Wiki Category: Nihongi

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Nihongi.



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Himetatara Isuzuhime (daughter) Kimi of Kamo (descendants) Kimi of Ōmiwa (descendants) Ōmiwa Ōmiwa is a Shinto kami seen mentioned in the Nihongi. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kimi of Kamo and Kimi of Ōmiwa. His daughter was Himetatara Isuzuhime. He is[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Amenofuyukinu (father) Sashikuniwakahime (mother) Susano-o (ancestor) Yamatotohime (wife) Ikutamayoribime (wife) Kushimigata (son) Ohotataneko (descendant) Ōkuninushi Ōkuninushi (大国主神 – Great Land Master1) is a Shinto kami. Family The kojiki states he is the son of Amenofuyukinu and Sashikuniwakahime, due to this he is a decendant of Susano-o.1[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Clothing Family: Futemimi (mother) Yatsukamizu Omitsuno (father) Sashikuniwakahime (wife) Ōkuninushi (son) Amenofuyukinu Amenofuyukinu (天之冬衣神 – Padded Winter Robe of Heaven1) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the Kojiki and Nihongi. In the Kojiki he is said to have been the son of Futemimi and Yatsukamizu Omitsuno.[...]

Suganoyuyamanushi Mitsunasarohikoyamaashino

Suganoyuyamanushi Mitsunasarohikoyamaashino

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Susano-o (father) Kushinadahime (mother) Suganoyuyamanushi Mitsunasarohikoyamaashino Suganoyuyamanushi Mitsunasarohikoyamaashino is a Shinto kami found mentioned in an alternative version of the Nihongi. Here he is stated to be the son of Kushinadahime and Susano-o, the only other thing mentioned about him is that Ōkuninushi was[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ashinadzuchi (father) Tenadzuchi (mother) Susano-o (husband) Ōkuninushi (son?) Yashimajinumi (son) Suga-no-yu-yama-nushi Mitsu-na-saro-hiko-yamaa-shino (son) Kushinadahime Kushinadahime (櫛名田比売 / 奇稲田姫 – Lady Wondrous Rice Paddies2) is a Shinto kami seen within the Kojiki and Nihongi narrative with connections to Susano-o and the Dragon Yamata no Orochi.12[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Agricultural? Family: Ashinadzuchi (husband) Kushinadahime (daughter) Tenadzuchi Tenadzuchi ( 手名椎 / 手摩乳命) is a Shinto kami seen in the texts of the Kojiki and Nihongi in relation to their dealings with Yamata no Orochi. She is the wife of Ashinadzuchi and mother to Kushinadahime in both[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Tenadzuchi (wife) Kushinadahime (daughter) Ōyamatsumi (father) Ashinadzuchi Ashinadzuchi ( 足名椎 / 脚摩乳命) is a Shinto kami seen in the texts of the Kojiki and Nihongi in relation to their dealings with Yamata no Orochi. He is the husband of Tenadzuchi and father to Kushinadahime in both the Nihongi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Trees? Family: Susano-o (father) Isotakeru (brother) Oyatsuhime (sister) Tsumatsuhime Tsumatsuhime is a Shinto kami mentioned alongside his father in alternative versions of the Nihongi. The tale states Susano-o was jealous of the land of Han and its riches, and so from his body he pucked many[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Trees? Family: Susano-o (father) Isotakeru (brother) Tsumatsuhime (sister) Oyatsuhime Oyatsuhime (大屋都比賣神 / 大屋津姫命) is a Shinto kami mentioned alongside his father in alternative versions of the Nihongi. The tale states Susano-o was jealous of the land of Han and its riches, and so from his body he[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Trees? Family: Susano-o (father) Oyatsuhime (sister) Tsumatsuhime (sister) Isotakeru Isotakeru (五十猛神) is a Shinto kami mentioned alongside his father in alternative versions of the Nihongi. The first mentions that after his father was banished from Heaven he went to dwell in Silla with Isotakeru. Before leaving[...]

Yamata no Orochi

Yamata no Orochi

Yamata no Orochi Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ, also 八岐大蛇 , 八俣遠呂智 or 八俣遠呂知, 大蛇) was a giant serpentine Dragon mentioned in the Shinto Mythologies in association with Susano-o. The Dragon and Susano-o can be found in old texts such as the Kojiki and Nihongi.12 The appaearance of the Dragon in[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: – Yamatsuchi Yamatsuchi is a Shinto kami seen in an alternative writing of the Nihongi. In this version they are tasked with gathering Sakaki Tree’s as part of the offerings to try and coax Amaterasu out of the Sacred Rock Cave.1 Footnotes 1. Aston.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ishikoridome (creator) Hinomahe Hinomahe is a Shinto kami mentioned in an alternative writing of the Nihongi. It states that Ishikoridome formed a Sun Spear made out of copper from Mount Kagu to help get Amaterasu out of the cave as well as Heavenly Bellows[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Amenoakarudama Amenoakarudama is a Shinto kami mentioned in an alternative writing of the Nihongi where he said to be the child of Izanagi and is instructed with making jewels to try and coax Amaterasu out of the Sacred Rock Cave.1 Under another name of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Wakahirume Wakahirume (稚日女尊) is a Shinto kami mentioned in the Nihongi. She is seen in an alternative writing of the Nihongi where she is startled by the acts of Susano-o whilst in the Weaving Hall of Takamagahara. She injurues herself on the weaving shuttle[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: – Hiwashi Hiwashi (天日鷲神) is a Shinto kami mentioned in the Nihongi. They are seen in an alternative writing of the Nihongi during the time when Amaterasu is hiding in the Sacred Rock Cave. He is instructed to gather tree fibres as one of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ameno Koyane (daughter) Nakatomi Clan Kogotomusuhi Kogotomusuhi is a Shinto kami seen in the Nihongi. He is stated to have been the father of Ameno Koyane.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to AD697”. Tuttle Publishing.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ishikoridome (daughter) Amenonukado Amenonukado (天抜戸命) is the father of Ishokoridome. He is mentioned in the Nihongi as such, but also in one alternative writing of the Nihongi it states that he was the kami who fashioned the mirror that coaxed Amaterasu out of the Rock[...]



Mujina Mujina (貉) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien and are known to be shapeshifters like the tanuki or kitsune. One story involving this creature details how it liked to take the form of a monk and would perform devotions everyday[...]

Jōgū Shōtoku Hōōtei setsu

Jōgū Shōtoku Hōōtei setsu

Jōgū Shōtoku Hōōtei setsu Jōgū Shōtoku Hōōtei setsu (上宮聖徳法王帝説 – Traditions concerning His Holiness, Prince Shōtoku) is a one volume piece of literature of unknown authorship concerning Shōtoku Taisha. Background The original document is said to have been housed in the temple of Hōryū-ji in Nara, however, the only remaining[...]

Izumo Fudoki

Izumo Fudoki

Izumo Fudoki Izumo Fudoki (出雲国風土記)  is a Fudoki (Regional Report) about Izumo Province, originally compiled in 733AD. Authorship and Layout Compiled by Miyake no Omi Kanatari and Izumo no Omi Hiroshima it consists of 11 Chapters in total. The first Chapter introduces the province and the procedures used to make[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Susano-o (father?) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amenohohi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi Hinohayahi is a Shinto kami mentioned in one alternative version of the Nihongi where he is born from Susano-o placing one of the jewels from his hair onto his left foot.1 Footnotes 1. Aston.[...]



Be See also: Court Titles, Imperial Titles, Provincial Titles, Uji, Sesshō and Kampaku Be (部) was the term used for groupings of people prior to the 7th Century who has associations to the Yamato Court or lineage groups (uji). The individual people in a ‘Be’ were known as ‘bumin.’ All[...]



Shiranui Shiranui (不知火 – Unknown Fire) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. Now, this entitiy is not truly a creature, and more of a natural phenomenon. It is the name for strange atmospheric light in which lights seen upon the shoreline[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Advisor of Heaven. Family: – Omoikane Omoikane, (思兼 / 思金) also known as Tokoyo-no-omoi-kane is a kami from Shinto mythology mentioned in both the Kojiki and Nihongi.12 Once Amaterasu flees into the Sacred Rock Cave and the sun disapears from Heaven and Earth, this kami is[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amenohohi (father) Takehiratori Takehiratori (建比良鳥 – Brave Hinterland Bird1) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the Kojiki and Nihongi.12 The kami also goes by the names of Amenohinatori and Takehinateri.2 He is said to be the son of Amenohohi  and became the ancestor for[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: – Amenotajikarao Amenotajikarao (天手力男神 / 天手力雄神) is mentioned as the Shinto kami who places himself outside of the Sacred Rock Cave in Heaven after Amaterasu hides herself inside. After Ameno Uzume causes Amaterasu to peer out of the cave in interest, Amenotajikarao grabs her[...]

Shiki and Kyaku

Shiki and Kyaku

Shiki and Kyaku Shiki and Kyaku (Admnistrative/Ceremonial Procedures and Penal Codes) are two different types of legal documents made to implement the laws of the late 7th and early 8th centuries. The first Shiki and Kyaku were completed in the Kōnin Era, the second in the Jōgan Era. The Engi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amenohohi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Kumanokusubi Kumanokusubi (Wonder Worker of Bear Moors) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the fifth and final born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amenohohi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Ikutsuhikone Ikutsuhikone (Lively Little Lad) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the fourth born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This is related in[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amenohohi (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Amatsuhikone Amatsuhikone (Little lad of Heaven) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the third born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This is related[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Amenohohi Amenohohi (Majestic Rice Ears of Heaven) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the second born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenohohi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Amenooshihomimi Amenooshihomimi (Ruling Rice Ears of Heaven) also known as Masa-katsu-a-katsu-kachi-haya-hi-ame-no-oshi-ho-mimi (Truly Winning Have I Won with Rushing Might Ruling Grand Rice Ears of Heaven) is a son of Amaterasu, he was[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Munakata. Family: Susano-o (father) Takiribime (sister) Ichikishimahime (sister) Takitsuhime Takitsuhime (Lady Seething Torrent) is a Shinto kami and one of the kami of Munakata. She is the third of three sisters born from the sword of Susano-o after being chewed up and spat out by Amaterasu according to[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Munakata. Family: Susano-o (father) Takiribime (sister) Takitsuhime (sister) Ichikishimahime Ichikishimahime (Lady Consecrated Isle) also known as Sayoribime (Lady Summons Spirit) is a Shinto kami and one of the kami of Munakata. She is the second of three sisters born from the sword of Susano-o after being[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Rice? Family: Izanagi (original owner) Amaterasu (wearer) Mikuratana Mikuratana (Mighty Storehouse Shelf) is a kami from Shinto mythology. She is a divine necklace, given by Izanagi to his daughter Amaterasu before she ascends to rule Heaven, this is related in the kojiki. Within the nihongi she[...]



Heaven This page about Heaven serves to bring together information we have gathered relating to the various ‘Heaven’s’ from different religions in Japan. As we gather more information this page may be broken down into seperate pages. Takamagahara – Shinto Takamagahara (高天原) is the Shinto version of Heaven. Its origins[...]

Nihon Kiryaku

Nihon Kiryaku

Nihon Kiryaku The Nihon Kiryaku (日本紀略), also known as the Nihon kurui and Hennen kiryaku is a literary compilation of the history of Japan created during the Heian Period. It’s authorship is unknown, with its mythological section being taken from the Nihongi. In total there are 34 chapters, and cover[...]



Amekumabito Amekumabito is a Shinto kami mentioned in the nihongi. She is tasked with going to the body of Ukemochi, by Amaterasu, after Tsukiyomi has killed her. Upon the body of Ukemochi she finds and brings back from her body ox, horse, millet, silkworm, panic, rice, wheat, large beans and smalls[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: ??? Ukemochi Ukemochi (保食神) was a Shinto kami, mentioned in the Nihongi, that dwelt upon Japan. Amaterasu learns of her existence and so sends her brother Tsukiyomi to go and attend her. Upon his arrival she turns her head towards the land causing boiled mouth[...]

Road Wardens of Yomi

Road Wardens of Yomi

Road Wardens of Yomi The Road Wardens of Yomi are a collection of beings mentioned in one alternative version of the Nihongi are a residents of Yomi. In this version they appear at the Even Pass of Yomi after Izanagi has fled from his wife after seeing her rotting body. They[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: ?? Kukurihime Kukurihime (菊理媛神) is a Shinto kami who appears in one alternative version of the Nihongi. She appears to Izanagi after he has left his wife in Yomi and divorced her. The Nihongi says that this kami says something enjoyable to Izanagi and then[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Yomotsukotosakanoo Yomotsukotosakanoo is a Shinto kami mentioned within an alternative text of the Nihongi. It states that this kami came into being after Izanagi and Izanami departed and divorced each other in Yomi. Izanagi ‘purifies himself’ which produces the kami Yomotsukotosakanoo, this is immediately[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father?)   Hayatamanoo Hayatamanoo is a Shinto kami mentioned within an alternative text of the Nihongi. It states that this kami came into being after Izanagi and Izanami departed and divorced each other in Yomi. Izanagi then spits on the ground which produces this kami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Iwatsutsunoo (brother) Iwatsutsunome Iwatsutsunome (Stone Mallet Woman?) is a Shinto kami, said to have come into existence from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari. This is only mentioned in one ‘alternative’ version of the nihongi where she[...]



Kyūji The Kyūji (旧辞) is an ancient piece of Japanese literature which was compiled during the 6th century AD. It was known to have contained collections of both myths and legends surrounding Japan. However, this work no longer exists. It is thought that this document, alongside the Teiki to have[...]

Tachibana River

Tachibana River

Tachibana River The Tachibana River, though its modern day location is unknown, is said to have historically been located in the area known as ‘Awaki‘ in Himuka Province. Due to this it would have been located in modern day Miyazaki Prefecture. This is the river mentioned in both the Kojiki[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Moon Family: Izanami? (mother) Izanagi (father) Susano-o (brother) Amaterasu (sister) Tsukiyomi Tsukiyomi (月読) is the moon kami in Shinto mythology, brother to Amaterasu and Susano-o. Birth According to both the Kojiki and the Nihongi this kami was born from Izanagi after cleansing himself from the[...]



Co-ordinates: 36°N 138°E Prefectures: ”To be completed.” Honshu Honshu (本州) is the main of the four islands of Japan. Mythological Creation According to the kojiki, this island (dubbed Yamato) was the last of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles made by the kami Izanami and Izanagi, inhabited by the kami Amenomisoratoyoakitsunewake.1[...]

Yamato Sanzan

Yamato Sanzan

Yamato Sanzan Yamato Sanzan (大和三山, Three Hillls of Yamato) are located near the city of Kashihara in Nara Prefecture, Kansai Region. These three mountains are Unebiyama, Amanokagushima and Miminashiyama. All three of them are formed of igneous rock and are mentioned in the Man’yōshū.1 Mount Unebi Co-ordinates: 34°29′32.5″N135°47′06″E Height: 199.2m Mount[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Uhatsuwatatsumi (sibling) Utsushihikanasaku (child) Uhatsutsuo Uhatsutsuo (Surface Sail Man – 上筒之男神) is the last of two Shinto kami born from Izanagi bathing on the surface of the Tachibana River after wanted to cleanse himself of the evils of Yomi. They are one of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Uhatsutsuo (sibling) Uhatsuwatatsumi Uhatsuwatatsumi (Surface Ocean Majesty – 上津綿津見神) is the first of two Shinto kami born from Izanagi bathing on the surface of the Tachibana river after leaving Yomi and wishing to cleanse himself of its impurities. This is stated in both[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Nakatsuwatatsumi (sibling) Utsushihikanasaku (child) Nakatsutsuo Nakatsutsuo (Middle Sail Man – 中筒之男神) is the last of two Shinto kami born from Izanagi bathing in the middle of the Tachibana River after wanting to cleanse himself of the evils of Yomi. They are one of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Nakatsutsuo (sibling) Nakatsuwatatsumi Nakatsuwatatsumi (Middle Ocean Majesty – 中津綿津見神) is the first of two Shinto kami born from Izanagi bathing in the middle of the Tachibana river after leaving Yomi and wishing to cleanse himself of its impurities. This is stated in both[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Sokotsuwatatsumi (sibling) Utsushihikanasaku (child) Sokotsutsunoo Sokotsutsunoo (Bottom Sail Man – 底筒之男神) is the last of two Shinto kami born from Izanagi bathing at the bottom of the Tachibana River after wanting to cleanse himself of the evils of Yomi. They are one of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Sokotsutsuo (sibling) Sokotsuwatatsumi Sokotsuwatatsumi (Bottom Ocean Majesty – 底津綿津見神) is the first of two Shinto kami born from Izanagi bathing at the bottom of the Tachibana river after leaving Yomi and wishing to cleanse himself of its impurities. This is stated in both[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Good fortune, purity and propriety. Family: Izanagi (father) Kaminaobi (sibling) Izunome (sibling) Ōnaobi Ōnaobi (Great Remedy – 大直毘神) is a Shinto kami of good fortune, purity and propriety.1 They were the last of two kami born from Izanagi remedying the evil of Yomi from his body,[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Good fortune, purity and propriety. Family: Izanagi (father) Ōnaobi (sibling) Izunome (sibling) Kaminaobi Kaminaobi (Sacred Remedy – 神直毘神) is a Shinto kami of good fortune, purity and propriety.1 They were the first of two kami born from Izanagi remedying the evil of Yomi from his body,[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Calamity, evil occurrences, curses and defilement. Family: Izanagi (father) Ōmagatsuhi (sibling) Yasomagatsuhi Yasomagatsuhi (Many Mishaps Bringer – 八十禍津日神) is a Shinto kami of calamity, evil occurrences, curses and defilement.1 They were the only kami born from Izanagi cleansing away the impurities of Yomi according to the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Akiguinoushi Akiguinoushi (飽咋之宇斯能神 – Master Filled Full) was the sixth of 12 Shinto kami born from Izanagi removing items from his body after wanting to wash and cleanse himself after visiting Yomi. This kami was formed from his hat and this is all related[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Chimata Chimata (道俣神 – Road Fork) was the fifth of 12 Shinto kami born from Izanagi removing items from his body after wanting to wash and cleanse himself after visiting Yomi. This kamiwas formed from his trousers and this is all related in[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Wazurainoushi Wazurainoushi (和豆良比能宇斯能神 – Master Miasma) was the fourth of 12 Shinto kami born from Izanagi removing items from his body after wanting to wash and cleanse himself after visiting Yomi. This kami was formed from his Mantle and this is all related[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Travel Family: Izanagi (father) Michinonagachiha Michinonagachiha (道之長乳歯神 – Long Winding Way Stones) was the second of 12 Shinto kami born from Izanagi removing items from his body after wanting to wash and cleanse himself after visiting Yomi. This kami was formed from his Sash. He is[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Travel and Crossroads Family: Izanagi (father) Tsukitatsufunato Tsukitatsufunato (衝立船戸神 – Post at the Road Bend) was the first of 12 Shinto kami born from Izanagi removing items from his body after wanting to wash and cleanse himself after visiting Yomi. This kami was formed from his[...]

Empress Jitō

Empress Jitō

Reign: 690-697AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Tenmu (husband) Prince Kusakabe (son) Empress Genmei (half-sister) Emperor Monmu (grand-son) Emperor Tenji (father) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Tenmu * Successor Emperor Monmu Empress Jitō Empress Jitō (持統天皇) was the 41st Emperor of Japan, living from 645-702, and ruling[...]

Kogo Shūi

Kogo Shūi

Kogo Shūi The Kogo Shūi (古語拾遺) is a document containing the achievements of the Imbe Clan. It was written in 807 by Imbe no Hironari.12 As well as the Clans achievements it also contains myths and legends from before the time of Emperor Jimmu, even containing legends not found in the[...]

The Eight Thunder Kami

The Eight Thunder Kami

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Thunder Family: None The Eight Thunder Kami The Eight Thunder Kami are the Thunder kami in Shinto Mythology which dwell in the land of Yomi. In the kojiki they are seen crawling on the body of Izanami when her husband looks upon her dead body in Yomi.[...]



Yomi Yomi (黄泉) is the Land of the Dead or Underworld in Shinto Mythology. It is also called the ‘land that lies beneath the hard earth’s roots’ (Nenokatasukuni).2 We first see this place mentioned when Izanami dies after giving birth to the Fire-kami Kagutsuchi. Her husband/brother Izanagi enters into Yomi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Affiliations with Yomi. Family: None Shikome The Shikome (黄泉醜女) (also called the Hisame) are the names for the Eight Ugly Females of Yomi. The Wamiōsho also gives them the additional name of Gogome and says they were used as a kind of bogey men to scare children.1[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Boulder covering the entrance to Yomi Family: None Chigaeshinoōkami Chigaeshinoōkami (道返之大神 – Great Spirit Road Retreat) is the Shinto kami of the boulder that Izanagi places in front of the entrance of Yomi so his wife Izanami cannot pursue him.12 This kami has the alternate names[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Mountains Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Masakayamatsu (sibling) Odoyamatsumi (sibling) Kurayamatsumi (sibling) Okuyamatsumi (sibling) Hayamatsumi (sibling) Harayamatsumi (sibling) Toyomatsumi (sibling) Shigiyamatsumi Shigiyamatsumi (志藝山津見神 – Mountain Forest Majesty) is the fifth of eight Shinto Mountain kami born from the body of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari, owned[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Mountains Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Masakayamatsu (sibling) Odoyamatsumi (sibling) Okuyamatsumi (sibling) Shigiyamatsumi (sibling) Hayamatsumi (sibling) Harayamatsumi (sibling) Toyomatsumi (sibling) Kurayamatsumi Kurayamatsumi (闇山津見神 – Mountain Gorge Majesty) is the fourth of eight Shinto Mountain kami born from the body of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari, owned[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Ravines Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Kuraokami (sibling) Kuramitsuha Kuramitsuha (闇御津羽神 – Ravine Water Rushing) is a Shinto kami and the last of two Ravine kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon the swords hilt[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Ravines Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Kuramitsuha (brother) Kuraokami Kuraokami (闇淤加美神 – Ravine Rain Serpent) is a Shinto kami and the first of two Ravine kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon the swords[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Lightning Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Hihayahi (brother) Mikahayahi (brother) Takemikazuchinoo Takemikazuchinoo (建御雷之男神 – Brave Mighty Thunderbolt Man) is a Shinto Kami and the last of three Lightning Kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Lightning Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Mikahayahi (brother) Takemikazuchinoo (brother) Hihayahi Hihayahi (樋速日神 – Blazing Stormer) is a Shinto kami and the second of three Lightning kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Lightning Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Hihayahi (brother) Takemikazuchinoo (brother) Mikahayahi Mikahayahi (甕速日神 – Stern Stormer) is a Shinto kami and the first of three Lightning kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Nesaku (brother) Iwasaku (brother) Iwatsutsunoo Iwatsutsunoo (石筒之男神 – Stone Mallet Man) is a Shinto kami and the last of three born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon the swords tip[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Iwasaku (brother) Iwatsutsunoo (brother) Nesaku Nesaku (根折神 – Root Splitter) is a Shinto kami and the second of three born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon the swords tip dripped[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Kagutsuchi (father) Nesaku (brother) Iwatsutsunoo (brother) Iwasaku Iwasaku (石折神 – Boulder Splitter) is a Shinto kami and the first of three kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by the sword Itsunoohabari owned by Izanagi. The blood, caught upon the swords tip[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Fire, Volcanoes, Slash and Burn Agriculture Family: Izanagi (father) Izanami (mother) Haniyamahime (wife) Children (numerous, see below) Kagutsuchi Kagutsuchi (Flame Elder – 軻遇突智) is the kami of Fire in Shinto Mythology. He is also known as Hinoyagihayao (Swift Burning Flame Man), Hinokagabiko (Blazing Flame Lad), Hinokagutsuchi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanagi (father) Nakisawame Nakisawame (Much Wailing Woman1 kojiki – 泣沢女神, nihongi – 啼沢女命) is a Shinto kami born from the tears of Izanagi in mourning over his wife’s death. She is said to dwell on Kaguyama, at the base of the tree trunks there.12 We[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Wakamusubi (father) Toyoukebime Toyoukebime (Lady Bountiful Fare), sometimes called Toyouke, is a Shinto kami said to be the daughter of Wakamusubi.12 She is worshiped in Ise.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Agriculture Family: Izanami (mother) Haniyamahime (mother) Kagutsuchi (father) Mizuhanome (sibling) Wakumusubi Wakumusubi (和久産巣日神 – Fresh Growth) is Shinto kami of Agriculture born from the urine of Izanami during her death throws after being burnt by the kami Kagutsuchi. He is the brother of Mizuhanome and has a child[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Irrigation Family: Izanami (mother) Wakumusubi (sibling) Mizuhanome Mizuhanome  (彌都波能売神 – Water Gushing Woman) was a child of Izanami, born from her urine during her death throws after being burnt after the birth of Kagutsuchi. She is the sister of Wakumusubi in the kojiki.1 The Engi Rites state[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Earth Family: Izanami (mother) Haniyasubiko (brother) Kagutsuchi (husband) Wakumusubi (child) Haniyasubime Haniyasubime (波邇夜須毘売神 – Lady Kneading Clay) is a Shinto kami born from the excrement of Izanami in her death throws after being burnt by giving birth to Kagutsuchi, this is all related in the Kojiki. Her[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Earth Family: Izanami (mother) Haniyasubiko Haniyasubiko (波邇夜須毘古神 – Kneading Clay Lad) is a Shinto kami born from the excrement of Izanami in her death throws after being burnt by giving birth to Kagutsuchi, this is all related in the Kojiki. His sister is the kami Hanayasuhime and[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Metals Family: Izanami (mother) Kanayamabiko (brother) Kanayamahime Kanayamahime (金山毘売神 – Lady Metal Mountain) is a kami born from the vomit of Izanami in her death throws after being burnt by giving birth to Kagutsuchi. This is mentioned in the kojiki.1 She is the sister of Kanayamabiko and the Engi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Metals Family: Izanami (mother) Kanayamahime (sister) Kanayamabiko Kanayamabiko (金山毘古神 – Metal Mountain Lad) is a kami born from the vomit of Izanami in her death throws after being burnt by giving birth to Kagutsuchi. This is mentioned in the kojiki and nihongi.12 He is the brother of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Torinoiwakusufune Torinoiwakusufune (鳥之石楠船神 – Swooping Stone Hard Ship of Camphor Wood) also known as Amenotoribume (Bird Boat of Heaven) is said to be the son of Izanami and Izanagi in both the kojiki and nihongi12. In the kojiki he is said to[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: kami of the Earth Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Haniyasu Haniyasu is a Shinto Earth kami mentioned in one version of the nihongi where she is stated to have been born by Izanami and Izanagi after the kami Kukunochi.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Hunger? Rice. Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Alternatively Susano-o (father) Kamu Ōichihime (mother) Ukanomitama Ukanomitama (倉稲魂命) is a Shinto kami mentioned in one version of the nihongi where she is born from the hunger of Izanami and Izanagi after the kami Shinatsuhiko had been created.1 We find[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime Ōtomatohime (大戸惑女神 – Lady Great Valley) was the eighth and last child born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki. Her name could alternatively[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Ōtomatohiko Ōtomatohiko (大戸惑子神 – Great Valley Lad) was the seventh of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki. His name could alternatively be[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Kuninokurado Kuninokurado (国之闇戸神 – Land’s Steep Gorge) was the sixth of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of this[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Amenokurado Amenokurado (天之闇戸神 – Heaven’s Steep Gorge) was the fifth of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of this[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Kuninosagiri Kuninosagiri (国之狭霧神 – Land’s First Mist) was the fourth of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of this[...]



For the Yokai of the same name see: Nozuchi (Yokai) Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Herbs (nihongi) Moorland (kojiki) Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ōyamatsumi (brother/husband) Kuninosazuchi (son) Amenosazuchi (daughter) Amenosagiri (daughter) Kuninosagiri (son) Amenokurado (daughter) Kuninokurado (son) Ōtomatohime (daughter) Ōtomatohiko (son) Kayanohime Kayanohime (草野姫命 – Lady Thatch) also called Nozuchi (Moorland[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Mountains Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Kayanohime (sister/wife) Kuninosazuchi (son) Amenosazuchi (daughter) Amenosagiri (daughter) Kuninosagiri (son) Amenokurado (daughter) Kuninokurado (son) Ōtomatohime (daughter) Ōtomatohiko (son) Several others. Ōyamatsumi Ōyamatsumi (大山祇 – Great Mountain Majesty) is the kami of the Mountains and was created by Izanami and[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Trees Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Kukunochi Kukunochi (久久能智神 – Tree Trunk Elder1) is the ancestor of all trees, created by Izanami and Izanagi after the islands of Tsushima and Iki. This is related in the nihongi. Another version of the nihongi goes on to[...]