September 2022 Updates

September 2022 Updates
Well we have been busy with life lately, but we have been slowly adding to the website still since our last post in June. We’re kinda of unsure which pages we have Updated since the last post, but we can still list for you all the new pages we have been able to add to the site in our September 2022 Updates.
As usual if there is anything in particular you would like adding to the site, lets us know through our Contact Us page.
We will be heading back to England soon, finally after three years of Covid, but don’t worry we will still be working on the website even whilst seeing our family after three years.
All the best to you all for now!
Total Pages: 1116 Wanted Pages: 886

Imperial Family
- Ariwara no Yukihira
- Fujiwara no Asatada
- Fujiwara no Okikaze
- Fujiwara no Sadakata
- Fujiwara no Toshiyuki
- Minamoto no Muneyuki
- Minamoto no Tōru
You can listen to the full podcast episodes here: Japan Archives, or wherever you listen to Podcasts.
Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @japan_archives
We also started a Youtube channel for Japan Archives.
And another for other creative endeavours!