Wiki Category: Emishi

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Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: ? Birth: – Death: – Mimorowake Mimorowake is said to have been a Prince, during the reign of Emperor Keikō. He is sent to take over the post, governing the 15 Provinces of the Tōsandō, that  Hikosajima was unable to fill. He is said[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Takeru (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Kamukushi (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ōsu Ōsu (大碓皇子) was the son of Emperor Keikō and Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume. He was the twin of Yamato Takeru having[...]

Ise Grand Shrine

Ise Grand Shrine

Co-ordinates: 34°27′18″N 136°43′33″E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Mie Prefecture Founded: 4BCE Affiliation: Shinto Ise Grand Shrine The Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮) is a Shinto Shrine dedicated to Amaterasu, located in Mie Prefecture. It is supposedly the resting place of the Sacred Mirror and was established by Yamatohime. Mythological Origins During[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Yamato Takeru (husband) Wakatakehiko (son) Birth: – Death: – Ototachibanahime Ototachibanahime (弟橘媛) was one of the wives of Yamato Takeru and together they had a son by the name of Wakatakehiko. She is said to have been the daughter of Oshiyama no Sukune of the[...]

Kibi no Takehiko

Kibi no Takehiko

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Kibi no Anato no Takehime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Kibi no Takehiko Kibi no Takehiko (吉備 武彦) is said to have been the father of Kibi no Anato no Takehime.1 He was later the companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess / Established the Ise Shrine Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Emperor Keikō (brother) Inishikinoiribiko (brother) Ohonakatsuhiko (brother) Wakakiiribiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatohime Yamatohime (倭比売命 / 倭姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Suinin and Hibasuhime and is creditted with the establishment of the Ise Grand Shrine.1[...]



Palaces We are creating this page to serve as a place to list all of the different Palaces built and used through Japanese history. We will continue to update this page as we gain more information. Legendary Period Akitsushima Palace Located in Muro this was the palace of Emperor Kōan.5[...]

Mount Miwa

Mount Miwa

Co-ordinates: 34° 32′ 6″ N, 135° 52′ 0″ E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Nara Prefecture Height: 467.1m Mount Miwa Mount Miwa (三輪山, Miwa-yama) also known as Mount Mimoro (三諸山, Mimoro-yama) is a mountain located in Nara Prefecture. Name Notation in the kojiki says that tname ‘Mi wa’ comes from the three twists of hemp from the tale[...]

Awa Province

Awa Province

See also: List of Provinces Awa Province Awa Province (阿波国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. According to the kojiki the kami Ōgetsuhime dwelt here.1 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent and[...]

Shimōsa Province

Shimōsa Province

See also: List of Provinces Shimōsa Province Shimōsa Province (下総国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Legendery Period During the time when Yamato Takeru is sent to deal with the Emishi he comes to this province where he finds two Emishi leaders in Take called Shimatsukami and Kunitsukami.[...]

Iyo Province

Iyo Province

See also: List of Provinces Iyo Province Iyo Province (伊予国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Branches of the Date Clan are known to have controlled the Yoshida and Uwajima Domains in this province.1 The kojiki states that this place is inhabited by the kami Ehime. Legendary Period[...]

Sanuki Province

Sanuki Province

See also: List of Provinces Sanuki Province Sanuki Province (讃岐国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. The kojiki states it is inhabited by the kami Iiyorohiko.3 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent[...]

Suruga Province

Suruga Province

See also: List of Provinces Suruga Province Suruga Province (駿河国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Legendary Period Yamato Takeru was tasked to go subdue the Yemishi who lived on the periphery of the realm, on his way he travels through Suruga according to the Nihongi. However the[...]

Dewa Province

Dewa Province

See also: List of Provinces Dewa Province Dewa Province (出羽国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Nara Period The Nara Period fortess called Akitajō (秋田城) was establised here in 733 as an aide to subjugating the Ezo People. It was used between the 8th and 10th centuries before[...]

Aki Province

Aki Province

See also: Provinces Aki Province Aki Province (安藝國/安芸国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. Legendary Period According to one version of events in the nihongi, the kami Susano-o comes to the River Ye in this province. Here he meets Ashi-nadzu-te-nadzu and his wife Inada no Miya-nushi Susa no[...]

Fujiwara no Oguromaro

Fujiwara no Oguromaro

Period: Nara Period Occupation: Commander of Imperial Army, dainagon Family: Fujiwara no Torikai (father) Fujiwara no Kadanomaro (son) Birth: 733AD Death: 794AD Fujiwara no Oguromaro Fujiwara no Oguromaro (藤原 小黒麻呂) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Hokke Branch of this clan. He lived from 733-7941, was the son[...]

Fujiwara no Tsuginawa

Fujiwara no Tsuginawa

Period: Nara Period Occupation: sei-i-tai-shōgun, Udajin Family: Fujiwara no Toyonari (father) Fujiwara no Otoaki (son) Birth: 727AD Death: 796AD Fujiwara no Tsuginawa Fujiwara no Tsuginawa (藤原 継縄) (also known as Fujiwara no Tsugutada2) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Nanke Branch of this clan. He is also[...]

Harima Province

Harima Province

See also: Provinces Harima Province Harima Province (播磨国) is one of the many Provinces which once existed in Japan.1 It also went by the name of Banshū (播州) and is now located in the modern prefecture of Hyōgo.2 One version of the folktale known as banchō sarayashiki is set in[...]



Akitajō Akitajō (秋田城) was a Nara Period fortress established in 733 as a way to aide in subjugating the Ezo People.12 Constructed in Dewa Province it was used between the 8th and 10th Centuries until it was abandoned and replaced with a new one close by. The only remains surviving[...]



Izawajō Izawajō (胆沢城) was a Heian Period fortress built in 802 within Mutsu Province, located close to the confluence of the Izawa and Kitakami Rivers. It was here that Sakanoue no Tamuramaro transferred his headquarters (Chinjufu) to so that he could continue his attempts at subjugating the Ezo People. Today[...]



Tagajō Tagajō (多賀城) was an 8th century headquarters established to help in the wars against the Ezo People,1 constructed in 724 by Ōno no Azumahito.2 It consisted of several buildings in a walled area.1 Orignially known as Taga no ki it later became Tagajō, and is located in Shiogama City,[...]



Chinjufu-shōgun The Chinjufu-shōgun (鎮守府将軍) was a military position or district for the ‘pacification of defence of Japan.’ This position was overseen by a sei-i-tai-shōgun. Created during the Nara Period it was centred in Northern Honshu to fight Ezo tribes there, located originally at Tagajō. Later, in 801 it was moved[...]

Mino Province

Mino Province

See also: List of Provinces Mino Province Mino Province (美濃国) also known as Nōshū (濃州) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Gifu Prefecture. It is included as one of the eight Provinces which made up the Tōsandō Region. It is well known for its Mino[...]



Saku A Saku (柵 – also pronounced ki) is a type of stockade or palisade constructed in frontier regions. Notably, most were constructed between the 7th and 9th centuries in northern Honshu to defend against the northern Ezo People, as well as to provide administration to the surrounding areas. Known[...]

Nutari no Ki

Nutari no Ki

Nutari no Ki Nutari no Ki (渟足柵) was a type of Saku (fortified frontier) erected in 647AD in the old Province of Echigo, close to the city of Niigata. It’s construction was carried out to serve as an outpost for the military to continue campaigns against the Ezo People of[...]

Empress Kōgyoku

Empress Kōgyoku

Reign: 642-645 (Kōgyoku) 655-661 (Saimei) Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Jomei (husband) Prince Naka (son) Emperor Kotoku (brother) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: 1st Reign Predecessor Emperor Jomei * Successor Emperor Kōtoku 2nd Reign Predecessor Emperor Kōtoku * Sucessor Emperor Tenji Empress Kōgyoku Empress Kōgyoku (皇極天皇) was the thirty-fifth[...]

Sagami Bay

Sagami Bay

Co-ordinates: 35°07′N 139°23′E Sagami Bay Sagami Bay (相模湾) is a stretch of water lying to the south of Kanagawa Prefecture. Legendary Period The Bay is mentioned during the exploits of Yamato Takeru when he sails across it to subdue the Emishi. Crossing the bay a kami living in the water[...]

Sagami Province

Sagami Province

See also: List of Provinces Sagami Province Sagami Province (相模国) was an old Province in Japan, situated in what is now Kanagawa Prefecture, established during the Taika Reforms in 645.4 This area is called Sagami in the Kojiki1, but Suruga in the Nihongi2. Legendary Period Yamato Takeru travelled through here[...]



Period: Legendary Occupation: Military Nanatsukahagi Nanatsukahagi (七束脛命) was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehi no Muraji and Takehiko. He also acted as Steward to Yamato Takeru.12 Footnotes 1. Littleton. C.S. (1995) “Yamato-takeru: An Arthurian Hero in Japanese Tradition”. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol.[...]

Takehi no Muraji

Takehi no Muraji

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Military / Five Daibu Family: – Birth: – Death: – Takehi no Muraji Takehi no Muraji (大伴武日連命), also known as Otomo no Takehi2 was a known companion of Yamato Takeru who accompanied him against the Emishi alongside Takehiko and Nanatsukahagi.12 During his time with Yamato Takeru, he[...]



Takehiko Takehiko. We are a wiki as well as a Blog and podcast site which is constantly and steadily growing. Bringing to you all aspects of Japanese history. It is going to be a project which will expand continuously over the coming years. And we hope you stick with us[...]

Echigo Province

Echigo Province

See also: List of Provinces Echigo Province Echigo Province (越後国) was an old Province of Japan, located in what is now Niigata Prefecture, established in the early 8th Century.1 The folktale called The Mirror of Matsuyama is set in this province.4 Legendary Period It is mentioned in the nihongi alongside[...]

Takeuchi no Sukune

Takeuchi no Sukune

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince / Ōomi / Prime Minister Family: Hikofutooshimakoto (father/grandfather?) Yamashitakage (mother?) Hatanoyashiro (son) Kosenookara (son) Soga no Ishikawa (son) Hegurinotsuki (son) Kinotsunu (son) Mato of Kume (daughter) Princess Nunoiro (daughter) Kadzurakinonagayenosotsubiko (son) Wakugo (son) Birth: – Death: – Takeuchi no Sukune Takeuchi no Sukune (武内宿禰) was a legendery[...]

Yamato Takeru

Yamato Takeru

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Keikō (father) Harima no Inabi no Ōiratsume (mother) Yamato Hime (aunt) Emperor Chūai (son) Ōsu (brother) Kushitsunuwake (brother) Wakayamatoneko (brother) Kamukushi (brother) several other wives and children see below Birth: – Death: – Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru (小碓命, Prince Ōsu – The Brave of[...]

Emperor Keikō

Emperor Keikō

Reign: 71-130AD Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Yasakairihime (wife) Emperor Seimu (son) many children see below Burial place: misasagi in Yamanobe Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suinin * Successor Emperor Seimu Emperor Keikō Emperor Keikō (景行天皇) was the twelfth Emperor of Japan also known as Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake[...]



For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Emishi The Emishi (蝦夷 – Eastern Barbarians), also called at time the Ezo People1, were a Clan of people living on the periphery of the Yamato borders. Some scholars believe they could be the ancestors of the Ainu.2 Historically they are known[...]

Abe Clan

Abe Clan

First Ruler: – Final Ruler: Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Abe Clan The Abe Clan (安倍氏) is one of the various Clans of Japan. Families This particular clan finds itself in two different areas of Japan. (This could make it difficult in piecing together[...]