Wiki Category: Oyamatsumi

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Oyamatsumi.



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Yashimajinumi (husband) Fuwanomojikunusunu (son) Konohanachiruhime Konohanachiruhime (木花知流比売 – Lady Tree Blossoms Scattering) is a Shinto kami mentioned in the Kojiki. She is stated to be the daughter of Ōyamatsumi and wife of Yashimajinumi with whom she has a son called Fuwanomojikunusunu. The blossoms in[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Tenadzuchi (wife) Kushinadahime (daughter) Ōyamatsumi (father) Ashinadzuchi Ashinadzuchi ( 足名椎 / 脚摩乳命) is a Shinto kami seen in the texts of the Kojiki and Nihongi in relation to their dealings with Yamata no Orochi. He is the husband of Tenadzuchi and father to Kushinadahime in both the Nihongi[...]

Kamu Ōichihime

Kamu Ōichihime

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: ? Family: Susano-o (husband) Ōyamatsumi (father) Ashinadzuchi (brother?) Kushinadahime (niece?) Kamu Ōichihime Kamu Ōichihime (神大市比売 – Lady Sacred Great Market) is mentioned in the text of the Kojiki as the second wife of Susano-o. Potentially by tracing the family tree, she would be the aunt of Kushinadahime,[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime Ōtomatohime (大戸惑女神 – Lady Great Valley) was the eighth and last child born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki. Her name could alternatively[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Ōtomatohiko Ōtomatohiko (大戸惑子神 – Great Valley Lad) was the seventh of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki. His name could alternatively be[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Kuninokurado Kuninokurado (国之闇戸神 – Land’s Steep Gorge) was the sixth of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of this[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Amenokurado Amenokurado (天之闇戸神 – Heaven’s Steep Gorge) was the fifth of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of this[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Amenosagiri (sister) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Kuninosagiri Kuninosagiri (国之狭霧神 – Land’s First Mist) was the fourth of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of this[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosazuchi (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Amenosagiri Amenosagiri (天之狭霧神 – Heaven’s First Mist) was the third of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention of[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōyamatsumi (father) Kayanohime (mother) Kuninosazuchi (brother) Amenosagiri (sister) Kuninosagiri (brother) Amenokurado (sister) Kuninokurado (brother) Ōtomatohiko (brother) Ōtomatohime (sister) Amenosazuchi Amenosazuchi (天之狭土神 – Heaven’s First Soil) was the first of eight children born to the kami Ōyamatsumi and Kayanohime according to the kojiki.1 The nihongi makes no mention[...]



For the Yokai of the same name see: Nozuchi (Yokai) Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Herbs (nihongi) Moorland (kojiki) Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Ōyamatsumi (brother/husband) Kuninosazuchi (son) Amenosazuchi (daughter) Amenosagiri (daughter) Kuninosagiri (son) Amenokurado (daughter) Kuninokurado (son) Ōtomatohime (daughter) Ōtomatohiko (son) Kayanohime Kayanohime (草野姫命 – Lady Thatch) also called Nozuchi (Moorland[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: The Mountains Family: Izanami (mother) Izanagi (father) Kayanohime (sister/wife) Kuninosazuchi (son) Amenosazuchi (daughter) Amenosagiri (daughter) Kuninosagiri (son) Amenokurado (daughter) Kuninokurado (son) Ōtomatohime (daughter) Ōtomatohiko (son) Several others. Ōyamatsumi Ōyamatsumi (大山祇 – Great Mountain Majesty) is the kami of the Mountains and was created by Izanami and[...]

Emperor Nintoku

Emperor Nintoku

Reign: 313-400AD Period: Kofun Period Family: – Burial Place: Kofun in Osaka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Ojin * Successor Emperor Richu Emperor Nintoku Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇) is said to have come to the throne after a succession dispute. He is the sixteenth Emperor of Japan. It is believed that[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanami (sister/wife) Awokashikine (mother) Aha Nagi (father) Children (numerous – see below) Izanagi Izanagi (伊邪那岐 or 伊弉諾, He Who Beckons2) was the brother and husband of Izanami, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Japan Family: Izanagi (brother/husband) Awokashikine (mother) Numerous children (see below) Izanami Izanami (伊弉冉尊 or 伊邪那美命, She Who Beckons2) was the sister and wife of Izanagi, born as the 7th Generation of kami. Through sexual congress, the two of them gave birth to Japan, the seas, mountains,[...]