Six Poetic Geniuses

Six Poetic Geniuses

Six Poetic Geniuses (六歌仙, Rokkasen) were a group of 6 Poets mentioned by Ki no Tsurayuki in the preface of the Kokinshū as the six best poets of the Heian Period.

All of these poets have their poems in the Kokinshū and all (except Otomo Kuronushi) can find their poems in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

The poets listed are Otomo Kuronushi, Ono no Komachi, Henjo, Ariwara no Narihira, Fun’ya no Yasuhide and Priest Kisen.

This list of six later found itself superceeded by later lists such as the Thirty-Six Poetic Geniuses.1

Otomo KuronushiOno no Komachi
Priest HenjoAriwara no Narihira
Fun'ya no YasuhidePriest Kisen


1. MacMillan, P. (2018) ”One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each: A Treasury of Classical Japanese Verse”. St. Ives: Penguin Classics.

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Six Poetic Geniuses