Wiki Category: Hyakkai Zukan
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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Hyakkai Zukan.
UwanUwan The Uwan (うわん) is a type of Yōkai seen in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. It is portrayed as a clawed creature which haunts abandoned homes, however, little is actually known about this creature. It is perhaps named after the generic word for ‘monster’ in Kagoshima and Kumamoto[...]
UshioniUshioni The Ushioni (牛鬼 – Ox Demon) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. Sekien depicts the creature with more of a normalized creatures body, however, older depictions have shown this creature with the head of a bull and body of a spider (like[...]
NuppeppōNuppeppō The Nuppeppō (ぬっぺっぽう) is a kind of featureless blob type Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. The creatures name can be found derived from the word ‘nupperi’ which is something that is slack faced, or having a dazed expression. Sekien shows the creature in front[...]
AkashitaAkashita The Akashita (赤舌 – Red Tongue) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. Sekien shows the creature to be appearing from a cloud, hovering over the top of a sluice gate. The name of the creature uses the same Kanji for the[...]
OuniOuni The Ouni (苧うに) is a hag like Yōkai, which can be seen in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. This creatures has the alternative names of ‘Wau-wau’ and ‘Au-au’ from older illustrated scrolls. Sekien in his depiction of this Yōkai uses the kanji ‘O’ from the ramie plant which was[...]
AobōzuAobōzu The Aobōzu (青坊主 – Blue Monk) is a type of one eyed monk Yōkai seen depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. In his depiction his is shown in front of tea house, though no explanation to the history of this creature is provided. It is possible that[...]
GagozeGagoze The Gagoze (元興寺, also known as Gangoji) is a type of Yōkai, depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. He is a kind of bogeyman from and is still used in Tokushima Prefecture and Awaji Shima to scare crying children into being quiet. The Kanji used to[...]
NurarihyonNurarihyon The Nurarihyon (ぬらりひょん) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. He holds a special position within the ranks of the Yōkai as he is now seen to be the ‘leader’ of them. However, it wasn’t until 1929 that this belief began after[...]
NureonnaNureonna The Nureonna (濡れ女) is a type of serpentine, female Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. Often this creature is depicted with wet hair which is plastered against its head. However, depictions made by Toriyama Sekien show the creatures with waving hair as well as arms.[...]
NuribotokeNuribotoke The Nuribotoke (塗仏) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. The creature, which is an animated corpse, is depicted as having dangling eyes and darkened skin. Within older depictions of the Yōkai we see the creature as having jet black skin, often[...]
OtoroshiOtoroshi The Otoroshi (おとろし) is a type of Yōkai mentioned in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. The name of the creature can find its origins from the Japanese word ‘osoroshii‘ meaning scary and ‘odoro‘ meaning a weedy patch of land. The creature is said to dwell in abandoned and[...]
WairaWaira The Waira (わいら) is a type of Yōkai mentioned in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyo and Hyakkai Zukan. This strange creature is depicted as being a flabby type of being with a single claw for a hand. Sadly not much more is known about this Yōkai.1 Other Depictions External Links[...]
HyōsubeHyōsube Hyōsube (ひょうすべ) are a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyo and Hyakkai Zukan. They are basically a kind of enchanted doll and can find their origins linked to the Kasuga Grand Shrine in Nara. The story states they helped build this temple before being sent to[...]
ShōkeraShōkera The Shōkera (しょうけら) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. This humanoid creature is a physical manifestation from the use of this word in a chant from the Kōshin Religion. According to this religion, worms are said to live inside the body[...]
MikoshiMikoshi The Mikoshi (見越 – Look Over Monk), also known as the Mikoshi-Nyūdo (見越入道) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyo and the Hyakkai Zukan. The creature is said to sneak up on people in the mountains wanting to scare them. It is detailed in the[...]
YukionnaYukionna Yukionna (雪女 ‘Snow Woman’) is a Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. In Sekien’s book she is denoted as the personification of cold and he has depicted her with hair upon her hands. This perhaps hints that the Yukionna is actually the result of a Kitsune,[...]
FuraribiFuraribi The Furaribi (ふらり火) (Wander-Flame), also known as the Burari-bi, is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō by Toriyama Sekien. The word ‘furari’ meaning to wander without a destination. The Yōkai appears, similarly depicted, in the Hyakkai Zukan by Sawaki Sūshi shown as a white bird-like[...]
KamikiriKamikiri The Kamikiri (髪切り) (Hair Cutter) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Hyakkai Zukan by Sawaki Sūshi.1 The image from the Hyakki Zukan shows a grey colored creatures, whose beak and hand resembles the blades of scissors, with a like for cutting hair. Other Depictions Footnotes 1. Yoda,[...]
Sawaki Sūshi
Sawaki SūshiBirth: – Death: – Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist, Author Sawaki Sūshi Sawaki Sūshi (佐脇 嵩之) is the creator of the Hyakkai Zukan, a Yōkai scroll which inspired much of Toriyama Sekien’s first book on Yōkai.1 Footnotes 1. Yoda, H. and Alt, M. (2016) “Japandemonium: Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopaedia of[...]
Hyakkai Zukan
Hyakkai ZukanHyakkai Zukan The Hyakkai Zukan (百怪図巻, Illustrated Creeps), published in 1737, is a collection of picture scrolls depicted various types of Yōkai created by Sawaki Sūshi. These images greatly inspired the Yōkai works of Toriyama Sekien, in fact Volume three of his work the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō consists entirely of[...]
Gazu Hyakki Yagyō
Gazu Hyakki YagyōGazu Hyakki Yagyō The Gazu Hyakki Yagyō (画図百鬼夜行), also called the Gazu Hyakki Yakō (The Illustrated Demon Horde’s Night Parade) is a compendium of Yōkai, demons and ghosts compiled by Toriyama Sekien, published in the Autumn of 1776. The books were inspired by the 10th Century Demon Horde’s Night Parade.[...]
YamawarawaYamawarawa The Yamawarawa (山童, Mountain Boy) is a type of Yōkai also know as the Yamawaro. The creature finds its origins in China in the 2nd Century Shenji Jing (Classic of Divine Marvels), first introduced into Japan in the Wakan Sansai Zue which gives the older name Yamawaro. The books[...]
NekomataNekomata The Nekomata (猫股 – Forked Cat) is a type of Yōkai in the form of a cat, depicted in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō and Hyakkai Zukan. According to the legend, when a cat reaches a certain age it gains the ability to talk, walk on hind legs and its tail[...]
InugamiInugami and Shirachigo The Inugami (犬神 – Dog kami) is a type of yōkai depicted in the gazu hyakki yagyō alongside the creature Shirachigo (白児 – White Child). The Inugami is also seen in the hyakkai zukan. The Inugami has associations with Western Japan and the island of Shikoku, here[...]
Toriyama Sekien
Toriyama SekienBirth: 1712 Death: 1788 Period: Edo Period Occupation: Artist Toriyama Sekien Toriyama Sekien (鳥山 石燕) was born 1712 and died 1788. Most notably known for his four compendiums on the yōkai he was the first person to systematically categorise them. He was born Sano Toyofusa and was part of the[...]