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Miyamoto no Yoshitsune

Miyamoto no Yoshitsune

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Samurai Miyamoto no Yoshitsune Miyamoto no Yoshitsune (源 義経) was a known martial artist and a Samurai during his lifetime. According to legend, he learnt his skills in martial art from the Yōkai known as the Tengu.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium:[...]

Kawanabe Kyōsai

Kawanabe Kyōsai

Born: 1831 Died: 1889 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Kawanabe Kyōsai Kawanabe Kyōsai (河鍋 暁斎) (1831-1889) was a Ukiyo-e artists who was associated with the Utagawa School. As a great artist he created many striking portrayals of Yōkai and Yurei inspired by Toriyama Sekien.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt,[...]

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Birth: 1839 Death: 1902 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡 芳年) (1839-1902) was an Ukiyo-e artist who was associated with the Utagawa School. As a great artist he created many striking portrayals of Yōkai and Yurei inspired by Toriyama Sekien.1 Known Works Footnotes 1. Yoda, H.[...]

Emperor Shirakawa

Emperor Shirakawa

Reign: 1073-1087AD Period: Heian Period Family: Fujiwara no Kenshi (wife) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Go-Sanjō * Successor Emperor Horikawa Emperor Shirakawa Emperor Shirakawa (白河天皇) was the 72nd Emperor of Japan. Family He was married to the daughter of Morozane, Fujiwara no Kenshi.3 Childhood His wet nurse,[...]

Emperor Yuhi

Emperor Yuhi

Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kotei (son) Emperor Yuhi Emperor Yuhi is mentioned as the father of the later Emperor Kotei in the Folktale known as The Shinansha. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 Footnotes 1. Ozaki, Y.T. (1903) “The Japanese Fairy Book”. Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd.[...]

Emperor Kotei

Emperor Kotei

Period: Legenedery Period Family: Emperor Yuhi (father) Emperor Kotei Emperor Kotei is said to have been the son of Emperor Yuhi, and is mentioned in the Folktale The Shinansha. He ascends as Emperor after his father, quickly becoming troubled by the rebel Shiyu who wished to take his throne. And[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Magician. Bandit. Shiyu Shiyu is noted to have been a rebel in the Folktale The Shinansha. He is said to have had been a wicked magician with a head made of iron, and that no man could ever defeat him. In the tale, he wishes to[...]

Emperor Tenmu

Emperor Tenmu

Reign: 673-686AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Empress Kōgyoku (mother) Empress Jitō (wife) Emperor Tenji (brother) Prince Kusakabe (son) Emperor Kōbun (nephew) Prince Ōtsu (son) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōbun * Successor Empress Jitō Emperor Tenmu Emperor Tenmu (天武天皇) (Prince Oama7) was the 40th Emperor of Japan reigning[...]

Emperor Kōbun

Emperor Kōbun

Reign: 672AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Tenji (father) Emperor Tenmu (uncle) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Tenji * Successor Emperor Tenmu Emperor Kōbun Emperor Kōbun (弘文天皇) (Prince Otomo2) was the 39th Emperor of Japan who ruled in 672AD. His father was the Emperor Tenji and was[...]

Emperor Tenji

Emperor Tenji

Reign: 661-672AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kōgyoku (mother) Emperor Kōtoku (uncle) Emperor Kōbun (son) Empress Jitō (daughter) Emperor Tenmu (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Saimei * Successor Emperor Kōbun Emperor Tenji Emperor Tenji (天智天皇) was the thirty-eighth Emperor of Japan, living from 626-672AD, and ruling[...]

Emperor Kōtoku

Emperor Kōtoku

Reign: 645-654AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kogyoku (sister) Prince Naka (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Kogyoku * Successor Empress Saimei Emperor Kōtoku Emperor Kōtoku (孝徳天皇) was the 36th Emperor of Japan, reigning from 645-654AD.1 His name prior to ascension was Karu.2 Reign Kōtoku came to[...]

Emperor Jomei

Emperor Jomei

Reign: 629-641AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Bidatsu (grand-father) Empress Kōgyoku (wife) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Suiko * Successor Empress Kōgyoku Emperor Jomei Emperor Jomei (舒明天皇) was the thirty-fourth Emperor of Japan. He was the grandson of the Emperor Bidatsu1 and husband of Empress Kōgyoku.12 This[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Kibi no Ko Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Takehikatawake Takehikatawake (建日方別 – Lord Sunward Brave) was the kami which inhabited the island of Kibi no Ko, according to the kojiki, nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The nihongi does not give a name to this kami,[...]

Emperor Sushun

Emperor Sushun

Reign: 587-592AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Soga no Umako (uncle) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Yomei * Successor Emperor Suiko Emperor Sushun Emperor Sushun (崇峻天皇) was the thirty-second Emperor of Japan. He was placed on the throne by Soga no Umako after winning a skirmish against Mononobe[...]

Shōtoku Taishi

Shōtoku Taishi

Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Yōmei (father) Empress Suiko (aunt) Occupation: Prince, sesshō Shōtoku Taishi Shōtoku Taishi (聖徳太子) also known as Prince Umayado was the son of Emperor Yomei nephew of Empress Suiko. He is said to have been able to speak at birth and was an accomplished scholar, able[...]

Emperor Yōmei

Emperor Yōmei

Reign: 585-587AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kinmei (father) Empress Suiko (sister) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Bidatsu * Successor Emperor Sushun Emperor Yōmei Emperor Yōmei (用明天皇) was the thirty-first Emperor of Japan. He is known to have been the son of Emperor Kinmei and father to[...]

Emperor Bidatsu

Emperor Bidatsu

Reign: 572-585AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kinmei (father) Empress Suiko (wife) Emperor Yōmei (half-brother) Emperor Jomei (grand-son) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kinmei * Successor Emperor Yōmei Emperor Bidatsu Emperor Bidatsu (敏達天皇) was the thirtieth Emperor of Japan. During his reign there were several court power[...]

Emperor Kudara

Emperor Kudara

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: Emperor Emperor Kudara Emperor Kudara is the name ascribed to an Emperor who gifted the image of the Buddha as well as Buddhist scriptures to the Emperor Kinmei which would eventually lead to the adoption of the religion in Japan.1 Footnotes 1. Martin, P. (1997) ”The[...]

Emperor Kinmei

Emperor Kinmei

Reign: 539-571AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Keitai (father) Emperor Senka (brother) Emperor Bidatsu (son) Emperor Yomei (son) Empress Suiko (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Senka * Successor Emperor Bidatsu Emperor Kinmei Emperor Kinmei (欽明天皇) is the twenty-ninth Emperor of Japan. His brother was the Emperor[...]

Emperor Senka

Emperor Senka

Reign: 536-539AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Keitai (father) Emperor Ankan (brother) Emperor Kinmei (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ankan * Successor Emperor Kinmei Emperor Senka Emperor Senka (宣化天皇) was the twenty-eighth Emperor of Japan. Prior to his reign the Emperor both ruled as well as[...]

Emperor Ankan

Emperor Ankan

Reign: 531-536AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Keitai (father) Emperor Senka (brother) Emperor Kinmei (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Keitai * Successor Emperor Senka Emperor Ankan Emperor Ankan (安閑天皇) was the twenty-seventh Emperor of Japan and may have been born when his father was only 13[...]

Emperor Keitai

Emperor Keitai

Reign: 507-531AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Ankan (son) Emperor Senka (son) Emperor Kinmei (son) Emperor Ojin (ancestor) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Buretsu * Successor Emperor Ankan Emperor Keitai Emperor Keitai (継体天皇) was the twenty-sixth Emperor of Japan. If the records are true he had his[...]

Emperor Buretsu

Emperor Buretsu

Reign: 498-507AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ninken * Successor Emperor Keitai Emperor Buretsu Emperor Buretsu (武烈天皇) was the twenty-fifth Emperor of Japan. During his reign he became well versed in law and enjoyed physical punishment known to have: Ripped up the belly[...]



Family: Otohime Sama (daughter) Urashima Taro (son-in-law) Ryūjin Ryūjin or Ryōjin (龍神) is the Dragon King of the Sea. He is mentioned in the tale Urashima Taro the Fisher Lad but not seen.1 Footnotes 1. Ozaki, Y.T. (1903) “The Japanese Fairy Book”. Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd.[...]

Urashima Tarō

Urashima Tarō

Occupation: Fisherman Family: Otohime Sama (wife) Urashima Tarō Urashima Tarō (浦島 太郎) is known from the Folktale Urashima Taro the Fisher Lad. Origins The earliest versions of this Folktale appear in the Tango Fudoki where the character of Urashima is given the name Shima no Ko.1 Folktales Synopsis Urashima was[...]

Prince Kusakabe

Prince Kusakabe

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: Prince Family: Empress Jito (Mother), Emperor Tenmu (father) Emperor Monmu (son) Princess Abe (wife) Born: 661AD Died: 689AD Prince Kusakabe Prince Kusakabe (草壁皇子) was the son of Empress Jitō and Emperor Tenmu, and father to the later Emperor Monmu. His wife was Princess Abe. He was[...]

Prince Toneri

Prince Toneri

Period: Nara Period Family: Emperor Tenmu (father) Kiyohara no Fukayabu (descendant) Occupation: Prince Prince Toneri Prince Toneri (舎人親王) oversaw the creation of the Nihongi reputedly laying it before Empress Genshō alongside Ō no Yasumaro in 720AD.1 He is the ancestor of Kiyohara no Fukayabu.2 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: River Estuaries. Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Hayaakitsuhime (sister) Aha Nagi (son) Awa Nami (daughter) Tsuranagi (son) Tsuranami (daughter) Amenomikumari (child) Kuninomikumari (child) Amenokuizamochi (child) Kuninokuizamochi (child) Hayaakitsuhiko Hayaakitsuhiko (速秋津日子神 – Rushing River Mouth Lad) was the ninth of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: House Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Kazamotsuwakenooshio Kazamotsuwakenooshio (風木津別之忍男神 – Grand Man Lord Wind Bearer) was a house kami. He was the seventh of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the six subsequent isles, according to the Kojiki. Nothing more[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Oyabiko Oyabiko (大屋毘古神 – Great Roof Lad) was a kami dwelt in the area of Woods and is known to have sent Ōkuninushi to Susano-o after saving him from his brothers. He was the sixth of ten kami created after Izanami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Protecting the entrance of people’s homes. Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Otohiwake Otohiwake (大戸日別神 – Lord Great Entry) was known as the kami charged with protecting the entrances of people’s homes. He was the fourth of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Iwatsuchibiko Iwatsuchibiko (石土毘古神 – Boulder Ground Lad) was the second of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the six subsequent isles, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him. His name implies[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ōkotooshio Ōkotooshio (大事忍男神 – Grand Man of Great Matters) was the first of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the six subsequent isles, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The[...]

Maki Tōei

Maki Tōei

Born: 1721 Died: 1783 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Poet, Artist, Author. Maki Tōei Maki Tōei (1721-1783) is known to have been a poet during the Edo Period. During his life he wrote under the pen name Rōsan (Old Silkworm) and Shiyō-kan (Hall of Violet Light), amongst others. He wrote the[...]

Emperor Ninken

Emperor Ninken

Reign: 488-498AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Richu (grandfather) Emperor Kenzo (brother) Oshinumi (sister) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kenzo * Successor Emperor Buretsu Emperor Ninken Emperor Ninken (仁賢天皇) was the twenty-fourth Emperor of Japan. After the death of Emperor Seinei, there was a succession crisis due[...]

Emperor Kenzō

Emperor Kenzō

Reign: 485-488AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Richu (grandfather) Emperor Ninken (brother) Oshinumi (sister) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Seinei * Successor Emperor Ninken Emperor Kenzō Emperor Kenzō (顕宗天皇) was the twenty-third Emperor of Japan. After the death of Emperor Seinei, there was a succession crisis due[...]

Emperor Seinei

Emperor Seinei

Reign: 479-485AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Yuryaku (father) Emperor Anko (uncle) Prince Mayowa (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Yuryaku * Successor Emperor Kenzo Emperor Seinei Emperor Seinei (清寧天皇) is the twenty-second Emperor of Japan. His hair was apparently white from birth and he had a[...]

Emperor Yūryaku

Emperor Yūryaku

Reign: 456-479AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Anko (brother) Emperor Seinei (son) Prince Mayowa (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Anko * Successor Emperor Seinei Emperor Yūryaku Emperor Yūryaku (雄略天皇) is the twenty-first Emperor of Japan. He is recorded by his court chroniclers to have been a[...]

Prince Mayowa

Prince Mayowa

Period: Kofun Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Anko (uncle) Emperor Seinei (uncle) Prince Mayowa Prince Mayowa was the nephew of Emperor Anko. He killed his uncle during one of his drunken stupors when he decapitated him.1 Footnotes 1. Martin, P. (1997) ”The Chrysanthemum Throne”. Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing Limited.[...]

Emperor Ankō

Emperor Ankō

Reign: 453-456AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Yuryaku (brother) Prince Mayowa (nephew) Emperor Seinei (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ingyo * Successor Emperor Yuryaku Emperor Ankō Emperor Ankō (安康天皇) was the twentieth Emperor of Japan. This Emperor killed his brother (the apparent heir) to take the[...]

Emperor Ingyō

Emperor Ingyō

Reign: 412-453AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Hanzei (father) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Hanzei * Successor Emperor Anko Emperor Ingyō Emperor Ingyō (允恭天皇) was the nineteenth Emperor of Japan, and supposedly a centenarian when he died. He is noted to have been disabled, with paralysed legs,[...]

Emperor Hanzei

Emperor Hanzei

Reign: 406-412AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Richu (brother) Emperor Ingyo (son) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Richu * Successor Emperor Ingyo Emperor Hanzei Emperor Hanzei (反正天皇) was the eighteenth Emperor of Japan. He is reputed to have been over 9 feet tall and had enormous teeth all[...]

Emperor Richū

Emperor Richū

Reign: 400-406AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Emperor Hanzei (brother) Emperor Kenzo (grand-son) Emperor Ninken (grandson) Oshinumi (granddaughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Nintoku  * Successor Emperor Hanzei Emperor Richū Emperor Richū (履中天皇) is the seventeenth Emperor of Japan, claiming the throne after a dispute with a rival[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: – Tamanooya Tamanooya (玉祖命 / Jewel Ancestor1) is a Shinto kami. She is mentioned in the kojiki during the time when Amaterasu hides in the Sacred Rock Cave. She is tasked with making a string of jewels (magatama) to aide in convincing the Sun kami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Hinokuma (daughter) Amenonukado (father) Ishikoridome Ishikoridome (Stone Mold Crone1) (石凝姥命 or 伊斯許理度売命) is a Shinto kami who is mentioned during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave.2 Family This kami is claimed as the ancestor of the Mirror Makers in the[...]

Chihara Kyosai

Chihara Kyosai

Birth: Death: Period: Edo Period Occpation: Author. Chihara Kyosai Chihara Kyosai (茅原虚斎) was an author who wrote the Bōsō Manroku, published in 1833, under the pen name of Bōsō.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopaedia of Toriyama Sekien.”. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.[...]

William Gowland

William Gowland

Birth: 1842 Death: 1922 Occupation: Archaeologist William Gowland William Gowland was an English Archaeologist working at the newly established mint in Osaka in the 1800’s. He is known to be one of the only Westerners to explore the Kofun tomb of Emperor Nintoku during his lifetime before the Imperial Household[...]

Emperor Nintoku

Emperor Nintoku

Reign: 313-400AD Period: Kofun Period Family: – Burial Place: Kofun in Osaka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ojin * Successor Emperor Richu Emperor Nintoku Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇) is said to have come to the throne after a succession dispute. He is the sixteenth Emperor of Japan. It is believed that[...]



This page refers to the person known as the Wan’i, for the creature see: Wani Period: Kofun Period Occupation: Scribe / Treasurer Wan’i Wan’i also known as Wangin1 (王仁, 和邇吉師) was a Chinese Scholar who is believed to have been welcomed at the court of Emperor Ojin, it is known that[...]

Emperor Ōjin

Emperor Ōjin

Reign: 270-313AD Period: Kofun Period Family: Empress Jingu (mother) Emperor Keitai (descendant) Burial Place:- Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Jingu * Successor Emperor Nintoku Emperor Ōjin Emperor Ōjin (応神天皇) was the fifteenth Emperor of Japan. He was the son of Empress Jingu, who perhaps ruled on his behalf whilst he[...]

Kitagawa Utamaro

Kitagawa Utamaro

Born: 1753 Died: 1806 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Kitagawa Utamaro Kitagawa Utamaro (喜多川 歌麿) (1753-1806) was an apprentice of Toriyama Sekien, known to have studied with him from childhood later becoming a well renown artist. He also took on apprentices’ of his own whilst working under Sekien, including a[...]

Utagawa Toyoharu

Utagawa Toyoharu

Born: c.1735 Died: 1814 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist (Ukiyo-e) Utagawa Toyoharu Utagawa Toyoharu (歌川 豊春) (c.1735-1814) was an apprentice of Toriyama Sekien. He founded the Utagawa School of Ukiyo-e prints and himself took on an apprentice called Utagawa Toyokuni.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated:[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Otonobe (wife) Ōtonoji Ōtonoji (意富斗能地神, Great Entry Elder) was the brother and husband of Ōtonobe. He with his sister were the 5th Generation of Shinto kami. The element to in their name could refer to the guardian kami of village alleyways or the genitalia.1 The[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ikugui (wife) Tsunogui Tsunogui (角杙神, Swelling Tip) was the brother and husband of Ikugui. He with his sister were the 4th Generation of Shinto kami. Tsuno can be read as horn, but also has connotations for the growth of buds. Gui can refer to stakes[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Suhijini (wife) Uhijini Uhijini (宇比邇神, Little Floating Mud) was the brother and husband of Suhijini. He with his sister were the 3rd Generation of Shinto kami.1 According to the Nihongi he and his sister were the 4th Generation of kami, also stating his name can[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: N/A Toyokumono Toyokumono (Abundent Clouds Moor, 豊雲野神) was the 2nd kami in a Generation of Seven kami to come into existence in the kojiki. Like the other kami before, the kami concealed itself after coming into existence.1 One version of the nihongi states he was[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Awaji Shima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Awajinohonosawake Awajinohonosawake (淡道之穂之狭別島 – Lord First Plumes of Foamway) was the very first child of Izanami and Izanagi not to be born deformed. He was the kami of Awaji Shima, the first of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles[...]

The Dragon King of Lake Biwa

The Dragon King of Lake Biwa

Creature type: Dragon Home: Palace at the bottom of Lake Biwa The Dragon King The Dragon King also called the Dragon King of the Lake is a Dragon known from the tale My Lord Bag of Rice living in a Palace at the bottom of Lake Biwa, described as having[...]

Fujiwara Hidesato

Fujiwara Hidesato

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Chinjufu-shōgun, Governor Family: Fujiwara no Uona (ancestor) Fujiwara no Murao (father) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara Hidesato Fujiwara Hidesato (藤原 秀郷) also known as Tawara Tōda (俵藤太)3 is included in the Folktale My Lord Bag of Rice. He is noted to have had the nature of[...]



Period: Legendary Occupation: Military Nanatsukahagi Nanatsukahagi (七束脛命) was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehi no Muraji and Takehiko. He also acted as Steward to Yamato Takeru.12 Footnotes 1. Littleton. C.S. (1995) “Yamato-takeru: An Arthurian Hero in Japanese Tradition”. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol.[...]

Takehi no Muraji

Takehi no Muraji

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Military / Five Daibu Family: – Birth: – Death: – Takehi no Muraji Takehi no Muraji (大伴武日連命), also known as Otomo no Takehi2 was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehiko and Nanatsukahagi.12 During his time with Yamato Takeru, he[...]



Takehiko Takehiko. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick with us[...]

Emperors of Japan

Emperors of Japan

Emperors of Japan Here follows a list of all Emperors (天皇) of Japan on our website so far. Legendary Emperors Kofun Period Asuka Period[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Oshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ōtamaruwake Ōtamaruwake (大多麻流別 – Lord Great Harbor) was the kami which inhabited the island of Ōshima, according to the Kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The Nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating: Izanami and[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Chikanoshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amenooshio Amenooshio (天之忍男 – Grand Men of Heaven) was the kami which inhabited the island of Chikanoshima, according to the Kojiki.1 The Nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating: Izanami and Izanagi then produced the sea,[...]

Emperor Chūai

Emperor Chūai

Reign: 192-270AD Period: Legendary Period Family: Yamato Takeru (father) Futajirihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (uncle) Empress Jingu (wife) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Seimu * Successor Empress Jingu Emperor Chūai Emperor Chūai (仲哀天皇) also known as Tarashinakatsuhiko (足仲彦天皇) was the fourteenth Emperor of Japan.1 He was made crown[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Okigashima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amenooshikorowake Amenooshikorowake (天之忍許呂別 – Grand-Shaped Lords of Heaven) is the name of a collective group of kami who dwell upon Okigashima according to the Kojiki. No specific names for the kami are given and nothing more is mentioned of them.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Anakashikone (wife) Omodaru Omodaru (淤母陀琉神, Entirely Engorged) was the brother and husband of Anakashikone. He with his sister were the 6th Generation of Shinto kami. His name can also be read as Surface Complete or Fully Formed.1 The Nihongi agrees he was the 6th[...]

Takeuchi no Sukune

Takeuchi no Sukune

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Ōomi / Prime Minister Family: Hikofutooshimakoto (father/grandfather?) Yamashitakage (mother?) Hatanoyashiro (son) Kosenookara (son) Soga no Ishikawa (son) Hegurinotsuki (son) Kinotsunu (son) Mato of Kume (daughter) Princess Nunoiro (daughter) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (son) Wakugo (son) Birth: – Death: – Takeuchi no Sukune Takeuchi no Sukune (武内宿禰) was a legendery[...]

Emperor Seimu

Emperor Seimu

Reign: 131-190AD Born: Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Ohotakara no iratsume (wife)  Wakanuke (son) Yamato Dake (brother) Emperor Chuai (nephew) Burial Place: misasagi in Tatanami near Saki. Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Keikō * Successor Emperor Chuai Emperor Seimu Emperor Seimu (成務 天皇) was the thirteenth Emperor[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Toyohiwake (brother), Shirahiwake (brother), Takehiwake(brother) Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (建日向日豊久士比泥別 – Little Lord Wondrous Wealthy Sunward Brave) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the Kojiki, residing in the South-West part of the island called Hi. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 Footnotes[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Toyohiwake (brother), Shirahiwake (brother), Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (brother) Takehiwake Takehiwake (建日別 – Lord Sun Brave) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the Kojiki, residing in the South-West part of the island where the Bear Folk lived. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Toyohiwake (brother), Takehiwake (brother), Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (brother) Shirahiwake Shirahiwake (白日別 – Lord Bright Son) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the Kojiki, residing in the Northern part of the island called Tsukushi. He is noted to have a shrine in Fukuoka[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Shirahiwake (brother), Takehiwake (brother), Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (brother) Toyohiwake Toyohiwake (豊日別 – Lord Abundant Sun) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the kojiki, residing in the North-West part of the island called Toyo. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro.[...]

Hiyeda no Are

Hiyeda no Are

Period: Nara Period Occupation: Katari Be? Hiyeda no Are Hiyeda no Are (稗田 阿礼) is known to have helped create the Kojiki which was completed in 712AD. Whether he was a man or woman it isn’t known. The whole document was written by Ō no Yasumaro, from the recitations of[...]

Ōnakatomi Sadayo

Ōnakatomi Sadayo

Period: Kamakura Period Occupation: Ōnakatomi Sadayo Ōnakatomi Sadayo was a member of the Aristocracy who in 1266 wrote a copy of the Kojiki which was used later by the Monk Ken’yuu in 1371.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]



Period: Muromachi Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk Shin’yu Shin’yu was a Buddhist Monk who acted as editor for Ken’yuu when he created a new copy of the Kojiki during the Muromachi Period.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University[...]



Period: Muromachi Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk, Author. Ken’yuu Ken’yuu was a Buddhism who copied early records of the Kojiki. He began copying the 2nd and 3rd book in 1371 from a manuscript written by court aristocrat Ōnakatomi Sadayo in 1266, belonging to Ise-born textual lineage. One year later he uses[...]

Yamato Takeru

Yamato Takeru

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Hime (aunt) Emperor Chūai (son) Ōsu (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kamukushi (brother) several other wives and children see below Birth: – Death: – Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru (小碓命, Prince Ōsu – The Brave of[...]

Emperor Keikō

Emperor Keikō

Reign: 71-130AD Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Yasakairihime (wife) Emperor Seimu (son) many children see below Burial place: misasagi in Yamanobe Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suinin * Successor Emperor Seimu Emperor Keikō Emperor Keikō (景行天皇) was the twelfth Emperor of Japan also known as Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake[...]

Emperor Suinin

Emperor Suinin

Reign: 29BC-70AD Born: Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Mimakihime (mother) many wives and children, see below. Burial place: misasagi in Fushimi, Sugahara Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Sujin * Successor Emperor Keikō Emperor Suinin Emperor Suinin (垂仁天皇) was the eleventh Emperor of Japan also known as Ikumeiribikoisachi (活目入彦五十狭茅天皇)123. He ruled from[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Priest Ikuhi Ikuhi (活日) was a man who lived during the reign of Emperor Sujin. He was appointed as the Brewer of Ōkuninushi in the 8th year of his reign. Later that same year he presented sake to the Emperor and sang as song which went[...]

Emperor Sujin

Emperor Sujin

Reign: 97-30BC Born: 148BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Ikagashikome (mother) Many wives and children see below. Burial place: misasagi in Isonokami Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kaika * Successor Emperor Suinin Emperor Sujin Emperor Sujin (崇神 天皇) was the 10th Emperor of Japan also known as Mimakiiribikoiniye (御眞木入日子印恵命)1[...]



Birth: – Death: – Period: Heian Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk Raigō Raigō was a Buddhist monk who lived during the reign of Emperor Shirakawa, residing at Mii-dera. During his lifetime he was tasked by Shirakawa to pray for the safe birth of his son, with the promise of his temple[...]

Sawaki Sūshi

Sawaki Sūshi

Birth: – Death: – Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist, Author Sawaki Sūshi Sawaki Sūshi (佐脇 嵩之) is the creator of the Hyakkai Zukan, a Yōkai scroll which inspired much of Toriyama Sekien’s first book on Yōkai.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopaedia of[...]

Emperor Suizei

Emperor Suizei

Reign: 581-549BC Born: 633/632BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Himetatara Isuzuhime (mother) Isuzuyorihime (wife) Emperor Annei (son) Kamiyawimimi (brother) Tagishimimi (half-brother) Burial place: Tsukidaoka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Jimmu  * Successor Emperor Annei Emperor Suizei Emperor Suizei (綏靖 天皇) was the second Emperor of Japan and is[...]

Ō no Yasumaro

Ō no Yasumaro

Period: Nara Period Occupation: Scribe, Ason Family:- Birth: – Death: AD723 Ō no Yasumaro Ō no Yasumaro (?-AD7231) (太 安万侶) (Yasumaro Futo no Ason in the Konin Shiki2 ) is known to have been the compiler of the Kojiki from the recitations of Hiyeda no Are2, signing his name with[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Ehime (sister), Iiyorohiko (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Takeyoriwake Takeyoriwake (建日別 – Lord Summoned Brave) was the last of the four kami in the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the Southern part of the Island called ‘To-sa’. Nothing more is mentioned of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Ehime (sister), Takeyoriwake (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Iiyorohiko Iiyorohiko (飯依比古 – Food Summon Lad) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the North part of the island called ‘Sandy Hollows’, nothing more is mentioned of[...]

Emperor Jimmu

Emperor Jimmu

Reign: 660-584BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suizei (son) Burial Place: Near Mount Unebi. Order of Succession: Predecessor N/A  * Successor Emperor Suizei Emperor Jimmu Emperor Jimmu (神武天皇) was the first legendary Emperor of Japan, dated in the Nihongi to have begun his rule on 11th February 660BC in Kashihara,[...]

Terajima Ryōan

Terajima Ryōan

Period: Edo Period Occupation: Dentist, Author, Artist Birth: – Death: Terajima Ryōan Terajima Ryōan (寺島良安) was an Osaka Dentist but also was the creator of the Wakan Sansai Zue which would later greatly inspire Toriyama Sekien in his depictions of Yōkai. He spent years cataloguing Chinese information on astronomy, botany,[...]

Nakatomi no Kamatari

Nakatomi no Kamatari

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: Naidaijin Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (son) Fujiwara no Higami no Iratsume (daughter) Fujiwara no Ioe no Iratsume (daughter) Birth: 614 Death: 669 Nakatomi no Kamatari Nakatomi no Kamatari (中臣 鎌足) was a member of the Nakatomi Clan and later founder of the Fujiwara Clan. Kamatari lived[...]

Mononobe no Moriya

Mononobe no Moriya

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Mononobe no Moriya Mononobe no Moriya (物部 守屋) was head of the Mononobe Clan during the reign of Emperor Sushun. He, not wishing to have Sushun on the throne, and to promote a different candidate, ended up in a[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Wealth and Prosperity Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ebisu Ebisu (恵比寿), also known as the Leech Child (蛭子, Hiru-ko) was according to the kojiki the first child of Izanami and Izanagi. He was a limbless child and so they placed him in a reed boat and cast[...]

Soga no Umako

Soga no Umako

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Iname (father) Soga no Emishi (son) Emperor Sushun (nephew) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Umako Soga no Umako (蘇我 馬子) was a member of the Soga Clan noted to have been even more powerful than his father, Soga no Iname. During[...]

Soga no Iruka

Soga no Iruka

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Emishi (father) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Iruka Soga no Iruka (蘇我 入鹿) was a member of the Soga Clan and alongside his father Soga no Emishi the two of them were very much in control of the political court. They[...]

Soga no Iname

Soga no Iname

Period: Kofun Period Occupation: Minister Family: Soga no Umako (son) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Iname Soga no Iname (蘇我 稲目) was one of the rulers of the Soga Clan, the Emperor Kinmei is known to have taken two of his daughters as consorts. Prior to the reign of[...]

Soga no Emishi

Soga no Emishi

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Umako (father) Soga no Iruka (son) Birth: – Death:- Soga no Emishi Soga no Emishi (蘇我 蝦夷) was a powerful leader of the Soga Clan. Such was his political power he placed on the throne the Emperor Jomei making the Emperor a[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Kuninosatsuchi Kuninosatsuchi (国狭槌尊 – Land’s First Soil) is a Shinto kami who in one version of the Nihongi is said to have been the second kami to come into[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanami (sister/wife) Awokashikine (mother) Aha Nagi (father) Children (numerous – see below) Izanagi Izanagi (伊邪那岐 or 伊弉諾, He Who Beckons2) was the brother and husband of Izanami, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to[...]