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My Lord Bag of Rice

My Lord Bag of Rice

See also: List of Folktales My Lord Bag of Rice My Lord Bag of Rice (俵藤太, Tawara Tōda) is a Japanese Folktale about Fujiwara Hidesato and The Dragon King. Synopsis Fujiwara, also known as Tawara Toda, wished for adventure and so one day set out. Reaching Seta-no-Karashi Bridge on Lake[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Otoshi (father?), Izanami (mother?), Izanagi (father?),  Ehime (sister), Takeyoriwake (brother), Iiyorohiko (brother) Ōgetsuhime Ōgetsuhime (大宣都比売) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the East part of the island called ‘Awa’. As a female food kami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Ehime (sister), Iiyorohiko (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Takeyoriwake Takeyoriwake (建日別 – Lord Summoned Brave) was the last of the four kami in the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the Southern part of the Island called ‘To-sa’. Nothing more is mentioned of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Ehime (sister), Takeyoriwake (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Iiyorohiko Iiyorohiko (飯依比古 – Food Summon Lad) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the North part of the island called ‘Sandy Hollows’, nothing more is mentioned of[...]

Ehime (Shinto)

Ehime (Shinto)

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Takeyoriwake (brother), Iiyorohiko (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Ehime Ehime (愛比売 – Lady Lovely) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the South-West part of the Island called ‘Groves’. Nothing more is mentioned of her.1 Footnotes[...]



Kurozuka The Kurozuka (黒塚) is a Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō by Toriyama Sekien. She was also known as the Onibaba. This Yōkai is detailed in a 10th Century Poem in the Yamato Monogatari stating: At Kurozuka, in Adachi of Mutsu Province, lurks a demon, they say. Could[...]

Mutsu Province

Mutsu Province

See also: List of Provinces Mutsu Province Mutsu Province (陸奥国) is one of the many old Provinces of Japan. Originally known as Michinoku (陸奥 or 道奥) it was also known as Ōshu (奥州) or Rikushū and is categorized as one of the eight Tōsandō (Eastern Mountain Road) Provinces.12 The Province[...]



Onogoroshima Onogoroshima (淤能碁呂島) is the island formed by both Izanami and Izanagi using the Jewelled Spear of Heaven whilst standing upon the Floating Bridge of Heaven. The island formed after they used the Spear to churn up the ocean below, the salt which fell from the Spear piling up to[...]

Floating Bridge of Heaven

Floating Bridge of Heaven

Floating Bridge of Heaven The Floating Bridge of Heaven (天浮橋) is a mythological bridge where Izanagi and Izanami first came together to begin attempts at creating land on Earth. From here they thrust down the Jewelled Spear of Heaven into the Ocean, the salt that fell from the Spear forming[...]

Emperor Jimmu

Emperor Jimmu

Reign: 660-584BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suizei (son) Burial Place: Near Mount Unebi. Order of Succession: Predecessor N/A  * Successor Emperor Suizei Emperor Jimmu Emperor Jimmu (神武天皇) was the first legendary Emperor of Japan, dated in the Nihongi to have begun his rule on 11th February 660BC in Kashihara,[...]



Taiheiki The Taiheiki (太平記, Chronicle of Great Peace) is a 14th Century chronicle. Within it contains several mentionings to certian Yōkai. One is that of Raigō, a monk, who dies from hunger strike. This is the result of the Emperor Shirakawa reneging on a promise he had made, causing him[...]



Tesso Tesso (鉄鼠) is a Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō by Toriyama Sekien. His tale is related in the Taiheiki. This Yōkai takes the form of a plague of rats created by the Monk Raigō after his spirit was reborn, dying from a hunger strike, the hunger strike[...]

Terajima Ryōan

Terajima Ryōan

Period: Edo Period Occupation: Dentist, Author, Artist Birth: – Death: Terajima Ryōan Terajima Ryōan (寺島良安) was an Osaka Dentist but also was the creator of the Wakan Sansai Zue which would later greatly inspire Toriyama Sekien in his depictions of Yōkai. He spent years cataloguing Chinese information on astronomy, botany,[...]

Mononobe no Moriya

Mononobe no Moriya

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Mononobe no Moriya Mononobe no Moriya (物部 守屋) was head of the Mononobe Clan during the reign of Emperor Sushun. He, not wishing to have Sushun on the throne, and to promote a different candidate, ended up in a[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Wealth and Prosperity Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ebisu Ebisu (恵比寿), also known as the Leech Child (蛭子, Hiru-ko) was according to the kojiki the first child of Izanami and Izanagi. He was a limbless child and so they placed him in a reed boat and cast[...]



See also: List of Provinces Co-ordinates: 34°25′N 129°20′E Region: Kyushu Prefecture: Nagasaki Prefecture Tsushima Creation Tsushima (Port Isle, 対馬) was the sixth of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles to have been born by Izanami and Izanagi, inhabited by the kami Amenosadeyorihime. It acted as an important harbour between Kyushu and[...]

Sacred Regalia

Sacred Regalia

See also: Divine Treasures Sacred Regalia The Sacred Regalia (三種の神器) are the three Sacred Items of the Imperial Throne, consisting of the Sword Kusanagi (草薙劍), the Jewel Yasakani no Magatama (八尺瓊勾玉) and the Mirror Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡). The Sacred Regalia is known to have been given by Amaterasu to[...]



Co-ordinates: 34°30′49″N 134°17′08″E Region: Shikoku Prefecture: Kagawa Prefecture Shōdoshima Shōdoshima (小豆島) was historically known as Azuki-shima (Read Bean Isle) and was, according to the kojiki, the second island born after the Great Land of Eightfold Isles, inhabited by the kami Ōnodehime. This island is located between Shikoku and the western[...]



For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Kumaso The Kumaso Tribe (熊襲) was a tribe of men that lived on the island of Tsukushi. They fought against the Imperial rule of Japan often rebelling at times against them and had to subdugated many times. Many events surroung their subdugation occur[...]



Co-ordinates: 33°45′N 133°30′E Prefecture: Ehime Prefecture, Kagawa Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture. Shikoku Shikoku (四国, Four Provinces) also historically called Iyo (伊予, Land of Groves) in the kojiki and nihongi is one of the four main islands of Japan. Mythical Creation According to both the kojiki and the nihongi this[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanami (sister/wife) Awokashikine (mother) Aha Nagi (father) Children (numerous – see below) Izanagi Izanagi (伊邪那岐 or 伊弉諾, He Who Beckons2) was the brother and husband of Izanami, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to[...]



Region: All Regions Prefecture: All Prefectures Ōyashimanokuni Ōyashimanokuni (大八洲 – Great Land of Eightfold Isles) is the collective name for the Eight Islands created by Izanami and Izanagi when they created Japan. The term would later come to be a general term for the entirety of Japan.1 The first eight[...]

Jewelled Spear of Heaven

Jewelled Spear of Heaven

The Jewelled Spear of Heaven and the Mighty Pillar of Heaven are two items mentioned in the kojiki, kujiki and nihongi. The Jewelled Spear of Heaven The Spear (Amenonuhoko, 天沼矛 or 天之瓊矛 or 天瓊戈) is noted to have been used by Izanami and Izanagi. Using it they churned up the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Fertility. Motherhood. Healing. Royal Clan. Family: – Kamimusuhi Kamimusuhi (神産巣日神) aka Kamumusubimioya was the third of the first three beings to come into existence when heaven and earth formed. He along with the other two kami (Amenominakanushi and Takamimusuhi), remained apart and concealed themselves from everything.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Yomi Family: Amaterasu (sister) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ōkuninushi (son) Takiribime (daughter) Ichikishimahime (daughter) Takitsuhime (daughter) Ōkuninushi (descendant) Numerous other decendants Susano-o Susano-o (須佐之男), also called Hayasusano-o2, is known to be the father of Ōkuninushi and brother to the Sun Amaterasu and Moon Tsukiyomi. He rules over Yomi[...]



Co-ordinates: – Region: Kyushu Prefecture: Nagasaki Prefecture Futagonoshima Futagonoshima (両児島 – Twin Isles) was, according to the kojiki, the sixth and final island born after the Great Land of Eightfold Isles, inhabited by the kami Amefutaya. Located south of the Gotō Peninsula, it is now encompassed into Nagasaki Prefecture.1 The[...]

Imbe Clan

Imbe Clan

First ruler: – Final ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Imbe Clan The Imbe Clan (忌部氏, 斎部氏) were one of the many various clans of Japan. This clan claimed descent from the Shinto kami Ameno Futodama.3 The kami Hiwashi is said to be[...]



Shinto Shinto (神道) is one of the main relgions of Japan and is native to the country. Founding Mythology Founding Kami See also: List of Shinto Kami. The original three kami of Shinto which appeared when Heaven and Earth formed, as related in the Kojiki were known as follows:1 Amenominakanushi[...]



See also: List of Provinces Co-ordinates: 33°47′N 129°43′E Region: Kyushu Prefecture: Nagasaki Prefecture Ikinoshima Creation Ikinoshima (壱岐島, Onward Isle) was the fifth of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles to have been born by Izanami and Izanagi, inhabited by the kami Amehitotsubashira. It is a large island of the N.W coast[...]



For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Emishi The Emishi (蝦夷 – Eastern Barbarians), also called at time the Ezo People1, were a Clan of people living on the periphery of the Yamato borders. Some scholars believe they could be the ancestors of the Ainu.2 Historically they are known[...]

Awaji Shima

Awaji Shima

Co-ordinates: 34°23′N 134°50′E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Hyōgo Prefecture Awaji Shima Awaji Shima (淡路島, Foamway Isle) is one of the many islands of Japan. Mythological Origins It was the first of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles created by Izanami and Izanagi, inhabited by the kami Awajinohonosawake according to the[...]



Nihongi The Nihongi (日本紀 – Japanese Chronicles) also called the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀 – The Chronicles of Japan) is one of the oldest documents we have concerning early and mythological Japanese history. Creation and Sources The document was completed in AD7201, however, its inception may have begun in AD714 when[...]



Tengu The Tengu (天狗) are a type of Yōkai depicted as a type of Raven in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō. They have deep associations with the Shugendō Religion, seen as guardians of Mountains and some legends state that martial artists such as Miyamoto no Yoshitsune learned their tricks from these[...]



Kitsunebi The Kitsunebi (狐火 – Fire-Fox) is a type of yōkai said to have visited the Ōji Inari Shrine on the last day of the year. Foxes normally shapeshift by placing a human bone between their teeth. Once there they would exhale fire from their nose and mouths, people watching[...]



Inugami and Shirachigo The Inugami (犬神 – Dog kami) is a type of yōkai depicted in the gazu hyakki yagyō alongside the creature Shirachigo (白児 – White Child). The Inugami is also seen in the hyakkai zukan. The Inugami has associations with Western Japan and the island of Shikoku, here[...]



Region: Tohoku Region Prefecture: Fukushima Prefecture Co-ordinates: 37°36′26.4″N 140°27′40.5″E Adachi Adachi (安達) is a village located within Fukushima Prefecture. Historically, it was located within Mutsu Province. A 10th Century document entitled the Yamato Monogatari mentions the village within a poem, stating it is the home of the Yōkai known as[...]

Nakatomi Clan

Nakatomi Clan

First Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – Cadet Branches: Fujiwara Clan For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Nakatomi Clan The Nakatomi Clan (The Intercessors1– 中臣氏) are known to have been the Hereditary Chief Custodians of Shinto and Rituals claiming descent from the Shinto kami Ameno Koyane.2 [...]

Abe Clan

Abe Clan

First Ruler: – Final Ruler: Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Abe Clan The Abe Clan (安倍氏) is one of the various Clans of Japan. Families This particular clan finds itself in two different areas of Japan. (This could make it difficult in piecing together[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanagi (brother/husband) Awokashikine (mother) Numerous children (see below) Izanami Izanami (伊弉冉尊 or 伊邪那美命, She Who Beckons2) was the sister and wife of Izanagi, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to Japan, the seas, mountains,[...]

Ameno Uzume

Ameno Uzume

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Sarume Clan Ameno Uzume Ameno Uzume (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) is known to be the ancestor of the Sarume Clan.2 She is mentioned in the nihongi and kojiki during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave because of the actions of her brother[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Sun Family: Izanami? (mother) Susano-o (brother) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ninigi (grand-son) Ōkuninushi (nephew) Amenooshihomimi (son) Amenohohi (son) Amatsuhikone (son) Ikutsuhikone (son) Kumanokusubi (son) Amaterasu Amaterasu (天照 – Heaven Shining) also known as Ōhirume-no-muchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神) is the Sun kami of Shinto, born in some accounts from the kami[...]

Ameno Koyane

Ameno Koyane

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Kogotomusuhi (father) Nakatomi Clan Ameno Koyane Ameno Koyane (天児屋命, 天児屋根命) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the kojiki and nihongi.12 This kami is claimed as the ancestor to the Nakatomi Clan1, with the nihongi listing this kami’s father as Kogotomusuhi.2 We see them[...]

Ameno Futodama

Ameno Futodama

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Imbe Clan Ameno Futodama Ameno Futodama (布刀玉, 太玉 or 天太玉) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the kojiki and nihongi.12 The Gleanings of Ancient Words1 as well as the nihongi2 list Futodama as the ancestress of the Imbe Clan. The Engi Shiki lists[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Himejima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amehitotsune Amehitotsune (天一根 – Single Root of Heaven) was the kami which inhabited the island of Himejima, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of her.1 The nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating Izanami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Ikinoshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amehitotsubashira Amehitotsubashira (天比登都柱 – Single Pillar of Heaven) was the kami that dwelt on the island of Ikinoshima mentioned in the kojiki. The kami name suggests a sailor seeing an island distantly upon the horizon.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Futagonoshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amefutaya Amefutaya (天両屋 – Twin Huts of Heaven) was the kami which inhabited the island of Futagonoshima, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating Izanami and[...]