Wiki Category: Sugawara no Michizane
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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Sugawara no Michizane.
Sugawara no Fumitoki
Sugawara no FumitokiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Poet Family: Sugawara no Michizane (grandfather) Birth: – Death: – Sugawara no Fumitoki Sugawara no Fumitoki (菅原 文時) was the son of Sugawara no Michizane and had a poem in the Wakan rōeishū which went as follows: ‘Peach and Plum Blossoms do not speak. How many[...]
KakurezatoKakurezato Kakurezato (隠れ里 – Hidden Village) is a type of yōkai/place depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This is the separate realm where yōkai, ghosts, mythical beasts, immortals and others not of this world live. This depiction of Kakurezato shows a celebration headed by Daikokuten, the god[...]
HakutakuHakutaku Hakutaku (白澤 – Bai Ze) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This creature is said to come from China, and taught the Yellow Emperor how to counter hauntings of every type. It gave the Emperor a detailed guide to the 11,520[...]
Takirei-ōTakirei-ō Takirei-ō (滝霊王 – Waterfall Spirit King) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This creature is said to appear in waterfall basins of various regions. In the Blue Dragon Commentary it says all demons and calamities must submit to its authority. He[...]
HōsōshiHōsōshi Hōsōshi (方相氏 – Fangxiang Shi – An Exorcist) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This creatures role is detailed in the 2nd Century Chinese Rites of Zhou which states: “The duty of Fangxiang Shi is to cover himself with bearskin, a[...]
IyayaIyaya Iyaya (否哉 – Oh No!) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This is a sound response to seeing something. In the yōkai depiction it is when a beautiful woman catches her reflection in the water but she looks ugly.1 External Links View[...]
UshirogamiUshirogami Ushirogami (後神 – The Kami Behind You) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. It is said that this kami accompanies the kami of cowardice. Whenever you think it is infront of you it will disappear behind you and pull your hair.[...]
MekurabeMekurabe Mekurabe (目競 – Stared On) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. The story around this creature states that one night Taira no Kiyomori woke up to see skulls everywhere in a dream, they mulitplied from 2 to millions. He stared them[...]
KyōkotsuKyōkotsu Kyōkotsu (狂骨 – Crazy bones) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. The creature is a skeleton in a well, though it is portrayed as quite ghost like. The depiction of a skeletal looking bamboo pole against withered tall grass can[...]
MokumokurenMokumokuren Mokumokuren (目目連 – Eye Eye) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. Sekiens desribes the creature as: ‘Spring mists leave no traces; gone like those who once lived in this abandoned house, now filled with eyes corner to corner. Perhaps it was[...]
KeukegenKeukegen Keukegen (毛羽毛現) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This is a strange creature that is covered with hair, and it is said that sighting of this uncommon creature are rare. The name is written with the kanji Fur-Feather-Fur-Appearance.1 External Links View[...]
ByōbunozokiByōbunozoki Byōbunozoki (屏風覗 – Screen Peeper) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This is a type of spirit that can manifest from the grudge born of a woman not being able to be with her lover, the promise of meeting for[...]
Suzuri no tamashii
Suzuri no tamashiiSuzuri no tamashii Suzuri no tamashii (硯の魂 – The Haunted Inkstone) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. The story surrounding the creature states that a man had a fondness for the Akama-ga-seki (now Shimonoseki) inkstone he had. He fell asleep reading tale[...]
Sanuki Province
Sanuki ProvinceSee also: List of Provinces Sanuki Province Sanuki Province (讃岐国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. The kojiki states it is inhabited by the kami Iiyorohiko.3 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent[...]
Wakan rōeishū
Wakan rōeishūWakan rōeishū The Wakan rōeishū (和漢朗詠集, Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Singing) is a compilation of Chinese and Japanese poetry. This piece was solely edited by Fujiwara no Kintō,1 containing 216 Japanese poems and 587 Chinese couplets,23 compiled around 1013.2 The book was seperated into two books, one[...]
Sugawara no Takasue no Musume
Sugawara no Takasue no MusumePeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Author Family: Sugawara no Takasue Birth: 1008 Death: after 1059 Sugawara no Takasue no Musume Sugawara no Takasue no Musume (菅原孝標女) was a member of the Sugawara Clan and daughter of Sugawara no Takasue, born in 100812 she died some time after 1067.2 Though we know[...]
Sugawara Clan
Sugawara ClanFirst Ruler: Haji no Sukune Furuhito Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – Parent House: Haji Clan For a full list of Japanese Clans see: Clans. Sugawara Clan The Sugawara Clan (菅原氏) is a decendant of the Haji Clan which came into existence in 781AD.12 The change occoured when Haji no Sukune[...]
Sugawara no Koreyoshi
Sugawara no KoreyoshiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Scholar, Tutor. Family: Sugawara no Kiyogimi (father) Sugawara no Michizane (son) Birth: 812 Death: 880 Sugawara no Koreyoshi Sugawara no Koreyoshi (菅原 是善) was a member of the Sugawara clan living from 812 to 880. He was the son of Sugawara no Kiyogimi and had a[...]
Sugawara no Michizane
Sugawara no MichizaneSee also: Sugawara no Michizane Poems Period: Heian Period Occupation: Udaijin, Governor, Poet Family: Haji no Mimichi (ancestor) Sugawara no Koreyoshi (father) Sugawara no Fumitoki (grandson) Birth: 845 Death: 903 Sugawara no Michizane Sugawara no Michizane (菅原 道真/菅原 道眞) was a member of the Sugawara Clan living during the Heian[...]
Haji no Mimichi
Haji no MimichiSee also: Haji no Mimichi Poems Period: Nara Period Occupation: Poet Family: Sugawara no Michizane (descendant) Birth: Death: Haji no Mimichi Haji no Mimichi (土師 水通 / 土師 御通) was a member of the Haji Clan living during the Nara Period. In the Haji Clan he is seen as the[...]
Fujiwara no Tokihira
Fujiwara no TokihiraPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Minister Family: Fujiwara no Mototsune (father) Fujiwara no Akitada (son) Fujiwara no Atsutada (son) Fujiwara no Yasutada (son) Fujiwara no Hōshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Tadahira (brother) Fujiwara no Nakahira (brother) Fujiwara no Kanehira (brother) Fujiwara no Raishi (sister) Fujiwara no Baishi (sister) Fujiwara no Onshi I[...]
KyushuCo-ordinates: 33°N 131°E Prefectures: Fukuoka Prefecture, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture, Miyazaki Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Oita Prefecture, Okinawa Prefecture, Saga Prefecture Kyushu Kyushu (九州, Nine Provinces) also called Tsukushi (筑紫島, Lands End) in the kojiki and nihongi is one of the four main islands of Japan, the islands older name of[...]