried out to serve as an outpost for the military to continue campaigns against the Ezo People of[...]
Imbe no Obito
Imbe no ObitoImbe no Obito Imbe no Obito was a part of the Imbe Clan, and is known to have overseen a group of artisans (Be) responsible for the maintenance and keeping of objects relating to Shinto worship.1 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”. London: Harvard University Press.[...]
Fujiwara no Nakamaro
Fujiwara no NakamaroPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Muchimaro (father) Fujiwara no Toyonari (brother) Fujiwara no Otomaro (brother) Fujiwara no Kosemaro (brother) Fujiwara no Sadatsugu (brother) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (aunt) Emperor Shōmu (uncle) Birth: 706AD Death:764AD Fujiwara no Nakamarō Fujiwara no Nakamarō (藤原 仲麻呂) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan,[...]
Fujiwara no Asukabehime
Fujiwara no AsukabehimePeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Prince Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (father) Empress Kōken (daughter) Emperor Shōmu (husband) Fujiwara no Miyako (sister) Fujiwara no Fusasaki (brother) Fujiwara no Umakai (brother) Fujiwara no Maro (brother) Fujiwara no Muchimaro (brother) Birth: – Death:- Fujiwara no Asukabehime Fujiwara no Asukabehime (藤原 安宿媛), later known as Empress[...]
Emperor Shōmu
Emperor ShōmuReign: 724-749AD Period: Nara Period Family: Emperor Monmu (father) Fujiwara no Miyako (mother) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (wife) Empress Kōken (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Genshō * Successor Empress Kōken Emperor Shōmu Emperor Shōmu (聖武天皇) was the 45th Emperor of Japan. He was the son of Emperor Monmu and Fujiwara no[...]
Fujiwara no Miyako
Fujiwara no MiyakoPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (father) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (sister) Fujiwara no Fusasaki (brother) Fujiwara no Muchimaro (brother) Fujiwara no Umakai (brother) Fujiwara no Maro (brother) Birth: – Death:- Fujiwara no Miyako Fujiwara no Miyako (藤原宮子) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan and daughter of Fujiwara[...]
Fujiwara no Fubito
Fujiwara no FubitoPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: Dainagon, Udajin Family: Nakatomi no Kamatari (father) Fujiwara no Higami no Iratsume (sister) Fujiwara no Ioe no Iratsume (sister) Fujiwara no Miyako (daughter) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (daughter) Fujiwara no Muchimaro (son) Fujiwara no Fusasaki (son) Fujiwara no Umakai (son) Fujiwara no Maro (son) Birth: 659AD Death:[...]
Empress Genmei
Empress GenmeiReign: 707-715AD Born: 661AD Died: 721AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Monmu (son) Prince Kusakabe (husband) Empress Jitō (half-sister) Emperor Tenji (father) Empress Genshō (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Monmu * Successor Empress Genshō Empress Genmei Empress Genmei (元明 天皇) was the 43rd Emperor of Japan. Known before her ascension to the throne as Princess Abe.1[...]
Kogo Shūi
Kogo ShūiKogo Shūi The Kogo Shūi (古語拾遺) is a document containing the achievements of the Imbe Clan. It was written in 807 by Imbe no Hironari.12 As well as the Clans achievements it also contains myths and legends from before the time of Emperor Jimmu, even containing legends not found in the[...]
Imbe no Hironari
Imbe no HironariPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Author Family: Imbe Clan Birth: – Death:- Imbe no Hironari Imbe no Hironari (斎部広成) was a member of the Imbe Clan. In an attempt to regain power and influence for his clan, after they had become eclipsed by the Nakatomi Clan, he writes and publishes the Kogo[...]
TakemikazuchinooAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Lightning Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Hihayahi (brother) Mikahayahi (brother) Takemikazuchinoo Takemikazuchinoo (建御雷之男神 – Brave Mighty Thunderbolt Man) is a Shinto Kami and the last of three Lightning Kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught[...]
JorōgumoJorōgumo The Jorōgumo (絡新婦) (Spider Bride) is a type of Yōkai. Toriyama Sekien depicts this Yōkai in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō giving it the alternative name of a ‘Harlot-Spider‘. Sekien depicts the creature perched atop a cherry tree in bloom (therefore depicting Spring), but with orb-weaver Spiders (who exist in[...]
Emperor Tenmu
Emperor TenmuReign: 673-686AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Empress Kōgyoku (mother) Empress Jitō (wife) Emperor Tenji (brother) Prince Kusakabe (son) Emperor Kōbun (nephew) Prince Ōtsu (son) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōbun * Successor Empress Jitō Emperor Tenmu Emperor Tenmu (天武天皇) (Prince Oama7) was the 40th Emperor of Japan reigning[...]
Emperor Tenji
Emperor TenjiReign: 661-672AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kōgyoku (mother) Emperor Kōtoku (uncle) Emperor Kōbun (son) Empress Jitō (daughter) Emperor Tenmu (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Saimei * Successor Emperor Kōbun Emperor Tenji Emperor Tenji (天智天皇) was the thirty-eighth Emperor of Japan, living from 626-672AD, and ruling[...]
Taika Reforms
Taika ReformsTaika Reforms The Taika Reforms (大化の改新) were a set of governmental overhauls instigated by Emperor Kōtoku and created by Prince Naka with the help of Nakatomi no Kamatari. The Reforms set up new provincial administrative systems as well as instigating the organisation of a census and a land survey. Lots[...]
Emperor Kōtoku
Emperor KōtokuReign: 645-654AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kogyoku (sister) Prince Naka (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Kogyoku * Successor Empress Saimei Emperor Kōtoku Emperor Kōtoku (孝徳天皇) was the 36th Emperor of Japan, reigning from 645-654AD.1 His name prior to ascension was Karu.2 Reign Kōtoku came to[...]
Empress Kōgyoku
Empress KōgyokuReign: 642-645 (Kōgyoku) 655-661 (Saimei) Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Jomei (husband) Prince Naka (son) Emperor Kotoku (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: 1st Reign Predecessor Emperor Jomei * Successor Emperor Kōtoku 2nd Reign Predecessor Emperor Kōtoku * Sucessor Emperor Tenji Empress Kōgyoku Empress Kōgyoku (皇極天皇) was the thirty-fifth[...]
Emperor Jomei
Emperor JomeiReign: 629-641AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Bidatsu (grand-father) Empress Kōgyoku (wife) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Suiko * Successor Empress Kōgyoku Emperor Jomei Emperor Jomei (舒明天皇) was the thirty-fourth Emperor of Japan. He was the grandson of the Emperor Bidatsu1 and husband of Empress Kōgyoku.12 This[...]
Empress Suiko
Empress SuikoReign: 593-628AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Bidatsu (husband) Emperor Kinmei (father) Emperor Yōmei (brother) Soga no Umako (uncle) Shōtoku Taisha (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Sushun * Successor Emperor Jomei Empress Suiko Empress Suiko (推古天皇) was the thirty-third Emperor of Japan1, younger sister to Emperor[...]
Emperor Sushun
Emperor SushunReign: 587-592AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Soga no Umako (uncle) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Yomei * Successor Emperor Suiko Emperor Sushun Emperor Sushun (崇峻天皇) was the thirty-second Emperor of Japan. He was placed on the throne by Soga no Umako after winning a skirmish against Mononobe[...]
Shōtoku Taishi
Shōtoku TaishiPeriod: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Yōmei (father) Empress Suiko (aunt) Occupation: Prince, sesshō Shōtoku Taishi Shōtoku Taishi (聖徳太子) also known as Prince Umayado was the son of Emperor Yomei nephew of Empress Suiko. He is said to have been able to speak at birth and was an accomplished scholar, able[...]
Emperor Bidatsu
Emperor BidatsuReign: 572-585AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kinmei (father) Empress Suiko (wife) Emperor Yōmei (half-brother) Emperor Jomei (grand-son) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kinmei * Successor Emperor Yōmei Emperor Bidatsu Emperor Bidatsu (敏達天皇) was the thirtieth Emperor of Japan. During his reign there were several court power[...]
Emperor Kinmei
Emperor KinmeiReign: 539-571AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Keitai (father) Emperor Senka (brother) Emperor Bidatsu (son) Emperor Yomei (son) Empress Suiko (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Senka * Successor Emperor Bidatsu Emperor Kinmei Emperor Kinmei (欽明天皇) is the twenty-ninth Emperor of Japan. His brother was the Emperor[...]
Emperor Senka
Emperor SenkaReign: 536-539AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Keitai (father) Emperor Ankan (brother) Emperor Kinmei (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ankan * Successor Emperor Kinmei Emperor Senka Emperor Senka (宣化天皇) was the twenty-eighth Emperor of Japan. Prior to his reign the Emperor both ruled as well as[...]
Emperor Buretsu
Emperor BuretsuReign: 498-507AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ninken * Successor Emperor Keitai Emperor Buretsu Emperor Buretsu (武烈天皇) was the twenty-fifth Emperor of Japan. During his reign he became well versed in law and enjoyed physical punishment known to have: Ripped up the belly[...]
Emperor Yūryaku
Emperor YūryakuReign: 456-479AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Anko (brother) Emperor Seinei (son) Prince Mayowa (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Anko * Successor Emperor Seinei Emperor Yūryaku Emperor Yūryaku (雄略天皇) is the twenty-first Emperor of Japan. He is recorded by his court chroniclers to have been a[...]
TamanooyaAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: – Tamanooya Tamanooya (玉祖命 / Jewel Ancestor1) is a Shinto kami. She is mentioned in the kojiki during the time when Amaterasu hides in the Sacred Rock Cave. She is tasked with making a string of jewels (magatama) to aide in convincing the Sun kami[...]
IshikoridomeAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Hinokuma (daughter) Amenonukado (father) Ishikoridome Ishikoridome (Stone Mold Crone1) (石凝姥命 or 伊斯許理度売命) is a Shinto kami who is mentioned during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave.2 Family This kami is claimed as the ancestor of the Mirror Makers in the[...]
Emperor Nintoku
Emperor NintokuReign: 313-400AD Period: Kofun Period Family: – Burial Place: Kofun in Osaka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ojin * Successor Emperor Richu Emperor Nintoku Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇) is said to have come to the throne after a succession dispute. He is the sixteenth Emperor of Japan. It is believed that[...]
Fujiwara Hidesato
Fujiwara HidesatoPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Chinjufu-shōgun, Governor Family: Fujiwara no Uona (ancestor) Fujiwara no Murao (father) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara Hidesato Fujiwara Hidesato (藤原 秀郷) also known as Tawara Tōda (俵藤太)3 is included in the Folktale My Lord Bag of Rice. He is noted to have had the nature of[...]
Sagami Bay
Sagami BayCo-ordinates: 35°07′N 139°23′E Sagami Bay Sagami Bay (相模湾) is a stretch of water lying to the south of Kanagawa Prefecture. Legendary Period The Bay is mentioned during the exploits of Yamato Takeru when he sails across it to subdue the Emishi. Crossing the bay a kami living in the water[...]
Sagami Province
Sagami ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Sagami Province Sagami Province (相模国) was an old Province in Japan, situated in what is now Kanagawa Prefecture, established during the Taika Reforms in 645.4 This area is called Sagami in the Kojiki1, but Suruga in the Nihongi2. Legendary Period Yamato Takeru travelled through here[...]
NanatsukahagiPeriod: Legendary Occupation: Military Nanatsukahagi Nanatsukahagi (七束脛命) was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehi no Muraji and Takehiko. He also acted as Steward to Yamato Takeru.12 Footnotes 1. Littleton. C.S. (1995) “Yamato-takeru: An Arthurian Hero in Japanese Tradition”. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol.[...]
Takehi no Muraji
Takehi no MurajiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Military / Five Daibu Family: – Birth: – Death: – Takehi no Muraji Takehi no Muraji (大伴武日連命), also known as Otomo no Takehi2 was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehiko and Nanatsukahagi.12 During his time with Yamato Takeru, he[...]
TakehikoTakehiko Takehiko. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick with us[...]
Owari Province
Owari ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Owari Province Owari Province (尾張国) was once a Province of Japan, located in what is now Aichi Prefecture. Created in 646 under the Kokugun System3, it is one of the 15 Provinces traversed by the Tokaido Road.13 This Province is also known as Bishū (尾州).3[...]
Yamato Hime
Yamato HimeYamato Hime Yamato Hime. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick[...]
Etchū Province
Etchū ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Etchū Province Etchū Province (越中国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Toyama Prefecture. Legendary Period It is mentioned in the Nihongi alongside that of Echigo Province and Echizen Province. However, they are grouped together and given the name of Koshi.[...]
Echigo Province
Echigo ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Echigo Province Echigo Province (越後国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Niigata Prefecture, established in the early 8th Century.1 The folktale called The Mirror of Matsuyama is set in this province.4 Legendary Period It is mentioned in the nihongi alongside[...]
Takeuchi no Sukune
Takeuchi no SukunePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Ōomi / Prime Minister Family: Hikofutooshimakoto (father/grandfather?) Yamashitakage (mother?) Hatanoyashiro (son) Kosenookara (son) Soga no Ishikawa (son) Hegurinotsuki (son) Kinotsunu (son) Mato of Kume (daughter) Princess Nunoiro (daughter) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (son) Wakugo (son) Birth: – Death: – Takeuchi no Sukune Takeuchi no Sukune (武内宿禰) was a legendery[...]
Hiyeda no Are
Hiyeda no ArePeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Katari Be? Hiyeda no Are Hiyeda no Are (稗田 阿礼) is known to have helped create the Kojiki which was completed in 712AD. Whether he was a man or woman it isn’t known. The whole document was written by Ō no Yasumaro, from the recitations of[...]
Ken’yuuPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk, Author. Ken’yuu Ken’yuu was a Buddhism who copied early records of the Kojiki. He began copying the 2nd and 3rd book in 1371 from a manuscript written by court aristocrat Ōnakatomi Sadayo in 1266, belonging to Ise-born textual lineage. One year later he uses[...]
Yamato Takeru
Yamato TakeruPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Hime (aunt) Emperor Chūai (son) Ōsu (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kamukushi (brother) several other wives and children see below Birth: – Death: – Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru (小碓命, Prince Ōsu – The Brave of[...]
Emperor Keikō
Emperor KeikōReign: 71-130AD Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Yasakairihime (wife) Emperor Seimu (son) many children see below Burial place: misasagi in Yamanobe Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suinin * Successor Emperor Seimu Emperor Keikō Emperor Keikō (景行天皇) was the twelfth Emperor of Japan also known as Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake[...]
Emperor Suinin
Emperor SuininReign: 29BC-70AD Born: Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Mimakihime (mother) many wives and children, see below. Burial place: misasagi in Fushimi, Sugahara Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Sujin * Successor Emperor Keikō Emperor Suinin Emperor Suinin (垂仁天皇) was the eleventh Emperor of Japan also known as Ikumeiribikoisachi (活目入彦五十狭茅天皇)123. He ruled from[...]
Enryaku-jiCo-ordinates: 35°04′14″N 135°50′28″E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Shiga Prefecture Founded: 788AD Affiliation: Buddhism Enryaku-ji Enryaku-ji (延暦寺) is a Buddhist Temple overlooking Kyoto. The temple itself is build upon Mount Hiei, situated in the old Province of Omi. Built during the Heian Period, the temple gained control of many estate lands[...]
OnmyōdōOnmyōdō Onmyōdō (陰陽道) is a concept in Japan which used the ideoogy of Ying and Yang which originated in China. Emperor Richū (400-406AD) is said to have died from a lack of harmony in the ‘elements of water and earth’ within him showing that the concept of Ying and Yang[...]
KojikiKojiki The Kojiki (古事記 – Records of Ancient Matters or An Account of Ancient Matters) is one of the earliest Japanese Chronicles we have from Japan. Creation and Authorship In AD682 the Emperor Tenmu commissioned his Princes and High Officials to prepare: a history of the Emperor’s and of matters[...]
Emperor Suizei
Emperor SuizeiReign: 581-549BC Born: 633/632BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Himetatara Isuzuhime (mother) Isuzuyorihime (wife) Emperor Annei (son) Kamiyawimimi (brother) Tagishimimi (half-brother) Burial place: Tsukidaoka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Jimmu * Successor Emperor Annei Emperor Suizei Emperor Suizei (綏靖 天皇) was the second Emperor of Japan and is[...]
Mutsu Province
Mutsu ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Mutsu Province Mutsu Province (陸奥国) is one of the many old Provinces of Japan. Originally known as Michinoku (陸奥 or 道奥) it was also known as Ōshu (奥州) or Rikushū and is categorized as one of the eight Tōsandō (Eastern Mountain Road) Provinces.12 The Province[...]
Fujiwara Clan
Fujiwara ClanFirst Ruler: Fujiwara no Kamatari Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – Parent House: Nakatomi Clan For a full list of Japanese Clans see: Clans. Fujiwara Clan The Fujiwara Clan (藤原氏) is a descendant of the Nakatomi Clan and came into existence after Nakatomi no Kamatari had his family name changed by[...]
Nakatomi no Kamatari
Nakatomi no KamatariPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: Naidaijin Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (son) Fujiwara no Higami no Iratsume (daughter) Fujiwara no Ioe no Iratsume (daughter) Birth: 614 Death: 669 Nakatomi no Kamatari Nakatomi no Kamatari (中臣 鎌足) was a member of the Nakatomi Clan and later founder of the Fujiwara Clan. Kamatari lived[...]
KujikiKujiki The Kujiki (旧事紀) also known as the Kuijiki (English: Chronicles of Old Matters of Former Ages) is one of the earliest literary chronicles still in existence from Japan compiled in AD620. The text was entrusted to the Soga Clan. However when the house fell in AD645 a large part[...]
Mononobe no Moriya
Mononobe no MoriyaPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Mononobe no Moriya Mononobe no Moriya (物部 守屋) was head of the Mononobe Clan during the reign of Emperor Sushun. He, not wishing to have Sushun on the throne, and to promote a different candidate, ended up in a[...]
Sarume Clan
Sarume ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Sarume Clan The Sarume Clan were one of the many various clans of Japan. This clan claimed descent from the Shinto kami Ameno Uzume.1 Footnotes 1. Martin, P. (1997) ”The Chrysanthemum Throne”. Gloucestershire: Sutton[...]
Soga no Umako
Soga no UmakoPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Iname (father) Soga no Emishi (son) Emperor Sushun (nephew) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Umako Soga no Umako (蘇我 馬子) was a member of the Soga Clan noted to have been even more powerful than his father, Soga no Iname. During[...]
Soga no Iruka
Soga no IrukaPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Emishi (father) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Iruka Soga no Iruka (蘇我 入鹿) was a member of the Soga Clan and alongside his father Soga no Emishi the two of them were very much in control of the political court. They[...]
Soga no Iname
Soga no InamePeriod: Kofun Period Occupation: Minister Family: Soga no Umako (son) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Iname Soga no Iname (蘇我 稲目) was one of the rulers of the Soga Clan, the Emperor Kinmei is known to have taken two of his daughters as consorts. Prior to the reign of[...]
Soga no Emishi
Soga no EmishiPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Umako (father) Soga no Iruka (son) Birth: – Death:- Soga no Emishi Soga no Emishi (蘇我 蝦夷) was a powerful leader of the Soga Clan. Such was his political power he placed on the throne the Emperor Jomei making the Emperor a[...]
Kamo Clan
Kamo ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Kamo Clan The Kamo Clan (賀茂氏) is one of the various Clans of Japan. They are known to have taken charge of the Onmyōdō alongside the Abe Clan after it was created by Emperor Kōtoku.1[...]
KumasoFor a full list of Clans: See Clans. Kumaso The Kumaso Tribe (熊襲) was a tribe of men that lived on the island of Tsukushi. They fought against the Imperial rule of Japan often rebelling at times against them and had to subdugated many times. Many events surroung their subdugation occur[...]
Urabe Clan
Urabe ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Urabe Clan The Urabe Clan is one of the Clans of Japan. During the reign of Emperor Kōtoku in the 7th Century, this clan alongside the Imbe Clan and Nakatomi Clan were tasked with[...]
Susano-oAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Yomi Family: Amaterasu (sister) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ōkuninushi (son) Takiribime (daughter) Ichikishimahime (daughter) Takitsuhime (daughter) Ōkuninushi (descendant) Numerous other decendants Susano-o Susano-o (須佐之男), also called Hayasusano-o2, is known to be the father of Ōkuninushi and brother to the Sun Amaterasu and Moon Tsukiyomi. He rules over Yomi[...]
Imbe Clan
Imbe ClanFirst ruler: – Final ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Imbe Clan The Imbe Clan (忌部氏, 斎部氏) were one of the many various clans of Japan. This clan claimed descent from the Shinto kami Ameno Futodama.3 The kami Hiwashi is said to be[...]
ShintoShinto Shinto (神道) is one of the main relgions of Japan and is native to the country. Founding Mythology Founding Kami See also: List of Shinto Kami. The original three kami of Shinto which appeared when Heaven and Earth formed, as related in the Kojiki were known as follows:1 Amenominakanushi[...]
EmishiFor a full list of Clans: See Clans. Emishi The Emishi (蝦夷 – Eastern Barbarians), also called at time the Ezo People1, were a Clan of people living on the periphery of the Yamato borders. Some scholars believe they could be the ancestors of the Ainu.2 Historically they are known[...]
NihongiNihongi The Nihongi (日本紀 – Japanese Chronicles) also called the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀 – The Chronicles of Japan) is one of the oldest documents we have concerning early and mythological Japanese history. Creation and Sources The document was completed in AD7201, however, its inception may have begun in AD714 when[...]
TenguTengu The Tengu (天狗) are a type of Yōkai depicted as a type of Raven in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō. They have deep associations with the Shugendō Religion, seen as guardians of Mountains and some legends state that martial artists such as Miyamoto no Yoshitsune learned their tricks from these[...]
Mononobe Clan
Mononobe ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Mononobe Clan The Mononobe Clan (物部氏) are known to have made up the Imperial Guard. This clan is said to be the descendant of Ōhesoki.1 Legendary Period 80 Mononobe are said to have[...]
Soga Clan
Soga ClanFirst Ruler: Soga no Ishikawa Final Ruler: Soga no Emishi Dissolution: 645AD For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Soga Clan The Soga Clan (蘇我氏) was a very powerful clan in ancient Japan, orchestrating the placing of several rulers on the Imperial Throne. Legendary Founding The kojiki lists[...]
Nakatomi Clan
Nakatomi ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – Cadet Branches: Fujiwara Clan For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Nakatomi Clan The Nakatomi Clan (The Intercessors1– 中臣氏) are known to have been the Hereditary Chief Custodians of Shinto and Rituals claiming descent from the Shinto kami Ameno Koyane.2 [...]
Abe Clan
Abe ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Abe Clan The Abe Clan (安倍氏) is one of the various Clans of Japan. Families This particular clan finds itself in two different areas of Japan. (This could make it difficult in piecing together[...]
ClansJapan throughout its long history had a multitude of Clans (氏 – uji) with this page serving as a list of all those currently on the website. Clans Abe Clan * One of two families instated as leaders of the Ommyoryo. Akamatsu Family * One of four families eligible to[...]
Ameno Uzume
Ameno UzumeAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Sarume Clan Ameno Uzume Ameno Uzume (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) is known to be the ancestor of the Sarume Clan.2 She is mentioned in the nihongi and kojiki during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave because of the actions of her brother[...]
Ameno Koyane
Ameno KoyaneAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Kogotomusuhi (father) Nakatomi Clan Ameno Koyane Ameno Koyane (天児屋命, 天児屋根命) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the kojiki and nihongi.12 This kami is claimed as the ancestor to the Nakatomi Clan1, with the nihongi listing this kami’s father as Kogotomusuhi.2 We see them[...]
Ameno Futodama
Ameno FutodamaAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Imbe Clan Ameno Futodama Ameno Futodama (布刀玉, 太玉 or 天太玉) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the kojiki and nihongi.12 The Gleanings of Ancient Words1 as well as the nihongi2 list Futodama as the ancestress of the Imbe Clan. The Engi Shiki lists[...]