Wiki Category: Mount Mimoro

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Mount Mimoro.

Mount Miwa

Mount Miwa

Co-ordinates: 34° 32′ 6″ N, 135° 52′ 0″ E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Nara Prefecture Height: 467.1m Mount Miwa Mount Miwa (三輪山, Miwa-yama) also known as Mount Mimoro (三諸山, Mimoro-yama) is a mountain located in Nara Prefecture. Name Notation in the kojiki says that tname ‘Mi wa’ comes from the three twists of hemp from the tale[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Shinto Priest Family: Ōkuninushi (ancestor) See ancestry below Birth: – Death: – Ohotataneko Ohotataneko (大田田根子) was a man who later became a prominent Shinto Priest in his lifetime do to the intervention of the kami Ōkuninushi. Ancestry The nihongi states that he is the son of Ōkuninushi[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princes Family: Emperor Sujin (father) Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi (mother) Toyosukiiribime (sister) Birth: – Death: – Toyokiiribiko Toyokiiribiko (豊城入彦命) was the son of Emperor Sujin and Tohotsunoayumemekuhashi.123 He is said to be the ancestor of the Kamitsuke no kimi and Shimotsuke no kimi.123 In the 48th year of his father reign,[...]

Awa Province

Awa Province

See also: List of Provinces Awa Province Awa Province (阿波国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. According to the kojiki the kami Ōgetsuhime dwelt here.1 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent and[...]

Iyo Province

Iyo Province

See also: List of Provinces Iyo Province Iyo Province (伊予国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. Branches of the Date Clan are known to have controlled the Yoshida and Uwajima Domains in this province.1 The kojiki states that this place is inhabited by the kami Ehime. Legendary Period[...]

Sanuki Province

Sanuki Province

See also: List of Provinces Sanuki Province Sanuki Province (讃岐国) was one of the many provinces of Japan. The kojiki states it is inhabited by the kami Iiyorohiko.3 Legendary Period The Emishi were sent to Harima, Sanuki, Iyo, Aki and Aha Provinces by Emperor Keikō as they were too violent[...]

Aki Province

Aki Province

See also: Provinces Aki Province Aki Province (安藝國/安芸国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. Legendary Period According to one version of events in the nihongi, the kami Susano-o comes to the River Ye in this province. Here he meets Ashi-nadzu-te-nadzu and his wife Inada no Miya-nushi Susa no[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Princess Family: Emperor Kōgen (father) Uchishikome (mother) Emperor Kaika (brother) Ohobiko (brother) Birth: – Death: – Yamatotohime Yamatotohime (倭迹迹姫命) was the daughter of Emperor Kōgen and Uchishikome and so was the sister of Ohobiko and Emperor Kaika. She is also given the name of Yamatotohimomosobime1. She does not[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Himetatara Isuzuhime (daughter) Kimi of Kamo (descendants) Kimi of Ōmiwa (descendants) Ōmiwa Ōmiwa is a Shinto kami seen mentioned in the Nihongi. He is said to be the ancestor of the Kimi of Kamo and Kimi of Ōmiwa. His daughter was Himetatara Isuzuhime. He is[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Amenofuyukinu (father) Sashikuniwakahime (mother) Susano-o (ancestor) Yamatotohime (wife) Ikutamayoribime (wife) Kushimigata (son) Ohotataneko (descendant) Ōkuninushi Ōkuninushi (大国主神 – Great Land Master1) is a Shinto kami. Family The kojiki states he is the son of Amenofuyukinu and Sashikuniwakahime, due to this he is a decendant of Susano-o.1[...]

Harima Province

Harima Province

See also: Provinces Harima Province Harima Province (播磨国) is one of the many Provinces which once existed in Japan.1 It also went by the name of Banshū (播州) and is now located in the modern prefecture of Hyōgo.2 One version of the folktale known as banchō sarayashiki is set in[...]

Emperor Keikō

Emperor Keikō

Reign: 71-130AD Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suinin (father) Hibasuhime (mother) Yasakairihime (wife) Emperor Seimu (son) many children see below Burial place: misasagi in Yamanobe Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suinin * Successor Emperor Seimu Emperor Keikō Emperor Keikō (景行天皇) was the twelfth Emperor of Japan also known as Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake[...]

Emperor Sujin

Emperor Sujin

Reign: 97-30BC Born: 148BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Ikagashikome (mother) Many wives and children see below. Burial place: misasagi in Isonokami Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kaika * Successor Emperor Suinin Emperor Sujin Emperor Sujin (崇神 天皇) was the 10th Emperor of Japan also known as Mimakiiribikoiniye (御眞木入日子印恵命)1[...]



For a full list of Clans: See Clans. Emishi The Emishi (蝦夷 – Eastern Barbarians), also called at time the Ezo People1, were a Clan of people living on the periphery of the Yamato borders. Some scholars believe they could be the ancestors of the Ainu.2 Historically they are known[...]