Wiki Category: Ihiirine

All Pages on our site linked to Ihiirine.

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Ihiirine.

Divine Treasures

Divine Treasures

See also: Sacred Regalia Divine Treasures Divine Treasures appear to be some form of previous items gifted to Japan or brought to Japan by kami in the distant past. Reign of Sujin Under the rule of this Emperor there is made mention of Sacred Treasures which had been brought to[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Umashikarahisa (father) Birth: – Death: – Ukatsukunu Ukatsukunu (鸕濡渟) was the son of Umashikarahisa and is seen mentioned during the reign of Emperor Sujin. He is entrusted alongside his father Umashikarahisa to take Sacred Treasures to Emperor Sujin after he requests to see them. Furune[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Izumo Furune (brother) Ihiirine (brother) Ukatsukunu (son) Birth: – Death: – Umashikarahisa Umashikarahisa (甘美韓日狭) was the brother of Ihiirine and Izumo Furune seen mentioned during the reign of Emperor Sujin. He is entrusted alongside his son Ukatsukunu to take Sacred Treasures to Emperor Sujin[...]



For the member of the Imperial Family see: Irine For the ancestor of the Haji Clan see: Iirine Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Izumo Furune (brother) Umashikarahisa (brother) Birth: – Death: – Ihiirine Ihiirine (飯入根) was the brother of Izumo Furune and Umashikarahisa. He gives over some sacred treasures[...]

Izumo Furune

Izumo Furune

Period: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Ihiirine (brother) Umashikarahisa (brother) Birth: – Death: – Izumo Furune Izumo Furune (出雲振根) was a man who resided over the Izumo Shrine, and the Sacred Treasures there that had once been brought to earth by the kami Takehiratori. He is said to have been[...]

Emperor Sujin

Emperor Sujin

Reign: 97-30BC Born: 148BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Kaika (father) Ikagashikome (mother) Many wives and children see below. Burial place: misasagi in Isonokami Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Kaika * Successor Emperor Suinin Emperor Sujin Emperor Sujin (崇神 天皇) was the 10th Emperor of Japan also known as Mimakiiribikoiniye (御眞木入日子印恵命)1[...]