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All Pages on our site tagged as People.
Fujiwara no Sadaie
Fujiwara no SadaieFujiwara no Sadaie This is a redirect page for the Fujiwara no Sadaie. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously[...]
Fujiwara no Toshinari
Fujiwara no ToshinariFujiwara no Toshinari This is a redirect page for the Fujiwara no Toshinari. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously[...]
Fujiwara no Teika
Fujiwara no TeikaPeriod: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Fujiwara no Shunzei (father) Priest Jakuren (brother-in-law) Birth: 1162AD Death: 1241AD Fujiwara no Teika Fujiwara no Teika, also known as Fujiwara no Sadaie (藤原 定家) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 1162 to 1241. He was the son[...]
Fujiwara no Shunzei
Fujiwara no ShunzeiPeriod: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Fujiwara no Teika (son) Priest Jakuren (son-in-law) Fujiwara no Sanesada (nephew) Birth: 1114AD Death: 1204AD Fujiwara no Shunzei Fujiwara no Shunzei (藤原 俊成), also known as Fujiwara no Toshinari was a member of the Fujiwara Clan. He was the father[...]
Sarumaru Dayu
Sarumaru DayuSarumaru Dayu This is a redirect page for the Sarumaru Dayu. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Sarumaru Taifu
Sarumaru TaifuSee also: Sarumaru Taifu Poems Period: Nara Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: – Birth: ? (Active during mid 8th Century?) Sarumaru Taifu Sarumaru Taifu, also called Sarumaru Dayu (猿丸大夫) lived during the mid 8th century, or so we believe. This poet may in fact have never existed in the first place[...]
Minamoto no Yorimitsu
Minamoto no YorimitsuBirth: – Death: – Period: Occupation: Warrior Minamoto no Yorimitsu Minamoto no Yorimitsu (源 頼光) has ties to the creature known as the Shuten-dōji. In this tale he learns that this Yokai has captured several maidens, and so he takes a band of men with him in an attempt to[...]
Fujiwara no Sadanaga
Fujiwara no SadanagaFujiwara no Sadanaga This is a redirect page for the Fujiwara no Sadanaga. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously[...]
Priest Jakuren
Priest JakurenPeriod: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Bureau of Poetry Family: Fujiwara no Ietaka (son-in-law) Fujiwara no Shunzei (adopted father) Birth: 1139 Death: 1202 Priest Jakuren Priest Jakuren (寂蓮), originally known as Fujiwara no Sadanaga (藤原定長) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 1139 to 1202AD.[...]
Yamabe no Akahito
Yamabe no AkahitoPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Courtier, Bureaucrat, Ason Family: – Birth: 1st half 8th century Death: – Yamabe no Akahito Yamabe no Akahito (山部 赤人 / 山邊 赤人) lived during the first half of the 8th century. During his life he acted as a courtier as well as bureaucrat[...]
Fujiwara no Sadayori
Fujiwara no SadayoriPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Caligrapher, Director of Military Affairs, Middle Counselor. Family: Emperor Murakami (grandfather) Fujiwara no Kinto (father) Birth: 995AD Death: 1045AD Fujiwara no Sadayori Fujiwara no Sadayori (藤原定頼) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan living from 995 to 1045AD. He was the grandson of Emperor[...]
Sakanoue no Korenori
Sakanoue no KorenoriPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor. Family: Sakanoue no Mochiki (son) Birth: Death: 930AD Sakanoue no Korenori Sakanoue no Korenori (坂上是則) was a known waka poet who had a good career, and ended up with the position of Governor for the Province of Kaga. His poetic legacy includes forty[...]
Fujiwara no Tadahira
Fujiwara no TadahiraPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Sadaijin, Sesshō, Waka Poet. Family: Fujiwara no Mototsune (father) Fujiwara no Saneyori (son) Fujiwara no Morosuke (son) Fujiwara no Morotada (son) Fujiwara no Morouji (son) Fujiwara no Tokihira (brother) Fujiwara no Nakahira (brother) Fujiwara no Kanehira (brother) Fujiwara no Raishi (sister) Fujiwara no Baishi (sister) Fujiwara no Onshi[...]
ShōteiShōtei This is a redirect page for the Shōtei. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]
Rokkaku Yoshitaka
Rokkaku YoshitakaPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Warlord (daimyo) Family: Rokkaku Clan Birth: 1521 Death: 1598 Rokkaku Yoshitaka Rokkaku Yoshitaka (六角 義賢), born in 1521 and dying in 1958, was a Samurai and later Buddhist Monk under the name of Shōtei1. He was also a warlord (daimyo) who approached Koga clan, with the[...]
Minamoto no Akikane
Minamoto no AkikanePeriod: Kamakura Period Occupation: Writer Family: Minamoto Clan Birth: 1160AD Death: 1215AD Minamoto no Akikane Minamoto no Akikane (源顕兼) was the writer and author of the Kojidan, a several volume collection of historical anecdotes. He was born in 1160 and died in 1215.1 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe[...]
Fujiwara no Katako
Fujiwara no KatakoFujiwara no Katako This is a redirect page for the Fujiwara no Katako. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously[...]
Fujiwara no Sanekata
Fujiwara no SanekataPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor. Family: Fujiwara no Tadahira (great-grandfather) Birth: – Death: 998AD Fujiwara no Sanekata Fujiwara no Sanekata (藤原 実方) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. He was the great-grandson of the poet Fujiwara no Tadahira. He[...]
Sugitani Zenjubo
Sugitani ZenjuboPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Ninja / Sniper Family: Koga Clan Birth: – Death: 1573 Sugitani Zenjubo Sugitani Zenjubo (杉谷善住坊) was born to one of the 53 families of the Koga Clan, acting as Ninja and Sniper for them until his death in 1573. He was best known for his use[...]
Fujiwara no Ietaka
Fujiwara no IetakaPeriod: Heian Period / Kamakura Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Priest Jakuren (father-in-law) Fujiwara no Mitsutaka (father) Birth: 1158AD Death: 1237AD Fujiwara no Ietaka Fujiwara no Ietaka (藤原 家隆) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan who lived between 1158 and 1237.1 He was also known as Mibu-ni-i and Karyū.3[...]
Ōtomo Sōrin
Ōtomo SōrinPeriod: Azuchi-Momoyama Period Occupation: Daimyō (Feudal Lord) Family: ? Birth: ? Death: 1587 Ōtomo Sōrin Ōtomo Sōrin (大友 宗麟) was a daimyō (Feudal Lord) in the Province of Bungo in Kyushu. He had as his vassal the Samurai Tsunokuma Sekiso who was famed for his supernatural abilities to control weather. His[...]
Yasumi Roan
Yasumi RoanPeriod: Edo Period Occupation: Writer / Traveler Family: ? Birth: ? Death: ? Yasumi Roan Yasumi Roan (八隅 蘆菴) was an experienced traveler within Japan. He most notable achievement was the book he wrote about his travels entitled the Ryokō yōjinshū which was published in 1810. His work includes detailed tips[...]
Tsunokuma Sekiso
Tsunokuma SekisoPeriod: Azuchi-Momoyama Period Occupation: Gunbaisha (Military Strategist) Family: ? Birth: ? Death: 1578AD Tsunokuma Sekiso Tsunokuma Sekiso (角隈 石宗) was a Gunbaisha (Military Strategist) and Vassal during the Azuchi-Momoyama Period for the Warlord Ōtomo Sōrin. He died during the Battle of Mimikawa in 1578. Records from his life state that[...]
Ki no Tsurayuki
Ki no TsurayukiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Poet, Governor Family: Ki no Tokibumi (son) Ki no Tomonori (cousin) Birth: – Death: 946AD Ki no Tsurayuki Ki no Tsurayuki (紀 貫之) was a high ranking court nobleman of the Heian Period. Best known for his poetry and prose. He was the cousin of Ki[...]
Yamanoue no Okura
Yamanoue no OkuraPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Governor Family: – Birth: – Death: 733AD? Yamanoue no Okura Yamanoue no Okura (山上 憶良) was a waka poet and lived during the Nara period. He is said to have died at the age of 74 in 733AD1, and inspired Ōtomo no Tabito to persue his[...]
Daini no Sanmi
Daini no SanmiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Fujiwara no Nobutaka (father) Murasaki Shibuki (mother) Fujiwara no Kanetaka (husband) Takashina no Nariaki (husband) Birth: 999AD Death: – Daini no Sanmi Daini no Sanmi, (大弐三位) also known as Fujiwara no Katako was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, born in 999AD. She[...]
Fujiwara no Yukinari
Fujiwara no YukinariPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Caligrapher Family: Fujiwara no Yoshitaka (father) Fujiwara no Yukitsune (son) Birth: 972AD Death: 1027AD Fujiwara no Yukinari Fujiwara no Yukinari (藤原 行成) (972-10271 10282AD) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. The son of Fujiwara no Yoshitaka, during his[...]
Fujiwara no Yoshitaka
Fujiwara no YoshitakaPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Fujiwara no Koretada (father) Fujiwara no Yukinari (son) Fujiwara no Yoshikane (brother) Fujiwara no Kaishi (sister) Birth: 954AD Death: 974AD Fujiwara no Yoshitaka Fujiwara no Yoshitaka 藤原 義孝 (954 – 74) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of[...]
Ono no Komachi
Ono no KomachiSee also: Ono no Komachi Poems Period: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Birth: mid 9th Century Death: – Ono no Komachi Ono no Komachi (小野 小町) was born around the mid 9th century and was possibly a lady-in-waiting under Emperor Ninmyō and Emperor Montoku. It is well attested she was[...]
Maki Bokusen
Maki BokusenMaki Bokusen Maki Bokusen (牧墨僊) was a student to Kitagawa Utamaro, who in turn was a disciple of Toriyama Sekien; creator of the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō. Maki is known to have been the first person to pen the story of the deliciousness of the Yōkai known as the Nuppeppō in[...]
Imbe no Obito
Imbe no ObitoImbe no Obito Imbe no Obito was a part of the Imbe Clan, and is known to have overseen a group of artisans (Be) responsible for the maintenance and keeping of objects relating to Shinto worship.1 Footnotes 1. Louis Frederic, translated by Kathe Roth (2002) “Japan Encyclopedia”. London: Harvard University Press.[...]
Hyōbu-taifuPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Hyōbu-taifu Hyōbu-taifu was a man who holds links to the Yōkai known as the Hyōsube. During his lifetime he is said to have dealt with these Yōkai after they became a threat to the people living near Shiomi Jinja temple[...]
DōkyōPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk Family: – Birth: – Death:- Dōkyō Dōkyō (道鏡) was a Buddhist Priest who lived during the Nara Period and the reign of Empress Kōken. At the time he was renowned as the medical authority and so when Kōken became ill he was called upon[...]
Fujiwara no Nakamaro
Fujiwara no NakamaroPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Muchimaro (father) Fujiwara no Toyonari (brother) Fujiwara no Otomaro (brother) Fujiwara no Kosemaro (brother) Fujiwara no Sadatsugu (brother) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (aunt) Emperor Shōmu (uncle) Birth: 706AD Death:764AD Fujiwara no Nakamarō Fujiwara no Nakamarō (藤原 仲麻呂) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan,[...]
Fujiwara no Fubito
Fujiwara no FubitoPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: Dainagon, Udajin Family: Nakatomi no Kamatari (father) Fujiwara no Higami no Iratsume (sister) Fujiwara no Ioe no Iratsume (sister) Fujiwara no Miyako (daughter) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (daughter) Fujiwara no Muchimaro (son) Fujiwara no Fusasaki (son) Fujiwara no Umakai (son) Fujiwara no Maro (son) Birth: 659AD Death:[...]
Imbe no Hironari
Imbe no HironariPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Author Family: Imbe Clan Birth: – Death:- Imbe no Hironari Imbe no Hironari (斎部広成) was a member of the Imbe Clan. In an attempt to regain power and influence for his clan, after they had become eclipsed by the Nakatomi Clan, he writes and publishes the Kogo[...]
Utagawa Hiroshige
Utagawa HiroshigeBorn: 1797 Died: 1858 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Ukiyo-e artist Utagawa Hiroshige Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重) (1797-1858) was an Ukiyo-e artist who created the One Hundred Famous Views of Edo which includes depictions of the Yōkai known as the Kitsune-bi due to their popularity.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt,[...]
SōgenOccuption: Buddhist Monk Sōgen Sōgen (叢原) is known to have once been a Buddhist Monk, residing within Mibudera Temple, outside of Kyoto. He is noted to have stolen money offerings and lamp oil left at the temple by worshippers. After finally dying it is said he was punished in hell[...]
Kawanabe Kyōsai
Kawanabe KyōsaiBorn: 1831 Died: 1889 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Kawanabe Kyōsai Kawanabe Kyōsai (河鍋 暁斎) (1831-1889) was a Ukiyo-e artists who was associated with the Utagawa School. As a great artist he created many striking portrayals of Yōkai and Yurei inspired by Toriyama Sekien.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt,[...]
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Tsukioka YoshitoshiBirth: 1839 Death: 1902 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡 芳年) (1839-1902) was an Ukiyo-e artist who was associated with the Utagawa School. As a great artist he created many striking portrayals of Yōkai and Yurei inspired by Toriyama Sekien.1 Known Works Footnotes 1. Yoda, H.[...]
Emperor Yuhi
Emperor YuhiPeriod: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kotei (son) Emperor Yuhi Emperor Yuhi is mentioned as the father of the later Emperor Kotei in the Folktale known as The Shinansha. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 Footnotes 1. Ozaki, Y.T. (1903) “The Japanese Fairy Book”. Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd.[...]
Emperor Kotei
Emperor KoteiPeriod: Legenedery Period Family: Emperor Yuhi (father) Emperor Kotei Emperor Kotei is said to have been the son of Emperor Yuhi, and is mentioned in the Folktale The Shinansha. He ascends as Emperor after his father, quickly becoming troubled by the rebel Shiyu who wished to take his throne. And[...]
ShiyuPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Magician. Bandit. Shiyu Shiyu is noted to have been a rebel in the Folktale The Shinansha. He is said to have had been a wicked magician with a head made of iron, and that no man could ever defeat him. In the tale, he wishes to[...]
Tawara Tōda
Tawara TōdaTawara Tōda This is a redirect page for the Tawara Tōda. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Emperor Kudara
Emperor KudaraPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: Emperor Emperor Kudara Emperor Kudara is the name ascribed to an Emperor who gifted the image of the Buddha as well as Buddhist scriptures to the Emperor Kinmei which would eventually lead to the adoption of the religion in Japan.1 Footnotes 1. Martin, P. (1997) ”The[...]
Urashima Tarō
Urashima TarōOccupation: Fisherman Family: Otohime Sama (wife) Urashima Tarō Urashima Tarō (浦島 太郎) is known from the Folktale Urashima Taro the Fisher Lad. Origins The earliest versions of this Folktale appear in the Tango Fudoki where the character of Urashima is given the name Shima no Ko.1 Folktales Synopsis Urashima was[...]
RōsanRōsan This is a redirect page for the Rōsan. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]
Shiyo-kanShiyo-kan This is a redirect page for the Shiyo-kan. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]
Maki Tōei
Maki TōeiBorn: 1721 Died: 1783 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Poet, Artist, Author. Maki Tōei Maki Tōei (1721-1783) is known to have been a poet during the Edo Period. During his life he wrote under the pen name Rōsan (Old Silkworm) and Shiyō-kan (Hall of Violet Light), amongst others. He wrote the[...]
Chihara Kyosai
Chihara KyosaiBirth: Death: Period: Edo Period Occpation: Author. Chihara Kyosai Chihara Kyosai (茅原虚斎) was an author who wrote the Bōsō Manroku, published in 1833, under the pen name of Bōsō.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopaedia of Toriyama Sekien.”. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.[...]
William Gowland
William GowlandBirth: 1842 Death: 1922 Occupation: Archaeologist William Gowland William Gowland was an English Archaeologist working at the newly established mint in Osaka in the 1800’s. He is known to be one of the only Westerners to explore the Kofun tomb of Emperor Nintoku during his lifetime before the Imperial Household[...]
WanginWangin This is a redirect page for the Wangin. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]
WaniThis page refers to the person known as the Wan’i, for the creature see: Wani Period: Kofun Period Occupation: Scribe / Treasurer Wan’i Wan’i also known as Wangin1 (王仁, 和邇吉師) was a Chinese Scholar who is believed to have been welcomed at the court of Emperor Ojin, it is known that[...]
Kitagawa Utamaro
Kitagawa UtamaroBorn: 1753 Died: 1806 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Kitagawa Utamaro Kitagawa Utamaro (喜多川 歌麿) (1753-1806) was an apprentice of Toriyama Sekien, known to have studied with him from childhood later becoming a well renown artist. He also took on apprentices’ of his own whilst working under Sekien, including a[...]
Utagawa Toyoharu
Utagawa ToyoharuBorn: c.1735 Died: 1814 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist (Ukiyo-e) Utagawa Toyoharu Utagawa Toyoharu (歌川 豊春) (c.1735-1814) was an apprentice of Toriyama Sekien. He founded the Utagawa School of Ukiyo-e prints and himself took on an apprentice called Utagawa Toyokuni.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated:[...]
Fujiwara Hidesato
Fujiwara HidesatoPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Chinjufu-shōgun, Governor Family: Fujiwara no Uona (ancestor) Fujiwara no Murao (father) Birth: – Death: – Fujiwara Hidesato Fujiwara Hidesato (藤原 秀郷) also known as Tawara Tōda (俵藤太)3 is included in the Folktale My Lord Bag of Rice. He is noted to have had the nature of[...]
NanatsukahagiPeriod: Legendary Occupation: Military Nanatsukahagi Nanatsukahagi (七束脛命) was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehi no Muraji and Takehiko. He also acted as Steward to Yamato Takeru.12 Footnotes 1. Littleton. C.S. (1995) “Yamato-takeru: An Arthurian Hero in Japanese Tradition”. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol.[...]
Takehi no Muraji
Takehi no MurajiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Military / Five Daibu Family: – Birth: – Death: – Takehi no Muraji Takehi no Muraji (大伴武日連命), also known as Otomo no Takehi2 was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehiko and Nanatsukahagi.12 During his time with Yamato Takeru, he[...]
TakehikoTakehiko Takehiko. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick with us[...]
Yamato Hime
Yamato HimeYamato Hime Yamato Hime. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick[...]
Hiyeda no Are
Hiyeda no ArePeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Katari Be? Hiyeda no Are Hiyeda no Are (稗田 阿礼) is known to have helped create the Kojiki which was completed in 712AD. Whether he was a man or woman it isn’t known. The whole document was written by Ō no Yasumaro, from the recitations of[...]
Ōnakatomi Sadayo
Ōnakatomi SadayoPeriod: Kamakura Period Occupation: Ōnakatomi Sadayo Ōnakatomi Sadayo was a member of the Aristocracy who in 1266 wrote a copy of the Kojiki which was used later by the Monk Ken’yuu in 1371.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]
Shin’yuPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk Shin’yu Shin’yu was a Buddhist Monk who acted as editor for Ken’yuu when he created a new copy of the Kojiki during the Muromachi Period.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University[...]
Ken’yuuPeriod: Muromachi Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk, Author. Ken’yuu Ken’yuu was a Buddhism who copied early records of the Kojiki. He began copying the 2nd and 3rd book in 1371 from a manuscript written by court aristocrat Ōnakatomi Sadayo in 1266, belonging to Ise-born textual lineage. One year later he uses[...]
IkuhiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Priest Ikuhi Ikuhi (活日) was a man who lived during the reign of Emperor Sujin. He was appointed as the Brewer of Ōkuninushi in the 8th year of his reign. Later that same year he presented sake to the Emperor and sang as song which went[...]
RaigōBirth: – Death: – Period: Heian Period Occupation: Buddhist Monk Raigō Raigō was a Buddhist monk who lived during the reign of Emperor Shirakawa, residing at Mii-dera. During his lifetime he was tasked by Shirakawa to pray for the safe birth of his son, with the promise of his temple[...]
Sawaki Sūshi
Sawaki SūshiBirth: – Death: – Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist, Author Sawaki Sūshi Sawaki Sūshi (佐脇 嵩之) is the creator of the Hyakkai Zukan, a Yōkai scroll which inspired much of Toriyama Sekien’s first book on Yōkai.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopaedia of[...]
Emperor Suizei
Emperor SuizeiReign: 581-549BC Born: 633/632BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Himetatara Isuzuhime (mother) Isuzuyorihime (wife) Emperor Annei (son) Kamiyawimimi (brother) Tagishimimi (half-brother) Burial place: Tsukidaoka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Jimmu * Successor Emperor Annei Emperor Suizei Emperor Suizei (綏靖 天皇) was the second Emperor of Japan and is[...]
Yasumaro Futo no Ason
Yasumaro Futo no AsonYasumaro Futo no Ason This is a redirect page for the Yasumaro Futo no Ason. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will[...]
Ō no Yasumaro
Ō no YasumaroPeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Scribe, Ason Family:- Birth: – Death: AD723 Ō no Yasumaro Ō no Yasumaro (?-AD7231) (太 安万侶) (Yasumaro Futo no Ason in the Konin Shiki2 ) is known to have been the compiler of the Kojiki from the recitations of Hiyeda no Are2, signing his name with[...]
Terajima Ryōan
Terajima RyōanPeriod: Edo Period Occupation: Dentist, Author, Artist Birth: – Death: Terajima Ryōan Terajima Ryōan (寺島良安) was an Osaka Dentist but also was the creator of the Wakan Sansai Zue which would later greatly inspire Toriyama Sekien in his depictions of Yōkai. He spent years cataloguing Chinese information on astronomy, botany,[...]
Fujiwara Kamatari
Fujiwara KamatariFujiwara Kamatari This is a redirect page for the Fujiwara Kamatari. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Nakatomi no Kamatari
Nakatomi no KamatariPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: Naidaijin Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (son) Fujiwara no Higami no Iratsume (daughter) Fujiwara no Ioe no Iratsume (daughter) Birth: 614 Death: 669 Nakatomi no Kamatari Nakatomi no Kamatari (中臣 鎌足) was a member of the Nakatomi Clan and later founder of the Fujiwara Clan. Kamatari lived[...]
Mononobe no Moriya
Mononobe no MoriyaPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Mononobe no Moriya Mononobe no Moriya (物部 守屋) was head of the Mononobe Clan during the reign of Emperor Sushun. He, not wishing to have Sushun on the throne, and to promote a different candidate, ended up in a[...]
Soga no Umako
Soga no UmakoPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Iname (father) Soga no Emishi (son) Emperor Sushun (nephew) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Umako Soga no Umako (蘇我 馬子) was a member of the Soga Clan noted to have been even more powerful than his father, Soga no Iname. During[...]
Soga no Iruka
Soga no IrukaPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Emishi (father) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Iruka Soga no Iruka (蘇我 入鹿) was a member of the Soga Clan and alongside his father Soga no Emishi the two of them were very much in control of the political court. They[...]
Soga no Iname
Soga no InamePeriod: Kofun Period Occupation: Minister Family: Soga no Umako (son) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Iname Soga no Iname (蘇我 稲目) was one of the rulers of the Soga Clan, the Emperor Kinmei is known to have taken two of his daughters as consorts. Prior to the reign of[...]
Soga no Emishi
Soga no EmishiPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Umako (father) Soga no Iruka (son) Birth: – Death:- Soga no Emishi Soga no Emishi (蘇我 蝦夷) was a powerful leader of the Soga Clan. Such was his political power he placed on the throne the Emperor Jomei making the Emperor a[...]
Toriyama Sekien
Toriyama SekienBirth: 1712 Death: 1788 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Toriyama Sekien Toriyama Sekien (鳥山 石燕) was born 1712 and died 1788. Most notably known for his four compendiums on the yōkai he was the first person to systematically categorise them. He was born Sano Toyofusa and was part of the[...]