Wiki Tag: Imperial Family
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All Pages on our site tagged as Imperial Family.
IrineFor the ancestor of the Haji Clan see: Iirine For the man from Izumo see: Ihiirine Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Oketsuhime (mother) Mone no Ajisahabime (daughter) Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka (brother) Hioosu (brother) Birth: – Death: – Irine Irine (伊理泥王) was the son of Hikoimasu and[...]
HioosuPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Oketsuhime (mother) Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka (brother) Irine (brother) Birth: – Death: – Hioosu Hioosu (比古意須王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Oketsuhime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia[...]
OtohimeThere are currently three people with the same name of Otohime all from the Imperial House, see below: For the character from Folklore see – Otohime Sama Otohime (Tatasumichinoushi) Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake[...]
MatonuhimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake (brother) Otohime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Matonuhime Matonuhime (真砥野比売命) was the daughter of Taniha no Kahakami no Masu[...]
MikadawakePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother) Hibasuhime (sister) Matonuhime (sister) Otohime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Mikadawake Mikadawake (朝廷別王?) was the son of Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi[...]
Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume
Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no IratsumePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (husband) Hibasuhime (daughter) Matonuhime (daughter) Otohime (daughter) Mikadawake (son) Birth: – Death: – Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (丹波之河上之摩須郎女) was the wife of Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi. Together they had four[...]
Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi
Tanika no hiko TatatsumichinoushiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Okinaganomidzuyorihime (mother) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (wife) Hibasuhime (daughter) Matonuhime (daughter) Otohime (daughter) Mikadawake (son) Nubatanoiribika (daughter) Azaminoiribime (daughter) Takanohime (daughter) Utakorihime (daughter) Yehime (daughter) Kamuohone (brother) Midzuhonomawaka (brother) Midzuhonoihoyorihime (sister) Mimitsuhime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Tanika no[...]
MimitsuhimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Hikoimasu (father) Okinaganomidzuyorihime (mother) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (brother) Midzuhonomawaka (brother) Kamuohone (brother) Midzuhonoihoyorihime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Mimitsuhime Mimitsuhime (御井津比売) was the daughter of Hikoimasu and Okinaganomidzuyorihime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]
MidzuhonoihoyorihimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Hikoimasu (father) Okinaganomidzuyorihime (mother) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (brother) Midzuhonomawaka (brother) Kamuohone (brother) Mimitsuhime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Midzuhonoihoyorihime Midzuhonoihoyorihime (水穂五百依比売) was the daughter of Hikoimasu and Okinaganomidzuyorihime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New[...]
KamuohonePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Okinaganomidzuyorihime (mother) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (brother) Midzuhonomawaka (brother) Midzuhonoihoyorihime (sister) Mimitsuhime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Kamuohone Kamuohone (神大根王) also known as Yatsuriiribiko (八瓜入日子王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Okinaganomidzuyorihime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Minu no[...]
MidzuhonomawakaPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Okinaganomidzuyorihime (mother) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (brother) Kamuohone (brother) Midzuhonoihoyorihime (sister) Mimitsuhime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Midzuhonomawaka Midzuhonomawaka (水之穂真若王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Okinaganomidzuyorihime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Chikatsu Afumi no Yasu no atahe.12 Footnotes[...]
OkinaganomidzuyorihimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Hikoimasu (husband) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (son) Midzuhonomawaka (son) Kamuohone (son) Midzuhonoihoyorihime (daughter) Mimitsuhime (daughter) Amenomikage (father) Birth: – Death: – Okinaganomidzuyorihime Okinaganomidzuyorihime (息長水依比売命) was married to Hikoimasu and together they had 5 children. These being Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi, Midzuhonomawaka, Kamuohone, Midzuhonoihoyorihime, Mimitsuhime. She[...]
SahobimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Homutsuwake (son) Hikoimasu (father) Sahonoohokuramitome (mother) Sahobiko (brother) Murobiko (brother) Wozaho (brother) Birth: – Death: – Sahobime Sahobime (狭穂姫命) also known as Sahajihime was the daughter of Hikoimasu and Sahonoohokuramitome. She would later go on to marry Emperor Suinin and together have a[...]
MurobikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Sahonoohokuramitome (mother) Sahobiko (brother) Sahobime (sister) Wozaho (brother) Birth: – Death: – Murobiko Murobiko (室毘古王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Sahonoohokuramitome. He is said to be the ancestor of the Mikaha no Ho no wake.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt.[...]
WozahoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Sahonoohokuramitome (mother) Sahobiko (brother) Sahobime (sister) Murobiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Wozaho Wozaho (袁邪本王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Sahonoohokuramitome. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kadzunu no wake and Chikatsu Afumi no Kanu no Wake.12 Footnotes 1.[...]
SahobikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Sahonoohokuramitome (mother) Wozaho (brother) Sahobime (sister) Murobiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Sahobiko Sahobiko (沙本毘古王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Sahonoohokuramitome. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kusakabe no muraji and Kahi no kuni no miyatsuko.12 During the[...]
SahonoohokuramitomePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Hikoimasu (husband) Sahobiko (son) Wozaho (son) Sahobime (daughter) Murobiko (son) Kasuga no Takekunikatsutome (mother) Birth: – Death: – Sahonoohokuramitome Sahonoohokuramitome (沙本之大闇見戸売) was the wife of Hikoimasu with whom she had four children. These being Sahobiko, Wozaho, Sahobime and Murobiko. Her mother is said to have[...]
Shibumi no Sukune
Shibumi no SukunePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Yenahime (mother) Ohōmata (brother) Womata (brother) Birth: – Death: – Shibumi no Sukune Shibumi no Sukune (志夫美宿禰王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Yenahime. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Sasa no kimi.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by[...]
WomataPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Yenahime (mother) Ohōmata (brother) Shibumi no Sukune (brother) Birth: – Death: – Womata Womata (小俣王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Yenahime. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Tagima no Magari no kimi.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by[...]
UnakamiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Ohōmata (father) Aketatsu (brother) Birth: – Death: – Unakami Unakami (菟上王) was the son of Ohōmata. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Himeda no kimi. He accompanies the Prince Homutsuwake and his brother Aketatsu to pay respects at the shrine of Ōkuninushi[...]
AketatsuPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Ohōmata (father) Unakami (brother) Birth: – Death: – Aketatsu Aketatsu (曙立王) was the son of Ohōmata. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Homujibe no kimi and the Ise no Sana no miyatsuko. We see him later mentioned in the kojiki during[...]
OhōmataPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Yenahime (mother) Womata (brother) Shibumi no Sukune (brother) Aketatsu (son) Unakami (son) Birth: – Death: – Ohōmata Ohōmata (大俣王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Yenahime. He was father to Aketatsu and Unakami.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014)[...]
YenahimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Hikoimasu (husband) Ohōmata (son) Womata (son) Shibumi no Sukune (son) Birth: – Death: – Yenahime Yenahime (山代之荏名津比売- Yamashiroenatsuhime?) also known as Karibatatobe (苅幡戸辨) was the wife of Hikoimasu. It is said she married him in Yamashiro Province and together they had three sons called Ohōmata,[...]
HikoimasuPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Oketsuhime (mother) Many wives and children see below. Birth: – Death: – Hikoimasu Hikoimasu (彦坐王) was the son of Emperor Kaika and Oketsuhime.123 He is additonally said to have had several wives and many children. Family With his first wife[...]
TaketayohadzurawakePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Washihime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Taketayohadzurawake Taketayohadzurawake (建豊波豆羅和気王) is said to have been the son of Emperor Kaika and Washihime. He is listed as the ancestor of the Chimori no Omi, Oshinumi-be no miyatsuko, Mina-be no miyatsuko, Inaba no Oshinumi-be, Taniha no[...]
Kadzuraki no Tarumi
Kadzuraki no TarumiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Washihime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Kadzuraki no Tarumi Kadzuraki no Tarumi (葛城垂見宿禰) is stated to have been the father of Washihime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press. 2. Chamberlain, B.[...]
WashihimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kaika (husband) Taketayohadzurawake (son) Kadzuraki no Tarumi (father) Birth: – Death: – Washihime Washihime (鸇比売) was a concubine of Emperor Kaika, she bore him a son by the name of Taketayohadzurawake. She is also said to have been the daughter of Kadzuraki no Tarumi.12[...]
HikokunioketsuPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Oketsuhime (2 daughters by the same name) Birth: – Death: – Hikokunioketsu Hikokunioketsu (和邇日子押人命) is said to have been the father of two daughters of the same name. Both of these daughters married into the Imperial Family. He held the position of Wani no Omi.2[...]
OketsuhimeOketsuhime can refer to two people with the same name. Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kaika (husband) Hikoimasu (son) Oketsuhime (sister – see below) Hikokunioketsu (father) Birth: – Death: – Oketsuhime Oketsuhime (意祁都比売命) was the concubine of Emperor Kaika with whom she had a son by the name[...]
MimatsuhimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Ikagashikome (mother) Emperor Sujin (brother) Birth: – Death: – Mimatsuhime Mimatsuhime (御間城姫) was the daughter of Emperor Kaika and Ikagashikome according to the record of the nihongi.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest[...]
ŌhesokiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Ikagashikome (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Ōhesoki Ōhesoki (大綜麻杵命) is stated to have been the father to Ikagashikome.123 He is additionally said to have been the ancestor of the Mononobe Clan.2 Footnotes 1. Ponsonby, F. (1959) “The Imperial House of Japan.” Kyoto: Ponsonby Memorial Society.[...]
SanugitarinePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoyumusumi (father) Ohotsutsukitarine (brother) Birth: – Death: – Sanugitarine Sanugitarine is said to have been the son of Hikoyumusumi in the Kojiki. He and his brother are said to have had a total of 5 daughters.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014)[...]
OhotsutsukitarinePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoyumusumi (father) Sanugitarine (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ohotsutsukitarine Ohotsutsukitarine is said to have been the son of Hikoyumusumi in the Kojiki. He and his brother are said to have had a total of 5 daughters. One of his daughters was Kaguyahime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro.[...]
HikoyumusumiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Takanohime (mother) Ohotsutsukitarine (son) Sanugitarine (son) Birth: – Death: – Hikoyumusumi Hikoyumusumi (彦湯産隅命) was the son of Emperor Kaika and Takanohime.123 The kojiki additionally states he had two sons by the names of Ohotsutsukitarine and Sanugitarine.23 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi[...]
YugoriPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Takanohime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Yugori Yugori (由碁理) is mentioned in the kojiki as the father of Takanohime. He is said to have been Taniha no oho agatanushi.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]
TakanohimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Kaika (husband) Yugori (father) Hikoyumusumi (son) Birth: – Death: – Takanohime Takanohime (竹野媛) was the concubine of Emperor Kaika with whom she had Hikoyumusumi.12 She is said to have been the daughter of Yugori.13 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki.[...]
Emperor Kaika
Emperor KaikaReign: 158-98BC Born: 208BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Takanohime (wife) Hikoyumusumi (son) Ikagashikome (wife/step mum) Emperor Sujin (son) Mimatsuhime (daughter) Oketsuhime (wife) Hikoimasu (son) Washihime (wife) Taketayohadzurawake (son) Burial place: misasagi in Isakaha Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōgen * Successor Emperor Sujin Emperor Kaika[...]
WakugoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princes Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Wakugo Wakugo (若子宿禰) was said to have been the son of Takeuchi no Sukune in the Kojiki. He[...]
KadzurakinonagayenosotsubikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princes Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (葛城襲津彦) was said to have been the son of Takeuchi no Sukune in the Kojiki. He[...]
Princess Nunoiro
Princess NunoiroPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Princess Nunoiro Princess Nunoiro (怒能伊呂比売) was said to have been the daughter of Takeuchi no Sukune in the[...]
Mato of Kume
Mato of KumePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Mato of Kume Mato of Kume ( 久米能摩伊刀比売) was said to have been the daughter of Takeuchi no Sukune[...]
KinotsunuPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kinotsunu Kinotsunu (紀角) was said to be the son of Takeuchi no Sukune in the Kojiki. He[...]
HegurinotsukiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Hegurinotsuki Hegurinotsuki (平群 木菟) was said to have been the son of Takeuchi no Sukune in the Kojiki. He[...]
Soga no Ishikawa
Soga no IshikawaPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Kosenookara (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Ishikawa Soga no Ishikawa (蘇我 石川) was said to have been the son of Takeuchi no[...]
KosenookaraPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Hatanoyashiro (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kosenookara Kosenookara (許勢 小柄) was said to have been the son of Takeuchi no Sukune in[...]
HatanoyashiroPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Takeuchi no Sukune (father) Kosenookara (brother) Soga no Ishikawa (brother) Hegurinotsuki (brother) Kinotsunu (brother) Mato of Kume (sister) Princess Nunoiro (sister) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (brother) Wakugo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Hatanoyashiro Hatanoyashiro (羽田 矢代) was said to have been the son of Takeuchi no Sukune in[...]
YamashitakagePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikofutooshimakoto (husband) Takeuchi no Sukune (son?) Udzuhiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamashitakage Yamashitakage (山下影日売) is said to have been the wife of Hikofutooshimakoto and mother of Takeuchi no Sukune. This is mentioned in the kojiki. She is said to have been the younger sister[...]
Umashi Uchi
Umashi UchiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikofutooshimakoto (father) Takachinahime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Umashi Uchi Umashi Uchi (甘美内宿禰) is said to have been the son of Hikofutooshimakoto and Takachinahime. This is mentioned in the kojiki.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient[...]
TakachinahimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Hikofutooshimakoto (husband) Umashi Uchi (son) Chonabi (brother) Birth: – Death: – Takachinahime Takachinahime (高千那毘売命) was the wife of Hikofutooshimakoto, and together they had Umashi Uchi. She was said to be from Kadzuraki. She is stated to have been the younger sister of Chonabi. This is[...]
HikofutooshimakotoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Ikagashikome (mother) Takachinahime (wife) Umashi Uchi (son) Yamashitakage (wife) Takeuchi no Sukune (son/grandson?) Birth: – Death: – Hikofutooshimakoto Hikofutooshimakoto (彦太忍信命) was the son of Emperor Kōgen and Ikagashikome.12 The nihongi says that he was the grandfather of Takeuchi no Sukune.2 The[...]
IkagashikomePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kōgen (husband) Hikofutooshimakoto (son) Utsushikowo (father?) Ōhesoki (father?) Emperor Kaika (husband) Emperor Sujin (son) Mimatsuhime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Ikagashikome Ikagashikome (伊香色謎命) was the concubine of Emperor Kōgen and together they had Hikofutooshimakoto. Ancestor to Takeuchi no Sukune.123 The kojiki states her father[...]
TakehaniyasuhikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Haniyasuhime (mother) Atabime (wife) Birth: – Death: – Takehaniyasuhiko Takehaniyasuhiko (武埴安彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōgen and Haniyasuhime.123 During the reign of Emperor Sujin he planned to rise up against him and attack.123 In the kojiki it says that Ohobiko[...]
HaniyasuhimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kōgen (husband) Takehaniyasuhiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Haniyasuhime Haniyasuhime (埴安媛) was the concubine of Emperor Kōgen. Together the two of them had Takehaniyasuhiko.123 In the kojiki she is said to have been the daughter of Awotama of Kafuchi.23 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G.[...]
SukunabikookokoroPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Emperor Kaika (brother) Ohobiko (brother) Yamatotohime (sister?) Birth: – Death: – Sukunabikookokoro Sukunabikookokoro (少彦男心命) is said to have been the second son of Emperor Kōgen and Uchishikome. This is mentioned in the kojiki.12 He is mentioned in an alternative version of[...]
YamatotohimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Emperor Kaika (brother) Ohobiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatotohime Yamatotohime (倭迹迹姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Kōgen and Uchishikome and so was the sister of Ohobiko and Emperor Kaika. She is also given the name of Yamatotohimomosobime1. She does not[...]
HikoinakoshiwakePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Ohobiko (father) Takenumakahawake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Hikoinakoshiwake Hikoinakoshiwake was the son of Ohobiko and brother of Takenumakahawake. He is said to be the ancestor to the Kashihade no Omi in the kojiki.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An[...]
TakenumakahawakePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun / Five Daibu Family: Ohobiko (father) Hikoinakoshiwake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Takenumakahawake Takenumakahawake (武渟川別) was the son of Ohobiko and brother of Hikoinakoshiwake. He said to be the ancestor of the Abe no Omi in the kojiki.v Reign of Emperor Sujin[...]
OhobikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Emperor Kaika (brother) Sukunabikookokoro (brother) Yamatotohime (sister) Takenumakahawake (son) Hikoinakoshiwake (son) Mimakihime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Ohobiko Ohobiko (大彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōgen and Uchishikome. Family He was the brother to Emperor Kaika, Yamatotohime12 and[...]
UchishikomePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Kōgen (husband) Ohobiko (son) Emperor Kaika (son) Sukunabikookokoro (son) Yamatotohime (daughter) Utsushikoo (brother) Birth: – Death: – Uchishikome Uchishikome (欝色謎命) was the Empress of Emperor Kōgen. Together they had four children Ohobiko, Emperor Kaika, Yamatotohime123 and Sukunabikookokoro.23 She is listed as the brother of[...]
Emperor Kōgen
Emperor KōgenReign: 214-158BC Born: 273BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Kuwashi Hime (mother) Uchishikome (wife) Ohobiko (son) Emperor Kaika (son) Sukunabikookokoro (son) Yamatotohime (daughter) Ikagashikome (concubine) Hikofutooshimakoto (son) Haniyasuhime (concubine) Takehaniyasuhiko (son) Burial place: misasagi on Tsurugi Lake Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōrei * Successor Emperor Kaika Emperor Kōgen[...]
HikosashikatawakePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Yamatonokunikahime (mother) Yamatototowakayabime (sister) Yamatototohimomosobime (sister) Kibitsuhiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Hikosashikatawake Hikosashikatawake (日子刺肩別命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei and Yamatonokunikahime. He was the brother of Yamatototohimomosobime, Yamatototowakayabime and Kibitsuhiko.12 In the kojiki he is said to be the Ancestor of the[...]
KibitsuhikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Shido Shogun Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Yamatonokunikahime (mother) Yamatototowakayabime (sister) Yamatototohimomosobime (sister) Hikosashikatawake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kibitsuhiko Kibitsuhiko (吉備津彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei and Yamatonokunikahime. He was the brother of Yamatototohimomosobime, Yamatototowakayabime12 and Hikosashikatawake.1 In the kojiki he is given an alternative name[...]
YamatototowakayabimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Yamatonokunikahime (mother) Kibitsuhiko (brother) Yamatototohimomosobime (sister) Hikosashikatawake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatototowakayabime Yamatototowakayabime (倭迹迹稚屋姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Kōrei and Yamatonokunikahime. She was the sister of Yamatototohimomosobime, Kibitsuhiko12 and Hikosashikatawake.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An[...]
YamatototohimomosobimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Yamatonokunikahime (mother) Kibitsuhiko (brother) Yamatototowakayabime (sister) Hikosashikatawake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatototohimomosobime Yamatototohimomosobime (倭迹迹日百襲媛命) was the daughter of Emperor Kōrei and Yamatonokunikahime. She was the sister of Yamatototowakayabime, Kibitsuhiko12 and Hikosashikatawake.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An[...]
YamatonokunikahimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kōrei (husband) Yamatototohimomosobime (daughter) Kibitsuhiko (son) Yamatototowakayabime (daughter) Hikosashikatawake (son) Birth: – Death: – Yamatonokunikahime Yamatonokunikahime (倭国香媛) was a concubine of Emperor Kōrei. Together they are said to have had two daughters and two sons. The daughters Yamatototohimomosobime and Yamatototowakayabime as well as the[...]
HikosajimaPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Haeirode (mother) Wakatakehiko (brother) Toyoki no Mikoto (grandfather?) Birth: – Death: – Hikosajima Hikosajima (彦狭島命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei and Haeirodo12 and brother to Wakatakehiko.2 The nihongi also states he was the grandson of Toyoki no Mikoto (though I am unsure where[...]
WakatakehikoThere are currently two people with the same name of Wakatakehiko both from the Imperial House, see below: Wakatakehiko (Emperor Kōrei) Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Haeirode (mother) Hikosajima (brother) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Wakatakehiko (稚武彦命) was the son of Emperor Kōrei[...]
HaeirodoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kōrei (husband) Wakatakehiko (son) Hikosajima (son) Princess Are (sister) Birth: – Death: – Haeirodo Haeirodo (絙某弟) was one of the concubines of Emperor Kōrei. She is said to have been the mother of Wakatakehiko in the kojiki and nihongi1 but she has an additional[...]
Kuwashi Hime
Kuwashi HimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Kōrei (husband) Emperor Kōgen (son) Father (see below) Birth: – Death: – Kuwashi Hime Kuwashi Hime (細媛命) was the Empress of Emperor Kōrei. This name for her is given in the Kojiki.12 In the Nihongi she is given the name Hosohime.3 She is said to[...]
ChijihayahimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kōrei (father) Chijihayamawaka (mother) Birth: – Death: – Chijihayahime Chijihayahime (千千速比売命) was the child of Emperor Kōrei and Chijihayamawaka. This is mentioned in the Kojiki.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia[...]
ChijihayamawakaPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Kōrei (husband) Chijihayahime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Chijihayamawaka Chijihayamawaka (千千速真若比売) was the concubine of Emperor Kōrei. We see her mentioned in the Kojiki as coming from Kasuga. With the Emperor she had a daughter called Chijihayahime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav[...]
Emperor Kōrei
Emperor KōreiReign: 290-215BC Born: 342BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōan (father) Oshihime (mother) Kuwashi Hime (wife) Emperor Kōgen (son) Haeirodo (concubine) Wakatakehiko (son) Hikosajima (son) Yamato no kunikahime (concubine) Yamatototohimomosobime (daughter) Kibitsuhiko (son) Yamatototowakayabime (daughter) Hikosashikatawake (son) Chijihayamawaka (concubine) Chijihayahime (daughter) Burial place: misasagi on Mumazaka at Kataoka. Order of[...]
Prince Motoyoshi
Prince MotoyoshiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Emperor Yōzei (father) Birth: 890AD Death: 943AD Prince Motoyoshi Prince Motoyoshi (元良親王) was a member of the Imperial Family and son to Emperor Yōzei, living from 890-943AD. During his lifetime he was known to have been a great gallant and appears in several[...]
Emperor Kōkō
Emperor KōkōReign: 884-887AD Born: 830AD Period: Heian Period Family: Emperor Ninmyō (father) Minamoto no Muneyuki (grandson) Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Yōzei * Successor Emperor Uda Emperor Kōkō Emperor Kōkō (光孝天皇) was the 58th Emperor of Japan living from 830-871AD and reigning from 884-887AD.1 Family Kōkō was the third son of Emperor[...]
Emperor Yōzei
Emperor YōzeiReign: 876-884AD Born: 868AD Period: Heian Period Family: Emperor Seiwa (father) Prince Motoyoshi (son) Fujiwara no Mototsune (uncle) Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Seiwa * Successor Emperor Kōkō Emperor Yōzei Emperor Yōzei (陽成天皇) was the 57th Emperor of Japan living from 868-949AD and reigning from 876-884AD.1 Family He was the[...]
Okibi no Morosumi
Okibi no MorosumiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōan (father) Oshihime (mother) Emperor Kōrei (brother) Birth: – Death: – Okibi no Morosumi Okibi no Morosumi (大吉備諸進命) was the son of Emperor Kōan and Oshihime. He was also brother to the future Emperor Kōrei.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014)[...]
OshihimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Ameoshitarashihiko (father) Emperor Kōan (husband) Ōkibi no Morosumi (son) Emperor Kōrei (son) Birth: – Death: – Oshihime Oshihime (押媛) was the wife of Emperor Kōan and daughter to Ameoshitarashihiko.1 Together they had two sons, the future Emperor Kōrei and Ōkibi no Morosumi.2 She was[...]
Emperor Kōan
Emperor KōanReign: 392-291BC Born: 427/428BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kōshō (father) Yosotarashi Hime (mother) Oshihime (wife) Ōkibi no Morosumi (son) Emperor Kōrei (son) Ameoshitarashihiko (brother) Burial place: misasagi at Tamade Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōshō * Successor Emperor Kōrei Emperor Kōan Emperor Kōan (孝安 天皇) was the 6th Emperor of[...]
Yosotarashi Hime
Yosotarashi HimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Kōshō (husband) Emperor Kōan (son) Ameoshitarashihiko (son) Amenooshio (father) Okitsuyoso (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yosotarashi Hime Yosotarashi Hime (世襲足媛) was the wife of Emperor Kōshō and together the two of them had two sons; Emperor Kōan and Ameoshitarashihiko.12 She is said to have[...]
AmeoshitarashihikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Kōshō (father) Yosotarashi hime (mother) Emperor Kōan (brother) Oshihime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Ameoshitarashihiko Ameoshitarashihiko was the son of Emperor Kōshō and Yosotarashi hime.12 He is also known by the name of Ametarashihiko Kunioshihito (天足彦国押人命).3 He is said to have been the[...]
Emperor Kōshō
Emperor KōshōReign: 475-393BC Born: 507/508BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Itoku (father) Amatoyotsuhime (mother) Yosotarashi hime (wife) Emperor Kōan (son) Ameoshitarashihiko (son) Takeshihiko (brother) Burial place: misasagi on Hakatayama in Waki no Kami Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Itoku * Successor Emperor Kōan Emperor Kōshō Emperor Kōshō (孝昭 天皇) was the fifth[...]
HibasuhimePeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Inishikinoiribiko (son) Emperor Keikō (son) Ohonakatsuhiko (son) Yamatohime (daughter) Wakakiiribiko (son) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother) Mikadawake (brother) Matonuhime (sister) Otohime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: –[...]
Empress Shōtoku
Empress ShōtokuEmpress Shōtoku This is a redirect page for the Empress Shōtoku. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Empress Kōmyō
Empress KōmyōEmpress Kōmyō This is a redirect page for Empress Kōmyō. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming[...]
Prince Obito
Prince ObitoPrince Obito This is a redirect page for the Prince Obito. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Princess Abe
Princess AbePrincess Abe This is a redirect page for the Princess Abe. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Princess Uno
Princess UnoPrincess Uno This is a redirect page for the Princess Uno. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]
Emperor Junnin
Emperor JunninReign: 758-764AD Period: Nara Period Family: Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Kōken * Successor Empress Shōtoku Emperor Junnin Emperor Junnin (淳仁天皇) was the 47th Emperor of Japan, nominated for the crown by Fujiwara no Nakamarō due to his blood ties to the Emperor, Nakamarō also forced the Crown[...]
Empress Kōken
Empress KōkenReign: 749-758AD, 764-770AD Period: Nara Period Family: Fujiwara no Asukabehime (mother) Emperor Shōmu (father) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: 1st Reign: Predecessor Emperor Shōmu * Successor Emperor Junnin 2nd Reign: Predecessor Emperor Junnin * Successor Emperor Kōnin Empress Kōken Empress Kōken (孝謙天皇) was the 46th Emperor of Japan, reigning from 749-758AD, returning[...]
Fujiwara no Asukabehime
Fujiwara no AsukabehimePeriod: Nara Period Occupation: Prince Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (father) Empress Kōken (daughter) Emperor Shōmu (husband) Fujiwara no Miyako (sister) Fujiwara no Fusasaki (brother) Fujiwara no Umakai (brother) Fujiwara no Maro (brother) Fujiwara no Muchimaro (brother) Birth: – Death:- Fujiwara no Asukabehime Fujiwara no Asukabehime (藤原 安宿媛), later known as Empress[...]
Emperor Shōmu
Emperor ShōmuReign: 724-749AD Period: Nara Period Family: Emperor Monmu (father) Fujiwara no Miyako (mother) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (wife) Empress Kōken (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Genshō * Successor Empress Kōken Emperor Shōmu Emperor Shōmu (聖武天皇) was the 45th Emperor of Japan. He was the son of Emperor Monmu and Fujiwara no[...]
Prince Ōtsu
Prince ŌtsuPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Tenmu (father) Birth: – Death:- Prince Ōtsu Prince Ōtsu (大津皇子) was a Prince. He was disposed of by Empress Jitō as she considered him an obstacle in the ascension of her son Prince Kusakabe.1 Footnotes 1. Tsurumi, P. (1981) “Early Female Emperors” Historical[...]
Fujiwara no Miyako
Fujiwara no MiyakoPeriod: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Fubito (father) Fujiwara no Asukabehime (sister) Fujiwara no Fusasaki (brother) Fujiwara no Muchimaro (brother) Fujiwara no Umakai (brother) Fujiwara no Maro (brother) Birth: – Death:- Fujiwara no Miyako Fujiwara no Miyako (藤原宮子) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan and daughter of Fujiwara[...]
Empress Genmei
Empress GenmeiReign: 707-715AD Born: 661AD Died: 721AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Monmu (son) Prince Kusakabe (husband) Empress Jitō (half-sister) Emperor Tenji (father) Empress Genshō (daughter) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Monmu * Successor Empress Genshō Empress Genmei Empress Genmei (元明 天皇) was the 43rd Emperor of Japan. Known before her ascension to the throne as Princess Abe.1[...]
Emperor Monmu
Emperor MonmuReign: 697-707AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Prince Kusakabe (father) Empress Genmei (mother) Empress Jitō (grandmother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Empress Jitō * Successor Empress Genmei Emperor Monmu Emperor Monmu (文武天皇) was the 42nd Emperor of Japan. He was the son of Prince Kusakabe and Empress Genmei, and he was father[...]
Empress Jitō
Empress JitōReign: 690-697AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Tenmu (husband) Prince Kusakabe (son) Empress Genmei (half-sister) Emperor Monmu (grand-son) Emperor Tenji (father) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Tenmu * Successor Emperor Monmu Empress Jitō Empress Jitō (持統天皇) was the 41st Emperor of Japan, living from 645-702, and ruling[...]
Emperor Shirakawa
Emperor ShirakawaReign: 1073-1087AD Period: Heian Period Family: Fujiwara no Kenshi (wife) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Go-Sanjō * Successor Emperor Horikawa Emperor Shirakawa Emperor Shirakawa (白河天皇) was the 72nd Emperor of Japan. Family He was married to the daughter of Morozane, Fujiwara no Kenshi.3 Childhood His wet nurse,[...]
Emperor Tenmu
Emperor TenmuReign: 673-686AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Empress Kōgyoku (mother) Empress Jitō (wife) Emperor Tenji (brother) Prince Kusakabe (son) Emperor Kōbun (nephew) Prince Ōtsu (son) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kōbun * Successor Empress Jitō Emperor Tenmu Emperor Tenmu (天武天皇) (Prince Oama7) was the 40th Emperor of Japan reigning[...]
Emperor Kōbun
Emperor KōbunReign: 672AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Tenji (father) Emperor Tenmu (uncle) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Tenji * Successor Emperor Tenmu Emperor Kōbun Emperor Kōbun (弘文天皇) (Prince Otomo2) was the 39th Emperor of Japan who ruled in 672AD. His father was the Emperor Tenji and was[...]
Prince Naka
Prince NakaPrince Naka This is a redirect page for the Prince Naka. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the[...]