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Haji no Sukune Furuhito
Haji no Sukune FuruhitoPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Lieutenant Governor of Tōtōmi Family: Haji Clan (ancestors) Sugawara Clan (decendants) Birth: Death: Haji no Sukune Furuhito Haji no Sukune Furuhito (土師 宿禰古人) later Sugawara no Furuhito (菅原古人) was a member of the Haji Clan until he requested their name be changed to Sugawara. During his[...]
Haji no Ushikatsu
Haji no UshikatsuPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Lieutenant Governor of Kazusa Province Family: Haji Clan Birth: Death: Haji no Ushikatsu Haji no Ushikatsu (土師 牛勝) was a member of the Haji Clan who we see mentioned as Lieutenant Governor of Kazusa Province in 738AD. In 745 we see him in the capital with[...]
Haji Clan
Haji ClanFirst Ruler: Nomi no Sukune (dubious) Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – Cadet Branches: Sugawara Clan, Akishino Clan, Ōe Clan, Niehaji. For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Haji Clan The Haji Clan (土師氏) was a Japanese clan which claimed descent from the Shinto kami Amenohohi in the 12[...]
Nomi no Sukune
Nomi no SukunePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Sumo Wrestler, Master Potter Family: Haji Clan (descendants) Haji no Mino (great-grandson) Amenohohi (ancestor) Others see below. Birth: Death: Nomi no Sukune Nomi no Sukune (野見 宿禰) was said to have been a descendant of the kami Amenohohi in the 14th generation and great-grandfather to Haji[...]
Kobayashi Issa
Kobayashi IssaSee also: Kobayashi Issa Poems Period: Edo Period Occupation: Haiku Poet Family: Kiku (wife) 8 children Birth: 1763 Death: 1827 Kobayashi Issa Kobayashi Issa (小林 一茶) was a renowned haiku poet living from 1763 to 1827.1234 He went by other names in his life such as Kobayashi Yatarō and Kobayashi[...]
SukunabikonaAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Takamimusuhi (father) Sukunabikona Sukunabikona (少彦名神) is a Shinto kami seen in two differing narratives inside of the Nihongi. In the first version he works with Ōkuninushi to make the ‘sub-celestial world,’ during this time they determine how to heal the diseases of men, and prtoects against[...]
ŌmiwaAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Himetatara Isuzuhime (daughter) Kimi of Kamo (descendants) Kimi of Ōmiwa (descendants) Ōmiwa Ōmiwa is a Shinto kami seen mentioned in the Nihongi. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kimi of Kamo and Kimi of Ōmiwa. His daughter was Himetatara Isuzuhime. He is[...]
ŌkuninushiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Amenofuyukinu (father) Sashikuniwakahime (mother) Susano-o (ancestor) Yamatotohime (wife) Ikutamayoribime (wife) Kushimigata (son) Ohotataneko (descendant) Ōkuninushi Ōkuninushi (大国主神 – Great Land Master1) is a Shinto kami. Family The kojiki states he is the son of Amenofuyukinu and Sashikuniwakahime, due to this he is a decendant of Susano-o.1[...]
KushinadahimeAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ashinadzuchi (father) Tenadzuchi (mother) Susano-o (husband) Ōkuninushi (son?) Yashimajinumi (son) Suga-no-yu-yama-nushi Mitsu-na-saro-hiko-yamaa-shino (son) Kushinadahime Kushinadahime (櫛名田比売 / 奇稲田姫 – Lady Wondrous Rice Paddies2) is a Shinto kami seen within the Kojiki and Nihongi narrative with connections to Susano-o and the Dragon Yamata no Orochi.12[...]
AshinadzuchiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Tenadzuchi (wife) Kushinadahime (daughter) Ōyamatsumi (father) Ashinadzuchi Ashinadzuchi ( 足名椎 / 脚摩乳命) is a Shinto kami seen in the texts of the Kojiki and Nihongi in relation to their dealings with Yamata no Orochi. He is the husband of Tenadzuchi and father to Kushinadahime in both the Nihongi[...]
Yamata no Orochi
Yamata no OrochiYamata no Orochi Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ, also 八岐大蛇 , 八俣遠呂智 or 八俣遠呂知, 大蛇) was a giant serpentine Dragon mentioned in the Shinto Mythologies in association with Susano-o. The Dragon and Susano-o can be found in old texts such as the Kojiki and Nihongi.12 The appaearance of the Dragon in[...]
HinomaheAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ishikoridome (creator) Hinomahe Hinomahe is a Shinto kami mentioned in an alternative writing of the Nihongi. It states that Ishikoridome formed a Sun Spear made out of copper from Mount Kagu to help get Amaterasu out of the cave as well as Heavenly Bellows[...]
HiwashiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: – Hiwashi Hiwashi (天日鷲神) is a Shinto kami mentioned in the Nihongi. They are seen in an alternative writing of the Nihongi during the time when Amaterasu is hiding in the Sacred Rock Cave. He is instructed to gather tree fibres as one of[...]
Fujiwara no Hidehira
Fujiwara no HidehiraPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Lord of Mutsu Province Family: Fujiwara no Yasuhira (son) Fujiwara no Motohira (father) Fujiwara no Kiyohira (grandfather) Birth: 1096AD Death: 1187AD Fujiwara no Hidehira Fujiwara no Hidehira (藤原 秀衡) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Ōshū-Fujiwara, living from 1096-1187AD. He was the[...]
Hotta Masanobu
Hotta MasanobuPeriod: Edo Period Occupation: Hatamoto Family: – Birth: – Death: – Hotta Masanobu Hotta Masanobu (堀田 正信) was a hatamoto1 of Shimōsa Province.2 Within the province he ruled over the village of Kozu and heavily taxed all the residents of the Province for their rice causing almost all to be[...]
Sakura Sōgorō
Sakura SōgorōPeriod: Edo Period Occupation: Peasant Family: Wife and 4 children. Birth: Death: September 24th 1653 Sakura Sōgorō Sakura Sōgorō (佐倉 惣五郎) also known as Kiuchi Sōgorō (木内 惣五郎) was a peasant living in the village of Kozu, now close to modern day Narita.1 At the time this was in the[...]
Izumo no Omi Hiroshima
Izumo no Omi HiroshimaPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Izumo no Omi Hiroshima Izumo no Omi Hiroshima (出雲臣廣嶋) was one of the two compilers of the Izumo Fudoki. He was kuni no miyatsuko of Izumo Province, and district leader (dairyō) of the Ou District.1 Footnotes 1. Carlqvist, A.[...]
Miyake no Omi Kanatari
Miyake no Omi KanatariPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Miyake no Omi Kanatari Miyake no Omi Kanatari (神宅臣金太理) was one of the two compilers of the Izumo Fudoki. It is likely he was well versed in Chinese classical literature from the style of Fudoki. He was a local[...]
Takeda Clan
Takeda ClanFirst Ruler: – Final Ruler: Takeda Katusyori Dissolution: Suicide of Katsuyori in 1582. Cadet Branches: Aki, Kai, Wakasa For a full list of Japanese Clans see: Clans. Takeda Clan The Takeda Clan (武田氏) was a prominent clan and military house during the Kamakura, Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama Periods, taking their name[...]
Takeda Katsuyori
Takeda KatsuyoriPeriod: Muromachi Period / Azuchi-Momoyama Occupation: daimyo Family: Takeda Shingen (father) Birth: 1546AD Death: 1582AD Takeda Katsuyori Takeda Katsuyori (武田 勝頼), also known as Takeda Shirō, was a daimyo and member of the Kai branch of the Takeda Clan.12 As daimyo he ruled over the Kai, Shinano, Suruga and Kōzuke Provinces,[...]
Takeda Shingen
Takeda ShingenPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: shugo / daimyo Family: Takeda Nobutora (father) Takeda Katsuyori (son) Birth: 1521AD Death: 1573AD Takeda Shingen Takeda Shingen (武田 信玄) was a daimyo of Kai Province living from 1521-73. Also going by the name of Takeda Harunobu, he was from long line of shugo of this[...]
Takeda Nobutora
Takeda NobutoraPeriod: Muromachi Period/Azuchi-Momoyama Period Occupation: shugo Family: Takeda Shingen (son) Birth: 1498AD Death: 1574AD Takeda Nobutora Takeda Nobutora (武田 信虎) was from the Kai branch of the Takeda Family living from 1498-1574.1 His son Takeda Shingen displaced him in 1541.12 He was from long line of shugo of Kai Province[...]
Takeda Nobumitsu
Takeda NobumitsuPeriod: Kamakura Period Occupation: Shugo Family Takeda Nobuyoshi (father) Birth: – Death: 1248AD Takeda Nobumitsu Takeda Nobumitsu (武田信光) was a member of the Takeda Clan and son of Takeda Nobuyoshi. He is known to have died in 1248AD. In 1221, for the Kamakura Shogunate, he aided them during the Jōkyū[...]
MujinaMujina Mujina (貉) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien and are known to be shapeshifters like the tanuki or kitsune. One story involving this creature details how it liked to take the form of a monk and would perform devotions everyday[...]
Date Masamune
Date MasamunePeriod: Muromachi Period / Azuchi-Momoyama Period Occupation: Daimyō Family: Date Teramune (Father) Birth: 1567 Death: 1635 Date Masamune Date Masamune (伊達 政宗) was a daimyō of Mutsu Province living from 1567 to 1635, during his life he had the nickname of One Eye Dragon (Dokuganryū) as he had a lost[...]
Date Clan
Date ClanFirst Ruler: Date Tomomune Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Japanese Clans see: Clans. Date Clan The Date Clan (伊達氏) are descendants of Isa Tomomune, who later changed his name to Date Tomomune. After helping Minamoto no Yoritomo defeat his brother Yoshitsune in 1189 he was[...]
Tango Fudoki
Tango FudokiTango Fudoki Tango Fudoki (丹後国風土記) is an eight century provincial record of the Province of Tango. You can find the tale of Urashima Taro inside of it,1 in the Tango Fudoki version Urashima given the name Shima no Ko.2 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”.[...]
Harima Province
Harima ProvinceSee also: Provinces Harima Province Harima Province (播磨国) is one of the many Provinces which once existed in Japan.1 It also went by the name of Banshū (播州) and is now located in the modern prefecture of Hyōgo.2 One version of the folktale known as banchō sarayashiki is set in[...]
Ono no Takamura
Ono no TakamuraPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Statesman, Imperial Advisor. Family: – Birth: 802AD Death: 852AD Ono no Takamura Ono no Takamura (小野 篁) was a Heian Period statesman, living from 802 to 852, who was also known for his poetry.1 In 834 he was ship wrecked during a mission to[...]
Aoyama Tessan
Aoyama TessanAoyama Tessan Aoyama Tessan was a man who has connections to the story of Banchō Sarayashiki, his role is slightly different depending on the version of the folktale. In the Harima Province version, he is a Samurai who serves the lord of the Province. Aoyama wants to be ruler instead[...]
DanshiroDanshiro Danshiro was a man who has connections to the story of Banchō Sarayashiki. In the tale he is tasked with finding the person who attempted to poison the Lord of Harima Province. He finds out it is a woman called Okiku but says he will keep it a secret[...]
Banchō Sarayashiki
Banchō SarayashikiBanchō Sarayashiki Banchō Sarayashiki (番町皿屋敷, The Dish Mansion at Banchō) is a Japanese Folktale from 1741 involving the woman known as Okiku. There are various versions to this tale. Harima Province Version Okiku was from Harima Province, working as a maid servant for the Samurai Aoyama Tessan. Tessan wanted to[...]
OkikuOkiku Okiku (お菊)is a well known ghost in Japan. Known from the 1741 folktale by the name of Banchō Sarayashiki, she falls into the category of an Onryō (vengeful ghost) Harima Province Version Okiku was from Harima Province, working as a maid servant for the Samurai Aoyama Tessan. Tessan wanted[...]
Yatsukamizu Omitsuno
Yatsukamizu OmitsunoAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Relating to water. Family: Fukabuchinomizuyarehana (father) Amenotsudoechine (mother) Futemimi (wife) Amenofuyukinu (son) Yatsukamizu Omitsuno Yatsukamizu Omitsuno (八束水巨津野)1, or simply Omizunu (淤美豆奴神, or 意弥都奴 – Great Water Master2) is a Shinto kami mentioned in several different texts. Name and Ancestry Carlqvist, referenced below, states that ‘Omitsuno’ was[...]
Mount Daisan
Mount DaisanCo-ordinates: 35°22′16″N 133°32′47″E Region: Chūgoku Region Prefecture: Tottori Prefecture Height: 1729 metres. Mount Daisan Mount Daisan (大山) resides in Tottori Prefecture and reached a height of 1729 meters is the tallest in the region. During the time the Izumo Fudoki was compiled this Mountain was called Hikami High Mountain (火神岳).[...]
Mount Sanbe
Mount SanbeCo-ordinates: – Region: Chūgoku Region Prefecture: Shimane Prefecture Height: 1126 metres. Mount Sanbe Mount Sanbe (三羝山) resides in Shimane Prefecture, and once stood in Izumo Province. The mountain rises to a height of 1126 meters above sea level. During the time the Izumo Fudoki was compiled this Mountain was called[...]
Izumo Fudoki
Izumo FudokiIzumo Fudoki Izumo Fudoki (出雲国風土記) is a Fudoki (Regional Report) about Izumo Province, originally compiled in 733AD. Authorship and Layout Compiled by Miyake no Omi Kanatari and Izumo no Omi Hiroshima it consists of 11 Chapters in total. The first Chapter introduces the province and the procedures used to make[...]
Ōtomo no Yakamochi
Ōtomo no YakamochiPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Minister of Military Affairs, Governor of Etchū Province Family: Ōtomo no Tabito (father) Sakanoue no Iratsume (aunt) Ōiratsume (cousin and wife) Birth: 718? Death: 785 Ōtomo no Yakamochi Ōtomo no Yakamochi (大伴 家持) was a Poet who lived from perhaps 718 until 7851. Family[...]
AkitajōAkitajō Akitajō (秋田城) was a Nara Period fortress established in 733 as a way to aide in subjugating the Ezo People.12 Constructed in Dewa Province it was used between the 8th and 10th Centuries until it was abandoned and replaced with a new one close by. The only remains surviving[...]
IzawajōIzawajō Izawajō (胆沢城) was a Heian Period fortress built in 802 within Mutsu Province, located close to the confluence of the Izawa and Kitakami Rivers. It was here that Sakanoue no Tamuramaro transferred his headquarters (Chinjufu) to so that he could continue his attempts at subjugating the Ezo People. Today[...]
Priest Nōin
Priest NōinPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Priest Family: Birth: 988 Death: 1051? Priest Nōin Priest Nōin (能因) also known as Tachibana no Nagayasu (橘永愷) before entering into religion and changing his name, lived from 988 to around 1051AD. He entered into religion after graduating from the Imperial University aged 25,[...]
Katawa guruma
Katawa gurumaKatawa guruma Katawa guruma (片輪車 – Single Wheel) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. More specifically she is a female spirit and can be seen as attached to a wheel. The story surrouding her states that there was a road in[...]
Abura akago
Abura akagoAbura akago Abura akago (油赤子 – Oil Baby) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. Stories of this child, seemingly drinking oil from a lantern can find it origins in the town known as Hacchō in the city of Ōtsu; historically this[...]
TakehiratoriAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amenohohi (father) Takehiratori Takehiratori (建比良鳥 – Brave Hinterland Bird1) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the Kojiki and Nihongi.12 The kami also goes by the names of Amenohinatori and Takehinateri.2 He is said to be the son of Amenohohi and became the ancestor for[...]
Hyūga Province
Hyūga ProvinceSee also: Provinces Hyūga Province Hyūga Province (日向国) also known as Himuka Province1 is an old Province of Japan, located in modern day Miyazaki Prefecture.2 Legendary Period The mythical river known as the Tachibana River where Izanagi cleansed himself after visiting Yomi is said to have been located here.1 One[...]
Hōki Province
Hōki ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Hōki Province Hōki Province (伯耆国), also known as Hahaki Province1 was an old province of Japan. It is now located in modern day Tōttori Prefecture.2 The border between this Province and Izumo Province is said to be the location of the burial of the Goddess[...]
Kai Province
Kai ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Kai Province Kai Province (甲斐国) was once a Province of Japan, located in what is now Yamanashi Prefecture.12 Established historically during the Taika Reforms,1 it is said this area was also visited previously by Yamato Takeru when he visited from the east.2 Geographically the entire Province[...]
ProvincesProvinces The Japanese provinces (国 kuni or koku) were geographical areas which were establsihed by the Kokugun System and the Taika Reforms came into being in 645AD. Initially they comprised of 58 kuni with 3 islands provinces, however by 822AD this had changed to 66 kuni and 2 islands provinces.[...]
Yamato Province
Yamato ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Yamato Province Yamato Province (大和国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Nara Prefecture.12 Inception During its inception, when the Kokugen System came into effect, it stayed as the centre of government and culture from the 4th century until 784. It[...]
Koshi Province
Koshi ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Koshi Province Koshi Province (越国) was an old Province of Japan. It is said the inhabitants of this area were of foreign origins, from Manchuria and Korea. These people were known as Koshi-bito.1 Mythical Associations The area known as the Tsutsu Cape located here is[...]
Omi Province
Omi ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Omi Province Omi Province (近江国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Shiga Prefecture.12 Location Located on the route between the four (later five) capital provinces and eastern provinces its borders came to have three important barrier stations (Seki-sho) called Arachi,[...]
Izumo Province
Izumo ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Izumo Province Izumo Province (出雲国), also known as Unshū (雲州), was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Shimane Prefecture.1 It formed one of the eight Provinces of the San’indō.12 The Province was formed of several districts, two known as Ou and[...]
Kaga Province
Kaga ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Kaga Province Kaga Province (加賀国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Ishikawa Prefecture. The area for a long period of time came under the control of the Maeda Family.1 Sakanoue no Korenori is known to have acted as Governor of[...]
Hizen Province
Hizen ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Hizen Province Hizen Province (肥前国), also known as Bizen, was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Nagasaki and Saga Prefecture.1 Legenedary Period Legends state that the sword Orochi no Aramasa eventually came to dwell in Isonomaki in Bizen Province.2 Kamakura/Muromachi Period[...]
Shimotsuke Province
Shimotsuke ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Shimotsuke Province Shimotsuke Province (下野国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Tochigi Prefecture.1 Fujiwara Hidesato is known to have acted as Governor of this Province.12 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”. London: Harvard University Press.[...]
Hida Province
Hida ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Hida Province Hida Province (飛騨国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Gifu Prefecture.1 The Yōkai known as the Satori is said to dwell in this Province.2 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”. London: Harvard University[...]
Kii Province
Kii ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Kii Province Kii Province (紀伊国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Wakayama and Mie Prefecture.1 Legendary Period In the nihongi the kami Izanami is said to have been buried in this Province in the village of Arima.2 Yamanobe no Ohotaka[...]
Shiki and Kyaku
Shiki and KyakuShiki and Kyaku Shiki and Kyaku (Admnistrative/Ceremonial Procedures and Penal Codes) are two different types of legal documents made to implement the laws of the late 7th and early 8th centuries. The first Shiki and Kyaku were completed in the Kōnin Era, the second in the Jōgan Era. The Engi[...]
Yamashiro Province
Yamashiro ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Yamashiro Province Yamashiro Province (山城国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Kyoto Prefecture.1 The Shinsen Shōjiroku shows the Haji Clan dwelt in this province amongst others.3 Inception One of the 5 central (kinai) provinces, established under the Kokugun System in 646AD,[...]
KumanokusubiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amenohohi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Kumanokusubi Kumanokusubi (Wonder Worker of Bear Moors) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the fifth and final born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This[...]
AmenohohiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Amaterasu (mother) Amenooshihomimi (brother) Amatsuhikone (brother) Ikutsuhikone (brother) Kumanokusubi (brother) Hinohayahi (brother) Amenohohi Amenohohi (Majestic Rice Ears of Heaven) is a son of Amaterasu, he was the second born from the Jewels in Amaterasu’s hair after being chewed and spat out by Susano-o. This[...]
Hashi-HimeHashi-Hime Hashi-Hime (橋姫) is a is a is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. Notes by Sekien state this creature has a shrine next to the Uji Bridge in Yamashiro Province. Tales of her can be found in the Tale of the[...]
Tosa Province
Tosa ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Tosa Province Tosa Province (土佐国) was an old Province of Japan, situated now in modern day Kōchi Prefecture on the Island of Shikoku.1 The kojiki states that the kami Takeyoriwake dwelt here.2 During the Heian Period, in 930AD, Ki no Tsurayuki was appointed Governor of[...]
Sakanoue no Korenori
Sakanoue no KorenoriPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor. Family: Sakanoue no Mochiki (son) Birth: Death: 930AD Sakanoue no Korenori Sakanoue no Korenori (坂上是則) was a known waka poet who had a good career, and ended up with the position of Governor for the Province of Kaga. His poetic legacy includes forty[...]
Mino Province
Mino ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Mino Province Mino Province (美濃国) also known as Nōshū (濃州) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Gifu Prefecture. It is included as one of the eight Provinces which made up the Tōsandō Region. It is well known for its Mino[...]
Nara Prefecture
Nara PrefectureCo-ordinates: 34°34′N 135°46′E Island: Honshu Region: Kansai Capital: Nara See also: Yamato Province See also: List of Prefectures. Nara Prefecture Nara Prefecture (奈良県 – Nara-ken) is located on the island of Honshu. As a land-locked Prefecture it is bordered on all sides. Kyoto Prefecture to the North, Mie to the West, Wakayama on[...]
Fujiwara no Sanekata
Fujiwara no SanekataPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor. Family: Fujiwara no Tadahira (great-grandfather) Birth: – Death: 998AD Fujiwara no Sanekata Fujiwara no Sanekata (藤原 実方) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. He was the great-grandson of the poet Fujiwara no Tadahira. He[...]
Sugitani Zenjubo
Sugitani ZenjuboPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Ninja / Sniper Family: Koga Clan Birth: – Death: 1573 Sugitani Zenjubo Sugitani Zenjubo (杉谷善住坊) was born to one of the 53 families of the Koga Clan, acting as Ninja and Sniper for them until his death in 1573. He was best known for his use[...]
Battle of Mimikawa
Battle of MimikawaFor all battles on the site see: List of Battles. Period: Azuchi-Momoyama Period Date: 1578 Location: Kyushu Outcome: Defeat of Ōtomo Sōrin’s forces Battle of Mimikawa The Battle of Mimikawa occurred in 1578 on the island of Kyushu. The battle involving the forces of daimyō Ōtomo Sōrin and his vassal Tsunokumo[...]
Bungo Province
Bungo ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Bungo Province Bungo Province (豊後国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Ōita Prefecture.1 Azuchi-Momoyama Period During this period it was ruled over by the daimyō Ōtomo Sōrin, who led his warriors into a battle later known as the Battle of[...]
Ōtomo Sōrin
Ōtomo SōrinPeriod: Azuchi-Momoyama Period Occupation: Daimyō (Feudal Lord) Family: ? Birth: ? Death: 1587 Ōtomo Sōrin Ōtomo Sōrin (大友 宗麟) was a daimyō (Feudal Lord) in the Province of Bungo in Kyushu. He had as his vassal the Samurai Tsunokuma Sekiso who was famed for his supernatural abilities to control weather. His[...]
Ki no Tsurayuki
Ki no TsurayukiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Poet, Governor Family: Ki no Tokibumi (son) Ki no Tomonori (cousin) Birth: – Death: 946AD Ki no Tsurayuki Ki no Tsurayuki (紀 貫之) was a high ranking court nobleman of the Heian Period. Best known for his poetry and prose. He was the cousin of Ki[...]
Yamanoue no Okura
Yamanoue no OkuraPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor Family: – Birth: – Death: 733AD? Yamanoue no Okura Yamanoue no Okura (山上 憶良) was a waka poet and lived during the Nara period. He is said to have died at the age of 74 in 733AD1, and inspired Ōtomo no Tabito to persue his[...]
Nagasaki Prefecture
Nagasaki PrefectureCo-ordinates: : 32°58′N 129°48′E Island: Kyushu Region: Kyushu Region Capital: Nagasaki See also: Iki Province, Tsushima Province, Hizen Province. See also: List of Prefectures. Nagasaki Prefecture Nagasaki Prefecture (長崎県 – Nagasaki-ken) is located on the island of Kyushu. It is bordered by the Genkai Sea and Tsushima Strait on its northern edge, by Saga[...]
Toyama Prefecture
Toyama PrefectureCo-ordinates: 36°43′N 137°9′E Island: Honshu Region: Chūbu Capital: Toyama See also: Etchū Province. See also: List of Prefectures. Toyama Prefecture Toyama Prefecture (富山県 – Toyama-ken) is located in central Honshu, with its capital city being Toyama. It is bordered on the north by the Sea of Japan, Nagano and Niigata Prefectures on[...]
SatoriSatori The Satori (覚) is a is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. It is said to be a ‘kaku‘ which dwell in the mountains of Hida and Mino Provinces. The ‘kaku‘ is short for ‘kakuen‘ which is a legendary type of[...]
Nutari no Ki
Nutari no KiNutari no Ki Nutari no Ki (渟足柵) was a type of Saku (fortified frontier) erected in 647AD in the old Province of Echigo, close to the city of Niigata. It’s construction was carried out to serve as an outpost for the military to continue campaigns against the Ezo People of[...]
Iwafune no Ki
Iwafune no KiIwafune no Ki Iwafune no Ki (磐舟柵) also known as Iwafune no Saku was a type of ‘Saku‘ (fortified frontier) in the old Province of Echigo, modern day Niigata Prefecture, close to the city of Murakami. It was established in 648AD as part of a campaign against the Ezo tribes in[...]
Tachibana River
Tachibana RiverTachibana River The Tachibana River, though its modern day location is unknown, is said to have historically been located in the area known as ‘Awaki‘ in Himuka Province. Due to this it would have been located in modern day Miyazaki Prefecture. This is the river mentioned in both the Kojiki[...]
Yamato Sanzan
Yamato SanzanYamato Sanzan Yamato Sanzan (大和三山, Three Hillls of Yamato) are located near the city of Kashihara in Nara Prefecture, Kansai Region. These three mountains are Unebiyama, Amanokagushima and Miminashiyama. All three of them are formed of igneous rock and are mentioned in the Man’yōshū.1 Mount Unebi Co-ordinates: 34°29′32.5″N135°47′06″E Height: 199.2m Mount[...]
Ifuya Pass
Ifuya PassCo-ordinates: – Region: Chūgoku Region Prefecture: Shimane Prefecture (now), Izumo Province (historically) Ifuya Pass The Ifuya Pass (Ifuya zaka), according to the Kojiki, is located in Izumo Province. This mountain pass was said to contain the location to the entrance to Yomi known as Hirasaka and is mentioned in the[...]
HibayamaCo-ordinates: – Region: Chūgoku Region Prefecture: Border of Izumo and Hahaki Province Height: – Hibayama Hibayama (Mount Spirit Court) is stated in the Kojiki to be the location of the burial mound of Izanami. Sadly, its exact location is unknown, however, it is stated to be on the border between[...]
Emperor Shōmu
Emperor ShōmuReign: 724-749AD Period: Nara Period Family: Emperor Monmu (father) Fujiwara no Miyako (mother) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (wife) Empress Kōken (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Genshō * Successor Empress Kōken Emperor Shōmu Emperor Shōmu (聖武天皇) was the 45th Emperor of Japan. He was the son of Emperor Monmu and Fujiwara no[...]
YomiYomi Yomi (黄泉) is the Land of the Dead or Underworld in Shinto Mythology. It is also called the ‘land that lies beneath the hard earth’s roots’ (Nenokatasukuni).2 We first see this place mentioned when Izanami dies after giving birth to the Fire-kami Kagutsuchi. Her husband/brother Izanagi enters into Yomi[...]
MizuhanomeAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Irrigation Family: Izanami (mother) Wakumusubi (sibling) Mizuhanome Mizuhanome (彌都波能売神 – Water Gushing Woman) was a child of Izanami, born from her urine during her death throws after being burnt after the birth of Kagutsuchi. She is the sister of Wakumusubi in the kojiki.1 The Engi Rites state[...]
HaniyasubimeAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Earth Family: Izanami (mother) Haniyasubiko (brother) Kagutsuchi (husband) Wakumusubi (child) Haniyasubime Haniyasubime (波邇夜須毘売神 – Lady Kneading Clay) is a Shinto kami born from the excrement of Izanami in her death throws after being burnt by giving birth to Kagutsuchi, this is all related in the Kojiki. Her[...]
Empress Kōgyoku
Empress KōgyokuReign: 642-645 (Kōgyoku) 655-661 (Saimei) Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Jomei (husband) Prince Naka (son) Emperor Kotoku (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: 1st Reign Predecessor Emperor Jomei * Successor Emperor Kōtoku 2nd Reign Predecessor Emperor Kōtoku * Sucessor Emperor Tenji Empress Kōgyoku Empress Kōgyoku (皇極天皇) was the thirty-fifth[...]
Empress Suiko
Empress SuikoReign: 593-628AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Bidatsu (husband) Emperor Kinmei (father) Emperor Yōmei (brother) Soga no Umako (uncle) Shōtoku Taisha (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Sushun * Successor Emperor Jomei Empress Suiko Empress Suiko (推古天皇) was the thirty-third Emperor of Japan1, younger sister to Emperor[...]
Chikuzen Province
Chikuzen ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Chikuzen Province Chikuzen Province (筑前国) was an old Province of Japan. It is now in modern day Fukuoka Prefecture.1 Around the 700’s AD the waka poet Yamanoue no Okura became Governor of this province.2 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan[...]
Yamato Monogatari
Yamato MonogatariYamato Monogatari The Yamato Monogatari (大和物語, Tales of Yamato) is a 10th Century monogatari. Poets The poet Henjo is mentioned within the text, with many stories about his many lovers and religious conversations that he had included inside.2 Supernatural Creatures Within its texts it discusses the Yōkai known as the[...]
IshikoridomeAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Hinokuma (daughter) Amenonukado (father) Ishikoridome Ishikoridome (Stone Mold Crone1) (石凝姥命 or 伊斯許理度売命) is a Shinto kami who is mentioned during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave.2 Family This kami is claimed as the ancestor of the Mirror Makers in the[...]
Fujiwara Hidesato
Fujiwara HidesatoPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Chinjufu-shōgun, Governor Family: Fujiwara no Uona (ancestor) Fujiwara no Murao (father) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara Hidesato Fujiwara Hidesato (藤原 秀郷) also known as Tawara Tōda (俵藤太)3 is included in the Folktale My Lord Bag of Rice. He is noted to have had the nature of[...]
Sagami Province
Sagami ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Sagami Province Sagami Province (相模国) was an old Province in Japan, situated in what is now Kanagawa Prefecture, established during the Taika Reforms in 645.4 This area is called Sagami in the Kojiki1, but Suruga in the Nihongi2. Legendary Period Yamato Takeru travelled through here[...]
Owari Province
Owari ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Owari Province Owari Province (尾張国) was once a Province of Japan, located in what is now Aichi Prefecture. Created in 646 under the Kokugun System3, it is one of the 15 Provinces traversed by the Tokaido Road.13 This Province is also known as Bishū (尾州).3[...]
Miyazu Hime
Miyazu HimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Yamato Takeru (husband) Miyazu Hime Miyazu Hime was a Princess living in the land of Owari. Yamato Takeru visits her before going to subdue the Emishi promising to marry her upon his return. When he returns, they do marry. Yamato then leaving for one[...]
Etchū Province
Etchū ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Etchū Province Etchū Province (越中国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Toyama Prefecture. Legendary Period It is mentioned in the Nihongi alongside that of Echigo Province and Echizen Province. However, they are grouped together and given the name of Koshi.[...]
Echizen Province
Echizen ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Echizen Province Echizen Province (越前国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Fukui Prefecture.1 Legendary Period It is mentioned in the Nihongi alongside that of Echigo Province and Etchu Province. However, they are grouped together and given the name of Koshi. Koshi[...]
Echigo Province
Echigo ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Echigo Province Echigo Province (越後国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Niigata Prefecture, established in the early 8th Century.1 The folktale called The Mirror of Matsuyama is set in this province.4 Legendary Period It is mentioned in the nihongi alongside[...]
KoshiKoshi Koshi is mentioned in the Nihongi as the fifth of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles to have been created by Izanami and Izanagi. This place, however, is not an island, but an amalgamation of the old Echigo, Echizen and Etchū Provinces of Japan.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896)[...]
OkigashimaCo-ordinates: 36°10′16.1″N 133°8′40.8″E Region: Chūgoku Region Prefecture: Shimane Prefecture Okigashima Okigashima (隠岐の島, Isles in the Offing/Oki Islands) is a small archipelago off the coast of Honshu.1 According to the kojiki this island is the third of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles to have been born by Izanami and Izanagi,[...]