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Okitsuyoso is mentioned in the Kojiki as the older brother of Yosotarashi Hime. He is said to be the ancestor of the Wohari no Muraji.1

His father is presumably Amenooshio as he is listed as the father of Yosotarashi Hime by Ponsonby.2

However, the Nihongi and Jinnō Shōtōki state that he was the father of Yosotarashi Hime and not her brother.34


1. Chamberlain, B. H. (1932) “Translation of the Kojiki.” Kobe: J.L. Thompson & Co.
2. Ponsonby, F. (1959) “The Imperial House of Japan.” Kyoto: Ponsonby Memorial Society.
3. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to AD697”. Tuttle Publishing.
4. Varley, H.P (1980) “A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns: Jinnō Shōtōki of Kitabatake Chikafusa.” New York: Columbia University Press.

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