Wiki Category: Sanuki Province

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Sanuki Province.

Awa Province

Awa Province

See also: List of Provinces Awa Province Awa Province (阿波国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. According to the kojiki the kami Ōgetsuhime dwelt here.1 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent and[...]

Iyo Province

Iyo Province

See also: List of Provinces Iyo Province Iyo Province (伊予国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Branches of the Date Clan are known to have controlled the Yoshida and Uwajima Domains in this province.1 The kojiki states that this place is inhabited by the kami Ehime. Legendary Period[...]

Sanuki Province

Sanuki Province

See also: List of Provinces Sanuki Province Sanuki Province (讃岐国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. The kojiki states it is inhabited by the kami Iiyorohiko.3 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent[...]

Aki Province

Aki Province

See also: Provinces Aki Province Aki Province (安藝國/安芸国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. Legendary Period According to one version of events in the nihongi, the kami Susano-o comes to the River Ye in this province. Here he meets Ashi-nadzu-te-nadzu and his wife Inada no Miya-nushi Susa no[...]

Sugawara no Michizane

Sugawara no Michizane

See also: Sugawara no Michizane Poems Period: Heian Period Occupation: Udaijin, Governor, Poet Family: Haji no Mimichi (ancestor) Sugawara no Koreyoshi (father) Sugawara no Fumitoki (grandson) Birth: 845 Death: 903 Sugawara no Michizane Sugawara no Michizane (菅原 道真/菅原 道眞) was a member of the Sugawara Clan living during the Heian[...]

Harima Province

Harima Province

See also: Provinces Harima Province Harima Province (播磨国) is one of the many Provinces which once existed in Japan.1 It also went by the name of Banshū (播州) and is now located in the modern prefecture of Hyōgo.2 One version of the folktale known as banchō sarayashiki is set in[...]



Provinces The Japanese provinces (国 kuni or koku) were geographical areas which were establsihed by the Kokugun System and the Taika Reforms came into being in 645AD. Initially they comprised of 58 kuni with 3 islands provinces, however by 822AD this had changed to 66 kuni and 2 islands provinces.[...]

Emperor Keikō

Emperor Keikō

Reign: 71-130AD Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Yasakairihime (wife) Emperor Seimu (son) many children see below Burial place: misasagi in Yamanobe Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suinin * Successor Emperor Seimu Emperor Keikō Emperor Keikō (景行天皇) was the twelfth Emperor of Japan also known as Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake[...]



Co-ordinates: 33°45′N 133°30′E Prefecture: Ehime Prefecture, Kagawa Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture. Shikoku Shikoku (四国, Four Provinces) also historically called Iyo (伊予, Land of Groves) in the kojiki and nihongi is one of the four main islands of Japan. Mythical Creation According to both the kojiki and the nihongi this[...]



For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Emishi The Emishi (蝦夷 – Eastern Barbarians), also called at time the Ezo People1, were a Clan of people living on the periphery of the Yamato borders. Some scholars believe they could be the ancestors of the Ainu.2 Historically they are known[...]