Wiki Updates #2

Wiki Updates #2
Hi guys, this is our second Update for you (Wiki Updates #2) as we gear up for episode 1 of our Podcast this coming Friday.
Several updates to the Shinto Spirit and Japanese Literature this week.
Hope you are all well and that you find something of interest to you this week!
All the best guys.
New Pages
- Imbe Clan (Updated)
- Imbe no Obito
- Kogo Shūi (Updated)
- Kojiki (Updated)
- Literature (Updated)
- Nihongi (Updated)
- Nihon Ryōiki
- Wakan Sansai Zue (Updated)
- Wamiōsho
- Kyushu (Updated)
- Tachibana River
- Ebisu (Updated)
- Iwatsutsunome
- Iwatsutsunoo (Updated)
- Izanagi (Updated)
- Kagutsuchi (Updated)
- Susano-o (Updated)
You can listen to the full podcast episodes here: Japan Archives, or wherever you listen to Podcasts.
Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @japan_archives
We also started a Youtube channel for Japan Archives.
And another for other creative endeavours!