Wiki Updates #11

Wiki Updates #11

Wiki Updates #11

Our 11th update is here.

Current Totals Pages: 689 Current Total Wanted Pages: 430

Alot of updated information in Wiki Updates #11 for certain Shinto kami as we have been researching them for episode 21 of the podcast.

We finally finished adding all the ‘wanted pages’ for Provinces for the time being. Pretty sure, sooner or later more ‘Provinces’ will have wanted pages.

I just want to say, we by no means want to only be adding pages to this site which relate to our podcast, we want to provide for you all parts of Japanese History. It is just taking us a bit of time right now around work commitments.

We are thinking now also to give you a quick tally on these posts of our total pages as well as the total amount of ‘wanted pages’ this site currently has links for (as above) but which we haven’t gotten around to creating yet.

Hopefully this will show you what we are dealing with as we slowly but surely keep adding to this site to try and make it a useful resource for Japanese History.



Mythological Places



That’s it for now guys.

Talk to you soon.

You can listen to the full podcast episodes here: Japan Archives, or wherever you listen to Podcasts.

Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @japan_archives

We also started a Youtube channel for Japan Archives.

And another for other creative endeavours!

Heavenly Spear