Fujiwara no Yorimichi

Fujiwara no Yorimichi

Fujiwara no Yorimichi

Fujiwara no Yorimichi (藤原 頼通) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan.

Yorimichi lived from 992-1074AD1 was the son of Fujiwara no Michinaga12 and father to Fujiwara no Morozane, Fujiwara no Michifusa, Fujiwara no Kanshi and. He adopted as his daughter Fujiwara no Genshi.1

He held onto the positions of sesshō and kampaku during the reigns of Emperor Go-Ichijo and Go-Suzaku.12

It was his father who gave to him the position of kampaku, afterwards Michinaga retiring and directing policies through his son Yorimichi.2

Yorimichi lost control over the imperial succession when none of his daughters gave birth to an heir1 and so in 1068 he was forced to accept onto the throne Emperor Sanjō and later passes on his title of sesshō to his brother Fujiwara no Norimichi.12

His two daughters had been married to Emperor Go-Suzaku and Go-Reizei.1

The power of the Fujiwara then began to decline as this new Emperor was not a Fujiwara and wished to reassert Imperial Control.

In 1052 Yorimichi decided to return to his villa in Uji which he then converted into the temple Byōdō-in and became a monk.1

He was also known as uji-dono.2


1. Kodansha. (1993) ”Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia”. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd.
2. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”. London: Harvard University Press.

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