Wiki Category: Language
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MinobiMinobi Minobi (蓑火 – Raincoat Fire) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi, also known as mino-mushi. This was a phenomenon in folklore which stated mino raincoats would at times spark during the rain. The only way to stop this was to remove the mino, but[...]
MeigetsukiMeigetsuki The Meigetsuki (明月記), also known as the Shōkōki, was the diary of Fujiwara no Teika. Written in Chinese (kambun) there are many copies which have survived to this day with different variations to them. The diary itself covers the years 1180-1235. In the text, much discussion is given to[...]
TohotsunoayumemekuhashiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Concubine Family: Arakahatobe (father) Emperor Sujin (husband) Toyokiiribiko (son) Toyosukiiribime (daughter) Birth: – Death: – Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (遠津年魚眼眼妙媛) was the concubine of Emperor Sujin. Together they had Toyokiiribiko123 and Toyosukiiribime.23 Footnotes included in Chamberlain (1932) say that the name is a good instance of verbal usage.[...]
Wamyō Ruijushō
Wamyō RuijushōThe Wamyō Ruijushō (倭名類聚抄) is a piece of Japanese Literature compiled around 934 by Minamoto no Shitagō at the behest of Princess Noriko.1 It is also known as the Shitago ga wamyō.2 Background Wamyō Ruijushō This piece is the oldest Chinese-Japanese dictionary we have,1 with both a 10 and 20[...]
Chōchin bi
Chōchin biChōchin bi Chōchin bi (提灯火 – Lantern Fire) is a type of Yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. This creature is a type of atmospheric light in the form of a fire which can be seen to appear on the footpaths between different rice fields.[...]
KojidanKojidan The Kojidan (古事談) is a collection of historical anecdotes written in kiro-kutai (classical Japanized Chinese Writing) compiled between 1211-15 by Minamoto no Akikane1. It is said to contain nine chapters1, or six volumes2 depending on the sources one consults. The story of Fujiwara no Sanekata‘s exile is mentioned in[...]
Proverbs and Idioms
Proverbs and IdiomsThis page has been created to list the various Japanese Proverbs and Idioms we have come across during our research into our Podcast and this website. Proverbs In Japanese proverbs are known as 諺 (kotowaza). And in old, ancient Japan this word was also used to words conveyed by kami[...]
Tosa Nikki
Tosa NikkiTosa Nikki The Tosa Nikki (土佐日記 – Tosa Diary), written in 935AD by Ki no Tsurayuki, is an account (punctuated by poems throughout) of his journey home to Kyoto. The composition of the diary is as if it was written by a women, ie. it is written in kana script.[...]
TenguTengu The Tengu (天狗) are a type of Yōkai depicted as a type of Raven in the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō. They have deep associations with the Shugendō Religion, seen as guardians of Mountains and some legends state that martial artists such as Miyamoto no Yoshitsune learned their tricks from these[...]