Wiki Tag: Imperial Family

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All Pages on our site tagged as Imperial Family.



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: ? Birth: – Death: – Mimorowake Mimorowake is said to have been a Prince, during the reign of Emperor Keikō. He is sent to take over the post, governing the 15 Provinces of the Tōsandō, that  Hikosajima was unable to fill. He is said[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Kagurohime (daugher) Yamato Takeru (great-grandfather) Birth: – Death: – Sumeiroohonakatsuhiko Sumeiroohonakatsuhiko (須売伊呂大中日子王) was the great-grandson of Yamato Takeru and father to Kagurohime.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Kagurohime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Ohoyenomiko Ohoyenomiko (大江王) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Kagurohime. The kojiki says his mother was the daughter of Sumeiroohonakatsuhiko, who was the great-grandson of Yamato Takeru. This would have to be an error in[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Emperor Keikō (husband/great-great-grandfather?) Ohoyeonomiko (son) Sumeiroohonakatsuhiko (father) Birth: – Death: – Hikohitonoohoye Kagurohime (迦具漏比売) was one of several concubines of Emperor Keikō and together they had a son called Ohoyenomiko. The kojiki says she was the daughter of Sumeiroohonakatsuhiko who was the great-grandson of[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Inabi no waka Iratsume (mother) Mawakanomiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Hikohitonoohoye Hikohitonoohoye (彦人大兄命) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Inabi no waka Iratsume.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Inabi no waka Iratsume (mother) Hikohitonoohoye (brother) Birth: – Death: – Mawakanomiko Mawakanomiko (真若王) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Inabi no waka Iratsume.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]

Inabi no waka Iratsume

Inabi no waka Iratsume

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (sister) Mawakanomiko (son) Hikohitonoohoye (son) Birth: – Death: – Inabi no waka iratsume Inabi no waka iratsume (伊那毘若郎女) was a concubine of Emperor Keikō and younger sister of Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume. With the Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Takeru (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Ōsu (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kamukushi Kamukushi (櫛角別王) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014)[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Takeru (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Ōsu (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kushitsunuwake Kushitsunuwake (櫛角別王) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Unknown mother Birth: – Death: – Wakakinoiribiko Wakakinoiribiko (若木之入日子王) is mentioned in the kojiki as the son of Emperor Keikō with an unnamed concubine.1 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Kunisewake (son) Toyotowake (son) Kunichiwake (son) Birth: – Death: – Sonotakebime Sonotakebime (襲武媛) was one of the several wives of Emperor Keikō. Together they had three sons by the name of Kunisewake, Toyotowake and Kunichiwake according to the nihongi.1 The kojiki list another[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Sonotakebime (mother) Toyotowake (brother) Kunichiwake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kunisewake Kunisewake (国背別皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Sonotakebime.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to AD697”. Tuttle Publishing.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation:- Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Kamikushi (son) Inasenoirihiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Ikahahime Ikahahime (五十河媛) was one of several wives of Emperor Keikō and together they had two sons by the names of Kamikushi and Inasenoirihiko.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Midzuha no Iratsume (mother) Birth: – Death: – Ihonohime Ihonohime (五百野皇女) was the daughter of Emperor Keikō and Midzuha no Iratsume. The nihongi states that in the 20th year, Spring, 2nd month, 4th day of her fathers reign she made sacrifices[...]

Nunaki no Iratsume

Nunaki no Iratsume

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Nunaki no Iratsume Nunaki no Iratsume was the daughter of Emperor[...]

Nunoshi no Iratsume

Nunoshi no Iratsume

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Nunoshi no Iratsume Nunoshi no Iratsume (渟熨斗皇女) was the daughter[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ōsuwake Ōsuwake (大酢別皇子) was the son of Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Wakayamatoneko Wakayamatoneko (稚倭根子皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Kibinoehiko (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Takakinoirihime Takakinoirihime (高城入姫皇女) was the daughter of Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Kibinoehiko Kibinoehiko (吉備兄彦皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Isakinoirihiko Isakinoirihiko (五十狭城入彦皇子) was the son of Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Kagoyorihime Kagoyorihime (香依姫皇女) was the daughter of Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Oshiwake (brother) Kagoyorihime (sister) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ihokiirihime Ihokiirihime (五百城入姫皇女) was the daughter of Emperor[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Ihokiirihiko (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Kagoyorihime (sister) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Oshiwake Oshiwake (忍之別皇子) was the son of[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Yasakairihime (mother) Emperor Seimu (brother) Oshiwake (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Ōsuwake (brother) Nunoshi no Iratsume (sister) Nunaki no Iratsume (sister) Ihokiirihime (sister) Kagoyorihime (sister) Isakinoirihiko (brother) Kibinoehiko (brother) Takakinoirihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ihokiirihiko Ihokiirihiko (五百城入彦皇子) was the son[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Mihakashihime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Toyokuniwake Toyokuniwake (豊国別皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Mihakashihime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Miyakko of Hiuga.12 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Toyokuniwake (son) Birth: – Death: – Mihakashihime Mihakashihime (御刀媛) was the wife of Emperor Keikō and together they had a son by the name of Toyokuniwake.12 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Takeru (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Kamukushi (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ōsu Ōsu (大碓皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume. He was the twin of Yamato Takeru having[...]

Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume

Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Ōsu (son) Yamato Takeru (son) Wakayamatoneko (son) Kushitsunuwake (son) Kamukushi (son) Inabi no waka Iratsume (sister) Birth: – Death: – Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (播磨稲日大郎姫) was the Empress of Emperor Keikō and together they had several[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Yamato Takeru (husband) Wakatakehiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Ototachibanahime Ototachibanahime (弟橘媛) was one of the wives of Yamato Takeru and together they had a son by the name of Wakatakehiko. She is said to have been the daughter of Oshiyama no Sukune of the[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Yamato Takeru (father) Kibi no Anato no Takehime (mother) Takemiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Towokiwake Towokiwake (十城別王) was the son of Yamato Takeru and Kibi no Anato no Takehime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kimi of Wake in Iyo.1 Footnotes[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Yamato Takeru (father) Kibi no Anato no Takehime (mother) Towokiwake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Takemiko Takemiko (武卵王) was the son of Yamato Takeru and Kibi no Anato no Takehime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kimi of Aya in Sanuki.1 Footnotes[...]

Kibi no Anato no Takehime

Kibi no Anato no Takehime

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Yamato Takeru (husband) Takemiko (son) Towokiwake (son) Birth: – Death: – Kibi no Anato no Takehime Kibi no Anato no Takehime (吉備穴戸武媛) was one of the wives of Yamato Takeru and daughter of Kibi no Takehiko. They had two sons called Takemiko and Towokiwake.1 Footnotes[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Yamato Takeru (father)  Futajirihime (mother) Waketake (brother) Emperor Chūai (brother) Nunoshiirihime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ineyoriwake Ineyoriwake (稲依別王) was the son of Yamato Takeru and Futajirihime. He is stated to have been the ancestor of the Kimi of Inugami and the Kimi of Takebe.1 Footnotes[...]



For the daughter of Emperor Keikō, see Nunoshi. Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Yamato Takeru (father)  Futajirihime (mother) Ineyoriwake (brother) Emperor Chūai (brother) Waketake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Nunoshiirihime Nunoshiirihime (布忍入姫命) was the daughter of Yamato Takeru and Futajirihime.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Yamato Takeru (father)  Futajirihime (mother) Ineyoriwake (brother) Emperor Chūai (brother) Nunoshiirihime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Wakatake Wakatake (稚武王) was the son of Yamato Takeru and Futajirihime.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to AD697”. Tuttle[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation:- Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Hiuga no Sotsuhiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Ōtanehime Ōtanehime (大田根媛) was one of several wives of Emperor Keiko and together they had a son by the name of Hiuga no Sotsuhiko. She is said to have come from Kaminaga in Hiuga.1 Footnotes[...]

Midzuha no Iratsume

Midzuha no Iratsume

Period: Legendary Period Occupation:- Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Ihonohime (daughter) Ihakiwake (older brother) Birth: – Death: – Midzuha no Iratsume Midzuha no Iratsume (水歯郎媛) was one of several wives of Emperor Keikō and together they had a daughter by the name of Ihonohime. She is said to have been the younger[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Abe no Kogoto (father) Emperor Keikō (husband) Takekunikoriwake (son) Birth: – Death: – Takadahime (高田媛) was one of several wives of Emperor Keikō and together they had a son by the name of Takekuni Koriwake. She is said to have been the daughter of Kogoto[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Takadahime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Takekunikoriwake Takekunikoriwake (武国凝別皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Takadahime. He is stated to have been the ancestor of the Wake of Mimura in Iyo.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles[...]

Hiuga no Sotsuhiko

Hiuga no Sotsuhiko

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father)  Ōtanehime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Hiuga no Sotsuhiko Hiuga no Sotsuhiko (日向襲津彦皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and  Ōtanehime. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Kimi of Amu in Nagato.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896)[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Ikahahime (mother) Inasenoirihiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kamikushi Kamikushi (神櫛皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Ikahahime. He is stated to have been the ancestor of the Miyyako of Sanuki.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Ikahahime (mother) Kamikushi (brother) Birth: – Death: – Inasenoirihiko Inasenoirihiko (稲背入彦皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Ikahahime. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Harima no Wake.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Sonotakebime (mother) Toyotowake (brother) Kunisewake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kunichiwake Kunichiwake (国乳別皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Sonotakebime. He is said to have been the ancestor of the Wake of Minuma.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1:[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Sonotakebime (mother) Kunichiwake (brother) Kunisewake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Toyotowake Toyotowake (豊戸別皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Sonotakebime according to the nihongi.1 The kojiki states that he was the son of Keikō and ‘another concubine.’2 He is stated[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation/Rank: miko Family: Emperor Seimu (father) Ohotakara no Iratsume (mother) Birth: – Death: – Wakanuke Wakanuke (和訶奴気王) was the son of Emperor Seimu and Ohotakara no Iratsume.123 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press. 2.[...]

Ohotakara no Iratsume

Ohotakara no Iratsume

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Emperor Seimu (husband) Yasakanoiribiko (father) Wakanuke (son) Takeoshiyamatarine (father) Birth: – Death: – Ohotakara no Iratsume Ohotakara no Iratsume (弟財郎女) was said to have been the daughter of Takeoshiyamatarine. She married the Emperor Seimu and together they had a son called Wakanuke.123 She was[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Emperor Keikō (husband) Emperor Seimu (son) Yasakanoiribiko (father) Birth: – Death: – Yasakairihime Yasakairihime (八坂入媛命) was the daughter of Yasakanoiribiko and wife of Emperor Keikō. Together they had Emperor Seimu1234 as well as Ihokiirihiko, Oshiwake, Ihokiirihime14, Kagoyorihime, Isakinoirihiko, Kibinoehiko, Takakinoirihime, Otohime, Wakayamatoneko, Ōsuwake, Nunoshi no[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess / Established the Ise Shrine Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Emperor Keikō (brother) Inishikinoiribiko (brother) Ohonakatsuhiko (brother) Wakakiiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatohime Yamatohime (倭比売命 / 倭姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Suinin and Hibasuhime and is creditted with the establishment of the Ise Grand Shrine.1[...]

Yamashiro no Ohokuni no Fuchi

Yamashiro no Ohokuni no Fuchi

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Kanibatatobe (daughter) Karibatatobe (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Yamashiro no Ohokuni no Fuchi Yamashiro no Ohokuni no Fuchi (山背大国不遅) was the father of Kanibatatobe and Karibatatobe.123 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press. 2.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Ochiwake no miko (son) Ikatarashihiko no miko (son) Itoshiwake (son) Yamashiro no Ohokuni no Fuchi (father) Kanibatatobe (older sister) Birth: – Death: – Karibatatobe Karibatatobe (苅幡戸辺) was the wife of Emperor Suinin and together they had Ochiwake no miko, Ikatarashihiko no miko[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Ihatsukuwake (son) Ihatsukubime (daughter). Yamashiro no Ohokuni no Fuchi (father) Karibatatobe (older sister) Birth: – Death: – Kanibatatobe Kanibatatobe (綺戸辺) was the wife of Emperor Suinin and together they had Ihatsukuwake123 and Ihatsukubime.12 The Emperor first heard of her when visiting Yamashiro[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Ikobayawake (son) Azamitsuhime (daughter) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother?) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake (brother) Otohime (sister) Matonuhime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Azaminoiribime Azaminoiribime (薊瓊入媛) was the daughter[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Nutarashiwake (daughter) Igatarashihiko (son) Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother?) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake (brother) Otohime (sister) Matonuhime (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Yehime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Nubatanoiribika Nubatanoiribika (渟葉田瓊入媛) was the daughter[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother?) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake (brother) Matonuhime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Yehime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Utakorihime Utakorihime (歌凝比売命) was the daughter of Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi.12 She[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi (father) Taniha no Kahakami no Masu no Iratsume (mother?) Hibasuhime (sister) Mikadawake (brother) Matonuhime (sister) Nubatanoiribika (sister) Azaminoiribime (sister) Takanohime (sister) Utakorihime (sister) Otohime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Yehime Yehime (媛) was the daughter of Tanika no hiko Tatatsumichinoushi. She[...]



Ihatsukubime Ihatsukubime. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick with us[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (father)  Otokaribatatobe (mother) Ihatsuwake (brother) Ineyoriwake (son) Emperor Chūai (son) Nunoshiirihime (daughter) Waketake (son) Birth: – Death: – Futajirihime Futajirihime (両道入姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Suinin and Otokaribatatobe.12 She is also given the name of Ihatsukubime.12 She would later marry Yamato Takeru despite[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father)  Otokaribatatobe (mother) Futajirihime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ihatsukuwake Ihatsukuwake (磐撞別命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Otokaribatatobe.123 He is said to have been the ancestor of the Haguhi no kimi and the Mio no kimi.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Karibatatobe (mother) Ochiwake (brother) Ikatarashihiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Itoshiwake Itoshiwake (伊登志別王) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Karibatatobe.123 He is said to have had no children and so made the Itoshibe his proxy. This would be the first instance of[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Karibatatobe (mother) Ochiwake (brother) Itoshiwake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ikatarashihiko Ikatarashihiko (五十日足彦命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Karibatatobe.123 He is said to have been the ancestor of the Kazuga no yama no kimi, Koshi no ike no kimi and the[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Karibatatobe (mother) Ikatarashihiko (brother) Itoshiwake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ochiwake Ochiwake (祖別命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Karibatatobe.123 He is said to have been the ancestor of the Wotsuki no yama no kimi and the Mikaha no Koromo no kimi.12[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Kaguyahime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Wozabe Wozabe (袁那弁王) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Kaguyahime. This is related in the kojiki.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press.[...]



For the woman from folklore see: Kaguya Hime. Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Wife Family: Emperor Suinin (husband) Wozabe (son) Ohotsutsukitarine (father) Birth: – Death: – Kaguyahime Kaguyahime (迦具夜比売命) was the wife of Emperor Suinin and together the had a son by the name of Wozabe. This is seen in the kojiki. She[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Azamitsuhime (wife) Birth: – Death: – Inasebiko Inasebiko (?) is said to have been the husband of Azamitsuhime according to the kojiki.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press. 2. Chamberlain, B.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Azaminoiribime (mother) Ikobayawake (brother) Birth: – Death: – Azamitsuhime Azamitsuhime (?) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Azaminoiribime.123 She is said to have married Inasebiko.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York:[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Azaminoiribime (mother) Azamitsuhime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ikobayawake Ikobayawake (息速別命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Azaminoiribime.123 He is said to have been the ancestor of the Saho no Anahobe wake.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014)[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Nubatanoiribika (mother) Nutarashiwake (sister) Birth: – Death: – Igatarashihiko Igatarashihiko (胆香足彦命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Nubatanoiribika.123 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press. 2. Chamberlain, B. H.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Nubatanoiribika (mother) Igatarashihiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Nutarashiwake Nutarashiwake (鐸石別命) was the daughter of Emperor Suinin and Nubatanoiribika.123 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New York: Columbia University Press. 2. Chamberlain, B.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Emperor Keikō (brother) Ohonakatsuhiko (brother) Yamatohime (sister) Inishikinoiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Wakakiiribiko Wakakiiribiko (稚城瓊入彦命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Hibasuhime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”. New[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Emperor Keikō (brother) Inishikinoiribiko (brother) Yamatohime (sister) Wakakiiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ohonakatsuhiko Ohonakatsuhiko (大中彦命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Hibasuhime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Yamanobe no wake, Sakikusa no wake, Inaki no[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Emperor Keikō (brother) Ohonakatsuhiko (brother) Yamatohime (sister) Wakakiiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Inishikinoiribiko Inishikinoiribiko (五十瓊敷入彦命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Hibasuhime. During his lifetime he is said to have lived in the Kahakami Palace in Totori and[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Homutsuwake (husband) Birth: – Death: – Hinagahime Hinagahime (肥長比売) was the wife of Prince Homutsuwake. After the Prince had learnt to speak he was left to live in the palace of Nagaho in Ajimasa. Here he married Hinagahime for a single night where he discovered[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Sahobime (mother) Hinagahime (wife) Birth: – Death: – Homutsuwake Homutsuwake (誉津別命) was the son of Emperor Suinin and Sahobime.123 Birth Nihongi Version Homutsuwake was born prior to the assassination attempt on his father’s life by his mother. His mother, mourning that[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Takehaniyasuhiko (husband) Birth: – Death: – Atabime Atabime (吾田媛) was the wife of Takehaniyasuhiko. The nihongi relates how she and her husband led armies to attack Emperor Sujin. Her army attacked from Ohosaka and her husband from Yamashiro Province. Her army was attacked by Kibitsuhiko[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Ohoamahime (mother) Ohohiriki (brother) Tohochinoiribime (sister) Yasakanoiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Nunakinobime Nunakinobime (渟名城入姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Ohoamahime.123 The nihongi relates that when the Emperor seperated the worship of Amaterasu and Ōkuninushi, Ōkuninushi was placed under her care.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Ohoamahime (mother) Ohohiriki (brother) Nunakinobime (sister) Yasakanoiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Tohochinoiribime Tohochinoiribime (十市瓊入姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Ohoamahime.123 The kojiki and nihongi give no more information about them. Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Ōji Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Ohoamahime (mother) Ohohiriki (brother) Nunakinobime (sister) Tohochinoiribime (sister) Yasakairihime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Yasakanoiribiko Yasakanoiribiko (八坂入彦命) was the son of Emperor Sujin and Ohoamahime.123 He held the rank of Ōji.4 He is said to have been the father of Yasakairihime.145[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Ohoamahime (mother) Yasakanoiribiko (brother) Nunakinobime (sister) Tohochinoiribime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Ohohiriki Ohohiriki (大入杵命) was the son of Emperor Sujin and Ohoamahime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Noto no Omi.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Emperor Sujin (husband) Ohohiriki (son) Yasakanoiribiko (son) Nunakinobime (daughter) Tohochinoiribime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Ohoamahime Ohoamahime (尾張大海媛 – Owari Ohoamahime1) was a concubine of Emperor Sujin. Together they had four children, these being Ohohiriki, Yasakanoiribiko, Nunakinobime and Tohochinoiribime.123 She is said to be[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princes Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (mother) Toyosukiiribime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Toyokiiribiko Toyokiiribiko (豊城入彦命) was the son of Emperor Sujin and Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi.123 He is said to be the ancestor of the Kamitsuke no kimi and Shimotsuke no kimi.123 In the 48th year of his father reign,[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (mother) Toyokiiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Toyosukiiribime Toyosukiiribime (豊鍬入姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi. The kojiki states that she was High Priestess at the Ise Grand Shrine.12 The Jinnō Shōtōki states that during the reign of Sujin,[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Arakahatobe (father) Emperor Sujin (husband) Toyokiiribiko (son) Toyosukiiribime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (遠津年魚眼眼妙媛) was the concubine of Emperor Sujin. Together they had Toyokiiribiko123 and Toyosukiiribime.23 Footnotes included in Chamberlain (1932) say that the name is a good instance of verbal usage.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Mimakihime (mother) Emperor Suinin (brother) Izanomawaka (brother) Chijitsukuyamatohime (sister) Kunikatahime (sister) Yamatohiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Igahime Igahime (伊賀比売命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Mimakihime.12 She is not mentioned in the Nihongi. Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Mimakihime (mother) Emperor Suinin (brother) Kunikatahime (sister) Izanomawaka (brother) Igahime (sister) Yamatohiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Chijitsukuyamatohime Chijitsukuyamatohime (千千衝倭姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Mimakihime.123 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Mimakihime (mother) Emperor Suinin (brother) Izanomawaka (brother) Chijitsukuyamatohime (sister) Igahime (sister) Yamatohiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Kunikatahime Kunikatahime (国方姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Sujin and Mimakihime.123 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Mimakihime (mother) Emperor Suinin (brother) Kunikatahime (sister) Chijitsukuyamatohime (sister) Igahime (sister) Yamatohiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Izanomawaka Izanomawaka was the son of Emperor Sujin and Mimakihime.123 His name is alternatively written as Ikatsuruhiko (五十日鶴彦命) in the Nihongi.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Empress Family: Ohobiko (father) Emperor Sujin (husband) Emperor Suinin (son) Izanomawaka (son) Kunikatahime (daughter) Chijitsukuyamatohime (daughter) Igahime (daughter) Yamatohiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Mimakihime Mimakihime (御間城姫) was the wife of Emperor Sujin, and together they had Emperor Suinin, Izanomawaka, Kunikatahime, Chijitsukuyamatohime, Yamatohiko123 and Igahime.23 The nihongi[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Family: Emperor Jimmu (husband) Tagishimimi (son) Birth: – Death: – Ahiratsuhime Ahiratsuhime (吾平津媛) was the wife of Emperor Jimmu and mother to Tagishimimi.1 Footnotes 1. Ponsonby, F. (1959) “The Imperial House of Japan.” Kyoto: Ponsonby Memorial Society.[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Okinaga no sukune (father) Kahamata no Inayorihime (mother) Birth: – Death: – Ohotamusaka Ohotamusaka (大多牟坂王) was the son of Okinaga no sukune and Kahamata no Inayorihime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Tajima no kuni no miyatsuko.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O,[...]

Kahamata no Inayorihime

Kahamata no Inayorihime

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Family: Okinaga no sukune (husband) Ohotamusaka (son) Birth: – Death: – Kahamata no Inayorihime Kahamata no Inayorihime (河俣稲依毘売) was the second wife of Okinaga no sukune Together they had a son called Ohotamusaka.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Okinaga no sukune (father) Kadzuraki no Takanukahime (mother) Okinagatarashihime (sister) Soratsuhime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Okinagahiko Okinagahiko (息長日子王) was the son of Okinaga no sukune and Kadzuraki no Takanukahime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kibi no homuji no Kimi and Harima[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Okinaga no sukune (father) Kadzuraki no Takanukahime (mother) Okinagatarashihime (sister) Okinagahiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Soratsuhime Soratsuhime (虚空津比売命) was the daughter of Okinaga no sukune and Kadzuraki no Takanukahime.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O, translated by Gustav Heldt. (2014) “Kojiki. An Account of Ancient Matters”.[...]



Okinagatarashihime Okinagatarashihime. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick with us[...]

Kadzuraki no Takanukahime

Kadzuraki no Takanukahime

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Family: Okinaga no sukune (husband) Okinagatarashihime (daughter) Soratsuhime (daughter) Okinagahiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Kadzuraki no Takanukahime Kadzuraki no Takanukahime (葛城之高額比売) was the first wife of Okinaga no sukune. Together they had three children by the names of Okinagatarashihime, Soratsuhime and Okinagahiko.12 Footnotes 1. Yasumaro. O,[...]

Okinaga no sukune

Okinaga no sukune

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Family: Kanimeikadzuchi (father) Takakihime (mother) Kadzuraki no Takanukahime (wife) Okinagatarashihime (daughter) Soratsuhime (daughter) Okinagahiko (son) Kahamata no Inayorihime (wife) Ohotamusaka (son) Birth: – Death: – Okinaga no sukune Okinaga no sukune (息長宿禰王) was the son of Kanimeikadzuchi and Takakihime. He had children with two different women[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Family: Taniha no Tohotsu omi (father) Kanimeikadzuchi (husband) Okinaga no sukune (son) Birth: – Death: – Takakihime Takakihime (高材比売) was the wife of the Imperial Prince Kanimeikadzuchi and togther they has a son by the name of Okinaga no sukune. She is said to have been[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka (father) Mone no Ajisahabime (mother) Takakihime (wife) Okinaga no sukune (son) Birth: – Death: – Kanimeikadzuchi Kanimeikadzuchi (迦邇米雷王) was the son of Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka and Mone no Ajisahabime. In his life he married Takakihime and[...]

Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka

Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Hikoimasu (father) Oketsuhime (mother) Mone no Ajisahabime (wife) Kanimeikadzuchi (son) Irine (brother) Hioosu (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka (山代之大筒木真若王) was the son of Hikoimasu and Oketsuhime. He married his niece Mone no Ajisahabime[...]

Mone no Ajisahabime

Mone no Ajisahabime

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Irine (father) Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka (husband) Kanimeikadzuchi (son) Birth: – Death: – Mone no Ajisahabime Mone no Ajisahabime (丹波能阿治佐波毘売?) is known to have been the daughter of Irine. She would later marry her uncle Yamashiro no Oho Tsutsuki no Mawaka and together[...]