Wiki Category: Emperor Suizei

All Pages on our site linked to Emperor Suizei.

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Emperor Suizei.



Palaces We are creating this page to serve as a place to list all of the different Palaces built and used through Japanese history. We will continue to update this page as we gain more information. Legendary Period Akitsushima Palace Located in Muro this was the palace of Emperor Kōan.5[...]

Emperor Annei

Emperor Annei

Reign: 548-511BC Born: 568/567BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suizei (father) Isuzuyorihime (mother) Nunasoko Nakatsuhime (wife) Tokotsuhikoirone (son) Emperor Itoku (son) Shikitsuhiko (son) Ikishimimi? (son) Burial place: misasagi on Mount Unebi Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Suizei  * Successor Emperor Itoku Emperor Annei Emperor Annei (安寧 天皇) was the third[...]



Misasagi Misasagi (陵) is a term for tombs (usually kofun tombs) of the Emperors and Imperial Family up until 701AD.1 The name of misasagi for Emperors are shown below. Legendary Period [2] Emperor Suizei – Tsukidaoka – 桃花鳥田丘上陵. The location of this tomb is unknown, but it is said to[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Emperor Suizei (brother) Tagishimimi (half-brother) Birth: – Death: – Kamiyawimimi Kamiyawimimi (神八井耳命) was a son of Emperor Jimmu, brother to Emperor Suizei and half-brother to Tagishimimi. After learning of the plot to have him and his brother killed by his brother[...]



Period: Legendary Period Occupation: Prince Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Ahiratsuhime (mother) Emperor Suizei (half-brother) Kamiyawimimi (half-brother) Birth: – Death: – Tagishimimi Tagishimimi (手研耳命) was a son of Emperor Jimmu and half brother to Emperor Suizei and Kamiyawimimi. His mother was Ahiratsuhime.1 After the death of his father he wished to see[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: – Family: Kotoshironushi (father) Emperor Suizei (husband) Emperor Annei (son) Himetatara Isuzuhime (sister) Kamo no Ōkimi (brother) Isuzuyorihime Isuzuyorihime (五十鈴依媛命) is said to have been the daughter of the kami Kotoshironushi. She was the wife of Emperor Suizei and together they had Emperor Annei.1 She was appointed[...]

Yumi Be no Wakahiko

Yumi Be no Wakahiko

Yumi Be no Wakahiko Yumi Be no Wakahiko was a person mentioned during the reign of Emperor Suizei. It is said in the nihongi that they made a bow for the Emperor as he wished to kill his brother Tagishimimi.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles of[...]

Yamato no Kanuchi Amatsumara

Yamato no Kanuchi Amatsumara

Yamato no Kanuchi Amatsumara Yamato no Kanuchi Amatsumara was a person mentioned during the reign of Emperor Suizei. It is said in the Nihongi that they made a true-deer arrow-point for the Emperor as he wished to kill his brother Tagishimimi.1 Footnotes 1. Aston. W.G. (1896) “Nihongi Volume 1: Chronicles[...]



Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Mizokuhi (wife) Himetatara Isuzuhime (daughter) Isuzuyorihime (daughter) Kamo no Ōkimi (son) Kotoshironushi Kotoshironushi (事代主神) is a Shinto kami seen in the Nihongi as husband to Mizokuhi and father of Himetatara Isuzuhime (wife of Emperor Jimmu). It is said he was transformed into a Wani before joining[...]

Himetatara Isuzuhime

Himetatara Isuzuhime

Affiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Ōmiwa (father?) Kotoshironushi (father) Mizokuhi (mother) Emperor Jimmu (husband) Emperor Suizei (son) Isuzuyorihime (sister) Kamo no Ōkimi (brother) Himetatara Isuzuhime Himetatara Isuzuhime (媛蹈鞴五十鈴媛) is a Shinto kami said in one version of the Nihongi to have been the daughter of Ōmiwa. In another version she is[...]



Be See also: Court Titles, Imperial Titles, Provincial Titles, Uji, Sesshō and Kampaku Be (部) was the term used for groupings of people prior to the 7th Century who has associations to the Yamato Court or lineage groups (uji). The individual people in a ‘Be’ were known as ‘bumin.’ All[...]

Imperial Titles

Imperial Titles

Imperial Titles See also: Court Titles, Provincial Titles, Be, Uji, Sesshō and Kampaku This pages serves to list the various Imperial Titles used in the past and up to this day. No doubt this page will continue to be updated as we continue our research. Emperor Dajō-Hōō – (Priestly-Retired Emperor)[...]

Emperors of Japan

Emperors of Japan

Emperors of Japan Here follows a list of all Emperors (天皇) of Japan on our website so far. Legendary Emperors Kofun Period Asuka Period[...]

Emperor Suizei

Emperor Suizei

Reign: 581-549BC Born: 633/632BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Jimmu (father) Himetatara Isuzuhime (mother) Isuzuyorihime (wife) Emperor Annei (son) Kamiyawimimi (brother) Tagishimimi (half-brother) Burial place: Tsukidaoka Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Jimmu  * Successor Emperor Annei Emperor Suizei Emperor Suizei (綏靖 天皇) was the second Emperor of Japan and is[...]

Emperor Jimmu

Emperor Jimmu

Reign: 660-584BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suizei (son) Burial Place: Near Mount Unebi. Order of Succession: Predecessor N/A  * Successor Emperor Suizei Emperor Jimmu Emperor Jimmu (神武天皇) was the first legendary Emperor of Japan, dated in the Nihongi to have begun his rule on 11th February 660BC in Kashihara,[...]