Wiki Tag: Kami

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All Pages on our site tagged as Kami.



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Oyabiko Oyabiko (大屋毘古神 – Great Roof Lad) was a kami dwelt in the area of Woods and is known to have sent Ōkuninushi to Susano-o after saving him from his brothers. He was the sixth of ten kami created after Izanami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Protecting the entrance of people’s homes. Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Otohiwake Otohiwake (大戸日別神 – Lord Great Entry) was known as the kami charged with protecting the entrances of people’s homes. He was the fourth of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Iwasuhime Iwasuhime (石巣比売神 – Lady Boulder Home/Lady Boulder Sands) was the third of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the six subsequent isles, according to the Kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of her. Her[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Iwatsuchibiko Iwatsuchibiko (石土毘古神 – Boulder Ground Lad) was the second of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the six subsequent isles, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him. His name implies[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ōkotooshio Ōkotooshio (大事忍男神 – Grand Man of Great Matters) was the first of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and the six subsequent isles, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: – Tamanooya Tamanooya (玉祖命 / Jewel Ancestor1) is a Shinto kami. She is mentioned in the kojiki during the time when Amaterasu hides in the Sacred Rock Cave. She is tasked with making a string of jewels (magatama) to aide in convincing the Sun kami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Hinokuma (daughter) Amenonukado (father) Ishikoridome Ishikoridome (Stone Mold Crone1) (石凝姥命 or 伊斯許理度売命) is a Shinto kami who is mentioned during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave.2 Family This kami is claimed as the ancestor of the Mirror Makers in the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: War Family: – Hachiman Hachiman (八幡神) is a Shinto kami associated as being the kami of War. The Emperor Ojin was apotheosised as him after his death.1 Footnotes 1. Martin, P. (1997) ”The Chrysanthemum Throne”. Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing Limited.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Otonoji (husband) Ōtonobe Ōtonobe (大斗乃弁神, Great Entry Mistress) was the sister and wife of Ōtonoji. She with her brother were the 5th Generation of Shinto kami. The element to in their name could refer to the guardian kami of village alleyways or the genitalia.1 The[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Otonobe (wife) Ōtonoji Ōtonoji (意富斗能地神, Great Entry Elder) was the brother and husband of Ōtonobe. He with his sister were the 5th Generation of Shinto kami. The element to in their name could refer to the guardian kami of village alleyways or the genitalia.1 The[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Tsunogui (husband) Ikugui Ikugui (活杙神, Thriving Tip) was the sister and wife of Tsunogui. She with her brother were the 4th Generation of Shinto kami. Gui can refer to stakes to mark the boundary of a village or home or to ward of danger, or[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ikugui (wife) Tsunogui Tsunogui (角杙神, Swelling Tip) was the brother and husband of Ikugui. He with his sister were the 4th Generation of Shinto kami. Tsuno can be read as horn, but also has connotations for the growth of buds. Gui can refer to stakes[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Uhijini (husband) Suhijini Suhijini (須比智邇神, Little Silted Mud) was the sister and wife of Uhijini. She with her brother were the 3rd Generation of Shinto kami. Her name represents the sedimentation of a delta.1 According to the Nihongi she and her brother were the 4th[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Suhijini (wife) Uhijini Uhijini (宇比邇神, Little Floating Mud) was the brother and husband of Suhijini. He with his sister were the 3rd Generation of Shinto kami.1 According to the Nihongi he and his sister were the 4th Generation of kami, also stating his name can[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: N/A Toyokumono Toyokumono (Abundent Clouds Moor, 豊雲野神) was the 2nd kami in a Generation of Seven kami to come into existence in the kojiki. Like the other kami before, the kami concealed itself after coming into existence.1 One version of the nihongi states he was[...]



Ayakashikone This is a redirect page for the Ayakashikone. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]



Ayakashiki This is a redirect page for the Ayakashiki. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Awaji Shima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Awajinohonosawake Awajinohonosawake (淡道之穂之狭別島 – Lord First Plumes of Foamway) was the very first child of Izanami and Izanagi not to be born deformed. He was the kami of Awaji Shima, the first of the Great Land of Eightfold Isles[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsushima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amenosadeyorihime Amenosadeyorihime (天之狭手依比売 – Lady Dip Net of Heaven) was the kami that dwelt on the island of Tsushima. The kami name refers to the conical nets which were used by fishermen.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Oshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ōtamaruwake Ōtamaruwake (大多麻流別 – Lord Great Harbor) was the kami which inhabited the island of Ōshima, according to the Kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The Nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating: Izanami and[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Chikanoshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amenooshio Amenooshio (天之忍男 – Grand Men of Heaven) was the kami which inhabited the island of Chikanoshima, according to the Kojiki.1 The Nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating: Izanami and Izanagi then produced the sea,[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Okigashima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amenooshikorowake Amenooshikorowake (天之忍許呂別 – Grand-Shaped Lords of Heaven) is the name of a collective group of kami who dwell upon Okigashima according to the Kojiki. No specific names for the kami are given and nothing more is mentioned of them.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Anakashikone (wife) Omodaru Omodaru (淤母陀琉神, Entirely Engorged) was the brother and husband of Anakashikone. He with his sister were the 6th Generation of Shinto kami. His name can also be read as Surface Complete or Fully Formed.1 The Nihongi agrees he was the 6th[...]



Awokashikine This is a redirect page for the Awokashikine. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Omodaru (husband) Izanagi (son) Izanami (daughter) Anakashikone Anakashikone (阿夜訶志古泥神, Awesome Indeed) was the sister and wife of Omodaru. She with her brother were the 6th Generation of Shinto kami. Her name refers to the magical powers possessed by a woman’s genitalia.1 The Nihongi agrees[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Toyohiwake (brother), Shirahiwake (brother), Takehiwake(brother) Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (建日向日豊久士比泥別 – Little Lord Wondrous Wealthy Sunward Brave) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the Kojiki, residing in the South-West part of the island called Hi. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 Footnotes[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Toyohiwake (brother), Shirahiwake (brother), Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (brother) Takehiwake Takehiwake (建日別 – Lord Sun Brave) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the Kojiki, residing in the South-West part of the island where the Bear Folk lived. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Toyohiwake (brother), Takehiwake (brother), Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (brother) Shirahiwake Shirahiwake (白日別 – Lord Bright Son) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the Kojiki, residing in the Northern part of the island called Tsukushi. He is noted to have a shrine in Fukuoka[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Tsukushi Family: Shirahiwake (brother), Takehiwake (brother), Takehimukaitoyokujihinewake (brother) Toyohiwake Toyohiwake (豊日別 – Lord Abundant Sun) was one of the four kami of Tsukushi according to the kojiki, residing in the North-West part of the island called Toyo. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: – Umashiashikabihikoji Umashiashikabihikoji (宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神, Fine Budding Reed Lad) is the fourth kami to come into existence in the kojiki. He, alongside the other kami Ametokotachi again hid themselves after they came into being. He is the first kami to have a gendered name.1 An[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: – Ametokotachi Ametokotachi (天之常立神, Ever-Standing Heaven) is the fifth kami to come into existence in the Kojiki and he, alongside the other kami Umashiashikabihikoji hid themselves after they came into being. The name refers to the tip of a reed thrusting skywards. The Shinsen[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Otoshi (father?), Izanami (mother?), Izanagi (father?),  Ehime (sister), Takeyoriwake (brother), Iiyorohiko (brother) Ōgetsuhime Ōgetsuhime (大宣都比売) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the East part of the island called ‘Awa’. As a female food kami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Ehime (sister), Iiyorohiko (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Takeyoriwake Takeyoriwake (建日別 – Lord Summoned Brave) was the last of the four kami in the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the Southern part of the Island called ‘To-sa’. Nothing more is mentioned of[...]

Ehime Kami

Ehime Kami

Ehime Kami This is a redirect page for the Ehime Kami. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Ehime (sister), Takeyoriwake (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Iiyorohiko Iiyorohiko (飯依比古 – Food Summon Lad) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the North part of the island called ‘Sandy Hollows’, nothing more is mentioned of[...]

Ehime (Shinto)

Ehime (Shinto)

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Iyo Family: Takeyoriwake (brother), Iiyorohiko (brother), Ogetsuhime (sister) Ehime Ehime (愛比売 – Lady Lovely) was one of the four kami of the Land of Groves according to the kojiki, residing in the South-West part of the Island called ‘Groves’. Nothing more is mentioned of her.1 Footnotes[...]

Leech Child

Leech Child

Leech Child This is a redirect page for the Leech Child. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Wealth and Prosperity Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ebisu Ebisu (恵比寿), also known as the Leech Child (蛭子, Hiru-ko) was according to the kojiki the first child of Izanami and Izanagi. He was a limbless child and so they placed him in a reed boat and cast[...]



Kuninosatachi This is a redirect page for the Kuninosatachi. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Kuninosatsuchi Kuninosatsuchi (国狭槌尊 – Land’s First Soil) is a Shinto kami who in one version of the Nihongi is said to have been the second kami to come into[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanami (sister/wife) Awokashikine (mother) Aha Nagi (father) Children (numerous – see below) Izanagi Izanagi (伊邪那岐 or 伊弉諾, He Who Beckons2) was the brother and husband of Izanami, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Royal Clan Family: Sukunabikona (son) Takamimusuhi Takamimusuhi (高御産巣日神, Lofty Growth) was the second of the first three beings to come into existence when heaven and earth formed. He along with the other two kami (Amenominakanushi and Kamimusuhi), remained apart and concealed themselves from everything. The Engi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Fertility. Motherhood. Healing. Royal Clan. Family: – Kamimusuhi Kamimusuhi (神産巣日神) aka Kamumusubimioya was the third of the first three beings to come into existence when heaven and earth formed. He along with the other two kami (Amenominakanushi and Takamimusuhi), remained apart and concealed themselves from everything.[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Yomi Family: Amaterasu (sister) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ōkuninushi (son) Takiribime (daughter) Ichikishimahime (daughter) Takitsuhime (daughter) Ōkuninushi (descendant) Numerous other decendants Susano-o Susano-o (須佐之男), also called Hayasusano-o2, is known to be the father of Ōkuninushi and brother to the Sun Amaterasu and Moon Tsukiyomi. He rules over Yomi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Ame Kagami (daughter) Kunitokotachi Kunitokotachi (Ever Standing Land – 国之常立神 – kojiki) (国常立尊 – nihongi) was the 6th singular kami to come into existence in the kojiki. Like the other kami before, they concealed themselves after coming into existence. Born after Ametokotachi to show[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanagi (brother/husband) Awokashikine (mother) Numerous children (see below) Izanami Izanami (伊弉冉尊 or 伊邪那美命, She Who Beckons2) was the sister and wife of Izanagi, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to Japan, the seas, mountains,[...]

Ame Yorodzu

Ame Yorodzu

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Aha Nagi (son) Ame Kagami (father) Ame Yorodzu Ame Yorodzu (天万尊) is a kami of Shinto mentioned only in one version of the nihongi where he is stated to be the father of the kami Aha Nagi and son of a kami called Ame[...]

Ameno Uzume

Ameno Uzume

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Sarume Clan Ameno Uzume Ameno Uzume (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) is known to be the ancestor of the Sarume Clan.2 She is mentioned in the nihongi and kojiki during the time when Amaterasu hides herself in the Sacred Rock Cave because of the actions of her brother[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Universe Family: – Amenominakanushi Amenominakanushi (天御中主 – Master Mighty Center of Heaven) was the first of three beings to come into existence when heaven and earth formed. This kami is identified as the Ancestor of The Intercessors. He along with the other two kami (Takamimusuhi[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Sun Family: Izanami? (mother) Susano-o (brother) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ninigi (grand-son) Ōkuninushi (nephew) Amenooshihomimi (son) Amenohohi (son) Amatsuhikone (son) Ikutsuhikone (son) Kumanokusubi (son) Amaterasu Amaterasu (天照 – Heaven Shining) also known as Ōhirume-no-muchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神) is the Sun kami of Shinto, born in some accounts from the kami[...]

Ameno Koyane

Ameno Koyane

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Kogotomusuhi (father) Nakatomi Clan Ameno Koyane Ameno Koyane (天児屋命, 天児屋根命) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the kojiki and nihongi.12 This kami is claimed as the ancestor to the Nakatomi Clan1, with the nihongi listing this kami’s father as Kogotomusuhi.2 We see them[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Protecting Homes. Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amenofukio Amenofukio (天之吹男神 – Heaven`s Thatching Man/Heaven`s Blowing Man) was known as the kami charged with protecting homes from the elements. He was the fifth of ten kami created after Izanami and Izanagi had created the Eightfold Isles and[...]

Ame Kagami

Ame Kagami

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ame Yorodzu (son?) Kunitokotachi (father) Ame Kagami Ame Kagami is a kami of Shinto mentioned only in one version of the nihongi where he is stated to be the father of the kami Ame Yorodzu and son of the kami Kunitokotachi.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G.[...]

Ameno Futodama

Ameno Futodama

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Imbe Clan Ameno Futodama Ameno Futodama (布刀玉, 太玉 or 天太玉) is a Shinto kami mentioned in both the kojiki and nihongi.12 The Gleanings of Ancient Words1 as well as the nihongi2 list Futodama as the ancestress of the Imbe Clan. The Engi Shiki lists[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Himejima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amehitotsune Amehitotsune (天一根 – Single Root of Heaven) was the kami which inhabited the island of Himejima, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of her.1 The nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating Izanami[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Ikinoshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amehitotsubashira Amehitotsubashira (天比登都柱 – Single Pillar of Heaven) was the kami that dwelt on the island of Ikinoshima mentioned in the kojiki. The kami name suggests a sailor seeing an island distantly upon the horizon.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Futagonoshima Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Amefutaya Amefutaya (天両屋 – Twin Huts of Heaven) was the kami which inhabited the island of Futagonoshima, according to the kojiki. Nothing more is mentioned of him.1 The nihongi does not give a name to this kami, simply stating Izanami and[...]

Aha Nagi

Aha Nagi

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Izanagi (son?) Ame Yorodzu (father?) Hayaakitsuhiko (father) Hayaakitsuhime (mother) Awa Nami (sister) Tsuranagi (brother) Tsuranami (sister) Amenomikumari (sibling) Kuninomikumari (sibling) Amenokuizamochi (sibling) Kuninokuizamochi (sibling) Aha Nagi Aha Nagi (沫那藝神 – Calm Foam Man2) is a kami of Shinto mentioned only in one version of the nihongi where he is stated to[...]