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Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Warrior / Five Daibu Family: – Birth: – Death: – Hikokunibuku Hikokunibuku is mentioned in the nihongi and kojiki. Reign of Emperor Sujin During the reign of Emperor Sujin he joins Ohobiko during the war against Takehaniyasuhiko going with him to Yamashiro Province to fight against[...]

Tamba Province

Tamba Province

See also: Provinces Tamba Province Tamba Province (丹波国) is one of the many provinces of Japan. During the reign of Emperor Sujin, a man known as Tambanochinushi was sent here under the Emperor’s orders to subdue the people there.1 Yamanobe no Ohotaka passed through here on his way to catch[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Shido-Shogun Family: – Birth: – Death: – Tambanochinushi Tambanochinushi is mentioned in the nihongi as one of the four men sent out to subdue the provinces during the 10th year of the reign of Emperor Sujin.1 The kojiki does not make mention of him during this[...]

Harumichi no Tsuraki

Harumichi no Tsuraki

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor Family: Birth: Death: 920AD Harumichi no Tsuraki Harumichi no Tsuraki (春道 列樹) was a Japanese poet who died in 920AD. He graduated from the Imperial Univeristy in his lfietime and then became a Greater Secretary at Dazaifu. He was then given the position[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Shinto Priest Family: – Birth: – Death: – Igakashikowo Igakashikowo (伊香色雄命) is a man who lived during the reign of Emperor Sujin. In the kojiki we see that he was instructed by Emperor Sujin to make 80 heavenly platters and to establish shrines to the earthly[...]

Mount Miwa

Mount Miwa

Co-ordinates: 34° 32′ 6″ N, 135° 52′ 0″ E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Nara Prefecture Height: 467.1m Mount Miwa Mount Miwa (三輪山, Miwa-yama) also known as Mount Mimoro (三諸山, Mimoro-yama) is a mountain located in Nara Prefecture. Name Notation in the kojiki says that tname ‘Mi wa’ comes from the three twists of hemp from the tale[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Ikutamayoribime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Suyetsumimi Suyetsumimi was the father of Ikutamayoribime.123 When his daughter became pregnant he thought she had conceived by herself, however, she said she had not. So they devised a way to find out who the father was. He instructed[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Ōkuninushi (husband) Suyetsumimi (father) Kushimigata (son) Ohotataneko (son?) Birth: – Death: – Ikutamayoribime Ikutamayoribime (活玉依毘売) was a woman who became pregnant from Ōkuninushi and together they had Kushimigata (ancestor to Ohotataneko23). It is said she was the daughter of Suyetsumimi.123 The kojiki tells us[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Shinto Priest Family: Ōkuninushi (ancestor) See ancestry below Birth: – Death: – Ohotataneko Ohotataneko (大田田根子) was a man who later became a prominent Shinto Priest in his lifetime do to the intervention of the kami Ōkuninushi. Ancestry The nihongi states that he is the son of Ōkuninushi[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princes Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (mother) Toyosukiiribime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Toyokiiribiko Toyokiiribiko (豊城入彦命) was the son of Emperor Sujin and Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi.123 He is said to be the ancestor of the Kamitsuke no kimi and Shimotsuke no kimi.123 In the 48th year of his father reign,[...]



Fudoki Fudoki (風土記) are ancient records concerning the old provinces of Japan. These records being ordered by Empress Genmei in 713AD.1 Surviving Examples The most substantial ones which have survived at the Bungo Fudoki, Harima Fudoki, Hitachi Fudoki, Hizen Fudoki and Izumo Fudoki, with the Izumo version the only one[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (mother) Toyokiiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Toyosukiiribime Toyosukiiribime (豊鍬入姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi. The kojiki states that she was High Priestess at the Ise Grand Shrine.12 The Jinnō Shōtōki states that during the reign of Sujin,[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake (brother) Otohime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Matonuhime Matonuhime (真砥野比売命) was the daughter of Taniha no Kahakami no Masu[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Homutsuwake (son) Hikoimasu (father) Sahonoohokuramitome (mother) Sahobiko (brother) Murobiko (brother) Wozaho (brother) Birth: – Death: – Sahobime Sahobime (狭穂姫命) also known as Sahajihime was the daughter of Hikoimasu and Sahonoohokuramitome. She would later go on to marry Emperor Suinin and together have a[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Sahonoohokuramitome (mother) Wozaho (brother) Sahobime (sister) Murobiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Sahobiko Sahobiko (沙本毘古王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Sahonoohokuramitome. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kusakabe no muraji and Kahi no kuni no miyatsuko.12 During the[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Ohōmata (father) Unakami (brother) Birth: – Death: – Aketatsu Aketatsu (曙立王) was the son of Ohōmata. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Homujibe no kimi and the Ise no Sana no miyatsuko. We see him later mentioned in the kojiki during[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Hikoimasu (husband) Ohōmata (son) Womata (son) Shibumi no Sukune (son) Birth: – Death: – Yenahime Yenahime (山代之荏名津比売- Yamashiroenatsuhime?) also known as Karibatatobe (苅幡戸辨) was the wife of Hikoimasu. It is said she married him in Yamashiro Province and together they had three sons called Ohōmata,[...]

Fujiwara no Kanesuke

Fujiwara no Kanesuke

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Poet, chūnagon Family: Fujiwara no Toshimoto (father) Fujiwara no Tametoki (grandson) Murasaki Shikibu (great-granddaughter) Birth: 877AD Death: 933AD Fujiwara no Kanesuke Fujiwara no Kanesuke (藤原 兼輔) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of the family. He lived from 877-933AD. He was[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Oketsuhime (mother) Many wives and children see below. Birth: – Death: – Hikoimasu Hikoimasu (彦坐王) was the son of Emperor Kaika and Oketsuhime.123 He is additonally said to have had several wives and many children. Family With his first wife[...]



Dragons Currently this page will aim to serve as a place to gather the different Dragons on the website. Further down the line we will change this page to include the imagery and culture behind them in Japan. Currently we have the following Dragons listed on the site: Yamato no[...]

Emperor Kaika

Emperor Kaika

Reign: 158-98BC Born: 208BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Takanohime (wife) Hikoyumusumi (son) Ikagashikome (wife/step mum) Emperor Sujin (son) Mimatsuhime (daughter) Oketsuhime (wife) Hikoimasu (son) Washihime (wife) Taketayohadzurawake (son) Burial place: misasagi in Isakaha Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōgen  * Successor Emperor Sujin Emperor Kaika[...]



Period: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk, daisōjō Family: Fujiwara no Tadamichi (father) Kanoe no Motozane (brother) Fujiwara no Motofusa (brother) Kujō no Kanezane (brother) Fujiwara no Kanefusa (brother) Fujiwara no Masako (sister) Fujiwara no Ikushi (adopted sister) Fujiwara no Teishi (adopted sister) Birth: c.1155AD Death: 1225AD Jien Jien[...]

Awa Province

Awa Province

See also: List of Provinces Awa Province Awa Province (阿波国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. According to the kojiki the kami Ōgetsuhime dwelt here.1 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent and[...]

Shimōsa Province

Shimōsa Province

See also: List of Provinces Shimōsa Province Shimōsa Province (下総国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Legendery Period During the time when Yamato Takeru is sent to deal with the Emishi he comes to this province where he finds two Emishi leaders in Take called Shimatsukami and Kunitsukami.[...]

Iyo Province

Iyo Province

See also: List of Provinces Iyo Province Iyo Province (伊予国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Branches of the Date Clan are known to have controlled the Yoshida and Uwajima Domains in this province.1 The kojiki states that this place is inhabited by the kami Ehime. Legendary Period[...]

Sanuki Province

Sanuki Province

See also: List of Provinces Sanuki Province Sanuki Province (讃岐国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. The kojiki states it is inhabited by the kami Iiyorohiko.3 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent[...]

Tōtōmi Province

Tōtōmi Province

See also: List of Provinces Tōtōmi Province Tōtōmi Province (遠江国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Nara Period We see Haji no Sukune Furuhito made Lieutenant Governor of this province one month after recieving the rank of junior fifth rank, lower grade.1 Footnotes 1. Borgen, R. (1975) “The[...]

Kazusa Province

Kazusa Province

See also: List of Provinces Kazusa Province Kazusa Province (上総国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Legendary Period Emperor Keikō visits here when he wished to see the lands subdued by Yamato Takeru.3 Nara Period In 738AD we see Haji no Ushikatsu mentioned as lieutenant Governor of this[...]

Settsu Province

Settsu Province

See also: List of Provinces Settsu Province Settsu Province (摂津国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. The Haji Clan is known to have dwelt in this province as well as Yamashiro, Yamato and Izumi according to the Shinsen Shojiroku.1 Heian Period The Priest Noin is known to have[...]

Wakasa Province

Wakasa Province

See also: List of Provinces Wakasa Province Wakasa Province (若狭国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Muromachi Period An offshoot of the Takeda Clan, the Aki Branch had a long lineage of military governors that dwelt in Wakasa Province from 1440. These Takeda were known for cultural pursuits,[...]

Kōzuke Province

Kōzuke Province

See also: List of Provinces Kōzuke Province Kōzuke Province (上野国) was one of the many provinces of Japan.2 Legendery Period Prince Hikosajima is said to have been buried here after falling ill and passing away. Azuchi-Momoyama Period During the life of Takeda Katsuyori he ruled as daimyō over the Kai,[...]

Suruga Province

Suruga Province

See also: List of Provinces Suruga Province Suruga Province (駿河国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Legendary Period Yamato Takeru was tasked to go subdue the Yemishi who lived on the periphery of the realm, on his way he travels through Suruga according to the Nihongi. However the[...]

Shinano Province

Shinano Province

See also: List of Provinces Shinano Province Shinano Province (信濃国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Folktales The folktale The Clever Boar and Monkey is set in this province.5 Legenedary Period Yamanobe no Ohotaka passed through here on his way to catch a swan for the Prince Homutsuwake.4[...]

Dewa Province

Dewa Province

See also: List of Provinces Dewa Province Dewa Province (出羽国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Nara Period The Nara Period fortess called Akitajō (秋田城) was establised here in 733 as an aide to subjugating the Ezo People. It was used between the 8th and 10th centuries before[...]

Mimasaka Province

Mimasaka Province

See also: List of Provinces Mimasaka Province Mimasaka Province (美作国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Haji Clan Legends state that the Haji Clan came directly from Izumo Province to Yamato, however, archaeological evidence shows that they slowly emmigrated here leaving settlements in Mimsaka and Harima Provinces.1 Kamakura/Muromachi[...]

Mikawa Province

Mikawa Province

See also: Provinces Mikawa Province Mikawa Province (三河国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Nara Period Priest Manzei was made General of Owari, Mikawa and Shinano Provinces.1 Azuchi-Momoyama Period Takeda Katsuyori invade the province, going against Tokugawa Ieyasu,2 however here he was routed by Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga[...]

Kibi Province

Kibi Province

See also: Provinces Kibi Province Kibi Province (吉備国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. Legendary Period According to one tale in the Nihongi, Susano-o killed the dragon Yamata no Orochi using the blade Orochi no Karasabi. This sword was eventually given into the care of the Kambe of[...]

Aki Province

Aki Province

See also: Provinces Aki Province Aki Province (安藝國/安芸国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. Legendary Period According to one version of events in the nihongi, the kami Susano-o comes to the River Ye in this province. Here he meets Ashi-nadzu-te-nadzu and his wife Inada no Miya-nushi Susa no[...]

Kawachi Province

Kawachi Province

See also: Provinces Kawachi Province Kawachi Province (河内国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. It is now included in Osaka. Haji Clan From information inside of the nihongi we know that members of the Haji Clan dwelt here. After the dissolution of the Haji Clan and their connections[...]

Izumi Province

Izumi Province

See also: Provinces Izumi Province Izumi Province (和泉国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. It is now included in Osaka. The Engi Shiki list shrines to the kami Ameno Futodama here1 with the Shinsen Shōjiroku stating the Haji Clan dwelt in this province amongst others.2 Reign of Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Haniyasuhime (mother) Atabime (wife) Birth: – Death: – Takehaniyasuhiko Takehaniyasuhiko (武埴安彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōgen and Haniyasuhime.123 During the reign of Emperor Sujin he planned to rise up against him and attack.123 In the kojiki it says that Ohobiko[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Emperor Kaika (brother) Ohobiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatotohime Yamatotohime (倭迹迹姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Kōgen and Uchishikome and so was the sister of Ohobiko and Emperor Kaika. She is also given the name of Yamatotohimomosobime1. She does not[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Emperor Kaika (brother) Sukunabikookokoro (brother) Yamatotohime (sister) Takenumakahawake (son) Hikoinakoshiwake (son) Mimakihime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Ohobiko Ohobiko (大彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōgen and Uchishikome. Family He was the brother to Emperor Kaika, Yamatotohime12 and[...]

Emperor Kōgen

Emperor Kōgen

Reign: 214-158BC Born: 273BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Kuwashi Hime (mother) Uchishikome (wife) Ohobiko (son) Emperor Kaika (son) Sukunabikookokoro (son) Yamatotohime (daughter) Ikagashikome (concubine) Hikofutooshimakoto (son) Haniyasuhime (concubine) Takehaniyasuhiko (son) Burial place: misasagi on Tsurugi Lake Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōrei  * Successor Emperor Kaika Emperor Kōgen[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Yamatonokunikahime (mother) Yamatototowakayabime (sister) Yamatototohimomosobime (sister) Hikosashikatawake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kibitsuhiko Kibitsuhiko (吉備津彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei and Yamatonokunikahime. He was the brother of Yamatototohimomosobime, Yamatototowakayabime12 and Hikosashikatawake.1 In the kojiki he is given an alternative name[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Haeirode (mother) Wakatakehiko (brother) Toyoki no Mikoto (grandfather?) Birth: – Death: – Hikosajima Hikosajima (彦狭島命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei and Haeirodo12 and brother to Wakatakehiko.2 The nihongi also states he was the grandson of Toyoki no Mikoto (though I am unsure where[...]



There are currently two people with the same name of Wakatakehiko both from the Imperial House, see below: Wakatakehiko (Emperor Kōrei) Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Haeirode (mother) Hikosajima (brother) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Wakatakehiko (稚武彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kōrei (husband) Chijihayahime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Chijihayamawaka Chijihayamawaka (千千速真若比売) was the concubine of Emperor Kōrei. We see her mentioned in the Kojiki as coming from Kasuga. With the Emperor she had a daughter called Chijihayahime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav[...]

Emperor Kōrei

Emperor Kōrei

Reign: 290-215BC Born: 342BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōan (father) Oshihime (mother) Kuwashi Hime (wife) Emperor Kōgen (son) Haeirodo (concubine) Wakatakehiko (son) Hikosajima (son) Yamato no kunikahime (concubine) Yamatototohimomosobime (daughter) Kibitsuhiko (son) Yamatototowakayabime (daughter) Hikosashikatawake (son) Chijihayamawaka (concubine) Chijihayahime (daughter) Burial place: misasagi on Mumazaka at Kataoka. Order of[...]

Fujiwara no Nagataka

Fujiwara no Nagataka

Period: Kamakura Period Occupation: Painter, Monk Family: Fujiwara no Ienobu (father) Fujiwara no Takasuke (son) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara no Nagataka Fujiwara no Nagataka was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living in the 13th Century. He was a painter in the Yamato-e style and was also a Buddhist[...]

Fujiwara no Ienobu

Fujiwara no Ienobu

Period: Kamakura Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Nagataka (son) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara no Ienobu Fujiwara no Ienobu was a member of the Fujiwara Clan from the 13th Century. It is known that he studied alongside his son Fujiwara no Nagataka in Kyoto.1 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated[...]

Fujiwara no Sumitomo

Fujiwara no Sumitomo

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Provincial Officer of Iyo Province Family: Fujiwara no Yoshinori (father) Birth: – Death: 941AD Fujiwara no Sumitomo Fujiwara no Sumitomo (藤原 光隆) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan. He was the son of Fujiwara no Yoshinori and died in 941AD after leading a failed rebellion.1[...]

Fujiwara no Tadabumi

Fujiwara no Tadabumi

Period: Nara Period / Heian Period Occupation: General of the Imperial Troops, sei-i-tai-shōgun Family: Fujiwara no Tsuneyoshi (father) Birth: 873AD Death: 947AD Fujiwara no Tadabumi Fujiwara no Tadabumi (藤原 忠文) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, living from 873-947, he was the son of Fujiwara no Tsuneyoshi. He was also[...]

Matsudono Motofusa

Matsudono Motofusa

Period: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Sesshō, Dajō daijin, kampaku Family: Fujiwara no Tadamichi (father) Matsudono Moroie (son) Matsudono Tadafusa (son) Fujiwara no Iefusa (son) Fujiwara no Takatada (son) Birth:1144AD Death: 1230AD Matsudono Motofusa Matsudono Motofusa (松殿 基房), also known as Fujiwara no Motofusa (藤原 基房) was a member of the Fujiwara[...]

Ariwara no Yukihira

Ariwara no Yukihira

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Third Rank of the office of chūnagon Family: Prince Abo (father) Ariwara no Narihira (brother) Ōe no Chisato (nephew) Birth: 818 Death: 893 Ariwara no Yukihira Ariwara no Yukihira (在原 行平) was a member of the Ariwara Family and a known poet during his time,[...]

Minamoto no Tōru

Minamoto no Tōru

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Sadaijin Family: Emperor Saga (father) Emperor Ninmyō (brother) Minamoto no Makoto (brother) Minamoto no Tokiwa (brother) Birth: 822AD Death: 895AD Minamoto no Tōru Minamoto no Tōru (源 融) was a member of the Imperial Family living from 822-895AD1. The son of Emperor Saga he[...]



Ōkaburo Ōkaburo (大禿 – Great Kaburo) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien.  Annotations alongside the Yōkai says that there was an immortal called Hōso who was some 700 years old and who called himself Yū-Jidō (Chrysanthemum Boy). Is this then what[...]

Nakatomi no Omimaro

Nakatomi no Omimaro

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: Head of the National Shrines of Ise. Family: Nakatomi no Kamatari Birth: – Death: 711AD Nakatomi no Omimaro Nakatomi no Omimaro (中臣 意美麻呂) was a member of the Nakatomi Clan and nephew to Nakatomi no Kamatari. He died in 711AD. When his uncle founded the Fujiwara Clan,[...]

Fujiwara no Takamitsu

Fujiwara no Takamitsu

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Writer, Monk Family: Fujiwara no Morosuke (father) Fujiwara no Tamemitsu (brother) Fujiwara no Koretada (brother) Fujiwara no Kanemichi (brother) Fujiwara no Kaneie (brother) Fujiwara no Kinsue (brother) Birth: – Death: 994AD Fujiwara no Takamitsu Fujiwara no Takamitsu (藤原 高光) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more[...]

Fujiwara no Takaie

Fujiwara no Takaie

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Governor Family: Fujiwara no Michitaka (father) Fujiwara no Korechika (brother) Fujiwara no Teishi (sister) Birth: 974AD Death: 1044AD Fujiwara no Takaie Fujiwara no Takaie (藤原 隆家) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. Living from 974-1044 he was the[...]

Priest Genbō

Priest Genbō

Period: Nara Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk, sōjō Family: – Birth: – Death: 746AD Priest Genbō Priest Genbō (玄昉) was a Buddhist Priest and court official known to have died on 746AD. In 717 he was sent to China alongside Abe no Nakamaro and Kibi no Makibi where he studied the[...]

Kibi no Makibi

Kibi no Makibi

Period: Asuka Period, Nara Period Occupation: Scholar, udajin Family: – Birth: 695AD Death:775AD Kibi no Makibi Kibi no Makibi (吉備 朝臣 真備) was a scholar, born into a powerful family in the Kibi Region, who lived from 695-775AD. In his lifetime he was well versed in confucian classics, as well[...]

Abe no Nakamaro

Abe no Nakamaro

Period: Asuka Period, Nara Period Occupation: Poet Family: – Birth: 698AD1 701AD3 Death:770AD Abe no Nakamaro Abe no Nakamaro (阿倍 仲麻呂) was a member of the Abe Clan living from 698-770AD.1 He is known to have been born in Abe, Nara Prefecture.2 During his lifetime he was both a poet[...]

Abe no Hirafu

Abe no Hirafu

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: General, Governor Family: – Birth: c.575AD Death: 664AD Abe no Hirafu Abe no Hirafu (阿倍 比羅夫) was a member of the Abe Clan who lived during the mid 7th century.1 Louis Frederick gives the period of his life from c.575-664.2 For a part of his life he was[...]

Abe no Munetō

Abe no Munetō

Period: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Abe no Yoritoki (father) Abe no Sadatō (brother) Birth: – Death: – Abe no Munetō Abe no Munetō (安倍 宗任) was a member of the Abe Clan who lived sometime in the mid 11th century. He was the son of Abe no Yoritoki and[...]

Abe no Sadatō

Abe no Sadatō

Period: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Abe no Yoritoki (father) Abe no Munetō (brother) Birth: 1019AD Death: 1062AD Abe no Sadatō Abe no Sadatō (安倍 貞任) was a member of the Abe Clan living from 1019-1062AD. Like his father Abe no Yoritoki, he was from Mutsu Province. He fought alongside[...]



Man’yōshū The Man’yōshū (万葉集) is an important literary collection of Japanese poetry. Surviving Examples The oldest surviving example of this document is known as the katsura-bon (桂本) which dates to the mid-Heian period.1 Compilation It is generally unknown how the entire piece was compiled, though the Japanese at this time[...]

Tōkan Kikō

Tōkan Kikō

Tōkan Kikō The Tōkan Kikō (東関紀行) is a piece of Japanese literature. It dates to around 1242 and in it we find mention of Priest Manzei. The book looks at one of his poems and uses the art of honkadori on it stating that Manzei wrote his poem whilst standing[...]

Priest Manzei

Priest Manzei

See also: Priest Manzei Poems Period: Nara Period Occupation: Governor of Mino, General of Owari, Mikawa and Shinano, Udaiben, Buddhist Monk (sami), bettō, Poet Family: – Birth: – Death:- Priest Manzei Priest Manzei (満誓 沙弥 – He Who Fulfills the Vow/Compleat Votary) was the religous name of Kasa Maro (笠[朝臣][...]

Fujiwara no Yorimichi

Fujiwara no Yorimichi

Period: Heian Period Occupation: sesshō, kampaku Family: Fujiwara no Michinaga (father) Fujiwara no Morozane (son) Fujiwara no Michifusa (son) Fujiwara no Kanshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Genshi (adopted daughter) Fujiwara no Kenshi (sister) Fujiwara no Ishi (sister) Fujiwara no Sonshi (sister) Fujiwara no Kishi (sister) Fujiwara no Seishi (sister) Fujiwara no Shōshi (sister) Fujiwara[...]

Emperor Kōan

Emperor Kōan

Reign: 392-291BC Born: 427/428BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōshō (father) Yosotarashi Hime (mother) Oshihime (wife) Ōkibi no Morosumi (son) Emperor Kōrei (son) Ameoshitarashihiko (brother) Burial place: misasagi at Tamade Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōshō  * Successor Emperor Kōrei Emperor Kōan Emperor Kōan (孝安 天皇) was the 6th Emperor of[...]

Emperor Kōshō

Emperor Kōshō

Reign: 475-393BC Born: 507/508BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Itoku (father) Amatoyotsuhime (mother) Yosotarashi hime (wife) Emperor Kōan (son) Ameoshitarashihiko (son) Takeshihiko (brother) Burial place: misasagi on Hakatayama in Waki no Kami Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Itoku  * Successor Emperor Kōan Emperor Kōshō Emperor Kōshō (孝昭 天皇) was the fifth[...]

Fujiwara no Michinaga

Fujiwara no Michinaga

Period: Heian Period Occupation: udajin, nairan, dajō daijin, sesshō Family: Fujiwara no Kaneie (father) Fujiwara no Shōshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Kenshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Ishi (daughter) Fujiwara no Sonshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Kanshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Seishi (daughter) Fujiwara no Kishi (daughter) Fujiwara no Nagaie (son) Fujiwara no Yoshinobu (son) Fujiwara[...]

Tango Province

Tango Province

See also: Provinces Tango Province Tango Province (丹後国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. It is now included in Kyoto Prefecture. The Tango Fudoki, a provincial record, was written concerning this province.1 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”. London: Harvard University Press.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Itoku (father) Amatoyotsuhime (mother) Emperor Kōshō (brother) Birth: – Death: – Takeshihiko Takeshihiko (武石彦奇友背命) was a son of Emperor Itoku and Amatoyotsuhime.1 He is listed as the ancestor of the Lords of Chinu, Lords of Take in Tajima and the District Heads of Ashii.2[...]

Emperor Itoku

Emperor Itoku

Reign: 510-477BC Born: 554/553BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Annei (father) Nunasoko Nakatsuhime (mother) Amatoyotsuhime (wife) Emperor Kōshō (son) Takeshihiko (son) Burial place: misasagi on Mount Unebi Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Annei  * Successor Emperor Kōshō Emperor Itoku Emperor Itoku (懿徳 天皇) was the fourth Emperor of Japan also known as[...]

Fujiwara no Yasuhira

Fujiwara no Yasuhira

Period: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Hidehira (father) Birth: 1155AD Death: 1189AD Fujiwara no Yasuhira Fujiwara no Yasuhira (藤原 泰衡) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 1155-1189AD. He was the son of Fujiwara no Hidehira. During his lifetime he is known to have betrayed his father[...]

Fujiwara no Kiyohira

Fujiwara no Kiyohira

Period: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Motohira (son) Birth: 1056AD Death: 1128AD Fujiwara no Kiyohira Fujiwara no Kiyohira (藤原 清衡) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 1056-1128AD. His body was found under the main alter of Konjiki-dō at Chūson-ji, Hiraizumi. The body was found alongside his[...]

Fujiwara no Motohira

Fujiwara no Motohira

Period: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Hidehira (son)  Fujiwara no Kiyohira (father) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara no Motohira Fujiwara no Motohira (藤原 基衡) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan. His body was found under the main alter of Konjiki-dō at Chūson-ji, Hiraizumi. The body was found[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Shikitsuhiko (father) Unknown Name (brother) Haheirode (daughter) Ohoyamatokuniare (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Wachitsumi Wachitsumi is a man mentioned in the Kojiki as a son of the Prince Shikitsuhiko (brother to Emperor Annei). He is said to have had two daughters, these being Haheirode and[...]

Emperor Annei

Emperor Annei

Reign: 548-511BC Born: 568/567BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suizei (father) Isuzuyorihime (mother) Nunasoko Nakatsuhime (wife) Tokotsuhikoirone (son) Emperor Itoku (son) Shikitsuhiko (son) Ikishimimi? (son) Burial place: misasagi on Mount Unebi Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suizei  * Successor Emperor Itoku Emperor Annei Emperor Annei (安寧 天皇) was the third[...]



Misasagi Misasagi (陵) is a term for tombs (usually kofun tombs) of the Emperors and Imperial Family up until 701AD.1 The name of misasagi for Emperors are shown below. Legendary Period [2] Emperor Suizei – Tsukidaoka – 桃花鳥田丘上陵. The location of this tomb is unknown, but it is said to[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Emperor Suizei (brother) Tagishimimi (half-brother) Birth: – Death: – Kamiyawimimi Kamiyawimimi (神八井耳命) was a son of Emperor Jimmu, brother to Emperor Suizei and half-brother to Tagishimimi. After learning of the plot to have him and his brother killed by his brother[...]

Fujiwara no Korechika

Fujiwara no Korechika

Period: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Michitaka (father) Takashina no Takako (mother) Fujiwara no Michimasa (son) Fujiwara no Teishi (sister) Fujiwara no Takaie (brother) Birth: 973/974AD Death: 1010AD Fujiwara no Korechika Fujiwara no Korechika (藤原 伊周) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. He[...]

Fujiwara no Uchimaro

Fujiwara no Uchimaro

Period: Nara Period / Heian Period Occupation: Minister Family: Fujiwara no Matate (father) Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu (son) Fujiwara no Manatsu (son) Fujiwara no Onatsu (daughter) Birth: 756AD Death: 812AD Fujiwara no Uchimaro Fujiwara no Uchimaro (藤原 内麻呂) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan.[...]

Bunbuku Chagama

Bunbuku Chagama

Bunbuku Chagama Bunbuku Chagama (分福茶釜 or 文福茶釜) is a Japanese Folktale about a Tanuki who rewards the man who rescued him. Synopsis A Buddhist Priest comes across an old battered tea kettle amongst a pile of lumber. He takes the kettle and proceeds to clean it, and began to use[...]

Hidari Jingorō

Hidari Jingorō

Period: Azuchi-Momoyama Period, Edo Period Occupation: Sculptor Family: Birth: c.1548 Death: c.1634 Hidari Jingorō Hidari Jingorō (左 甚五郎) is said to have lived from c.1584-1634,1 and whose real name was Itami Toshikatsu.12 Born in Akashi (now Hyogo Prefecture) he was discipled to a master carpenter of the Imperial Court.2 Said[...]



Gensuke Gensuke was a victim to the practise of Hitobashira in 1608. This event occured at the Matsue Ohashi Bridge. Attempts were being made to construct a bridge over the Ohashi river here, however, the pillars kept being washed away. A sacrifice was chosen (this being the next soul to[...]

Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice Human Sacrifice was a practise that was said to have been carried out in ancient Japan. Though it is dubious whether this actually occoured or not. Hitobashira Hitobashira (人柱 – Human Pillar) was the practise of emtombing a person at the base of a structure/pillar with the belief[...]



Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga The Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga (鳥獣人物戯画 – Scrolls of Frolicking Animals) Chōjū-giga (鳥獣戯画) are a group of 4 emakimono scrolls with varying animal and human depictions, many of the animals having human characteristics. They are also notable as they contain no text.12 The scrolls measure 31cm high and are around 1 metre[...]

Provincial Titles

Provincial Titles

Provincial Titles See also: Court Titles, Imperial Titles, Be, Uji, Sesshō and Kampaku This pages serves to list the various Provincial Titles used in the past and up to this day. No doubt this page will continue to be updated as we continue our research. This page may also merge[...]

Shinsen Shōjiroku

Shinsen Shōjiroku

Shinsen Shōjiroku The Shinsen Shōjiroku (新撰姓氏録 – Revised Geneologies) is a piece of Japanese literature listing the geneologies of many noble families from the Heian Period. Originally created as a collection in 30 chapters1 now only fragments of the original 30 survive.2 Begun in 799AD at the order of Emperor[...]

Fujiwara no Kintō

Fujiwara no Kintō

  Period: Heian Period Occupation: Poet, Caligrapher, Statesman. Family: Fujiwara no Yoritada (father) Fujiwara no Sadayori (son) Fujiwara no Teishi (sister) Fujiwara no Junshi (sister) Birth: 966AD Death: 1041AD Fujiwara no Kintō Fujiwara no Kintō (藤原 公任) was a renowned member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 966-1041AD.12 He was[...]

Fujiwara no Kusuko

Fujiwara no Kusuko

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Fujiwara no Tanetsugu (father) Fujiwara no Nakanari (brother) Birth: – Death: 810AD Fujiwara no Kusuko Fujiwara no Kusuko (藤原 薬子) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Shikike Branch of this clan, known to have died in 810AD. She was daughter[...]

Harima Fudoki

Harima Fudoki

Harima Fudoki The Harima Fudoki (播磨国風土記) is one of the four fudoki that have been found concerning the Province of Harima.1 This document details aspects of Nomi no Sukune‘s life that are not included in other places. The document tells us how he died in Harima Province whilst travellng between[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Inishikinoiribiko (son) Emperor Keikō (son) Ohonakatsuhiko (son) Yamatohime (daughter) Wakakiiribiko (son) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother) Mikadawake (brother) Matonuhime (sister) Otohime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: –[...]

Sugawara no Takasue no Musume

Sugawara no Takasue no Musume

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Author Family: Sugawara no Takasue Birth: 1008 Death: after 1059 Sugawara no Takasue no Musume Sugawara no Takasue no Musume (菅原孝標女) was a member of the Sugawara Clan and daughter of Sugawara no Takasue, born in 100812 she died some time after 1067.2 Though we know[...]

Sugawara no Kiyogimi

Sugawara no Kiyogimi

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Statesman. Minister. Family: Sugawara no Koreyoshi (son) Birth: 770 Death: 842 Sugawara no Kiyogimi Sugawara no Kiyogimi, also known as Sugawara no Kiyotomo (菅原 清公) was a member of the Sugawara Clan living from 770-842. He was the father of Sugawara no Koreyoshi and during his life[...]

Sugawara no Koreyoshi

Sugawara no Koreyoshi

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Scholar, Tutor. Family: Sugawara no Kiyogimi (father) Sugawara no Michizane (son) Birth: 812 Death: 880 Sugawara no Koreyoshi Sugawara no Koreyoshi (菅原 是善) was a member of the Sugawara clan living from 812 to 880. He was the son of Sugawara no Kiyogimi and had a[...]

Sugawara no Michizane

Sugawara no Michizane

See also: Sugawara no Michizane Poems Period: Heian Period Occupation: Udaijin, Governor, Poet Family: Haji no Mimichi (ancestor) Sugawara no Koreyoshi (father) Sugawara no Fumitoki (grandson) Birth: 845 Death: 903 Sugawara no Michizane Sugawara no Michizane (菅原 道真/菅原 道眞) was a member of the Sugawara Clan living during the Heian[...]