Wiki Category: Emperor Saga
All Pages on our site linked to Emperor Saga.
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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Emperor Saga.
Ariwara Family
Ariwara FamilyFirst Ruler: Children of Deposed Prince Takaoka and Prince Abo Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Ariwara Family The Ariwara Family (在原氏) is one of the various Clans of Japan. Creation This particular family name was gifted to the children of two[...]
Minamoto no Hitoshi
Minamoto no HitoshiPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet Family: Emperor Saga (Great-Grandfather) Birth: 880AD Death: 951AD Minamoto no Hitoshi Minamoto no Hitoshi (源等) was the great-grandson of Emperor Saga, living from 880-951AD. During his lifetime he was Governor of several important provinces and in 947AD he recieved the rank of General of the Fourth Rank.[...]
Minamoto no Tōru
Minamoto no TōruPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: Waka Poet, Sadaijin Family: Emperor Saga (father) Emperor Ninmyō (brother) Minamoto no Makoto (brother) Minamoto no Tokiwa (brother) Birth: 822AD Death: 895AD Minamoto no Tōru Minamoto no Tōru (源 融) was a member of the Imperial Family living from 822-895AD1. The son of Emperor Saga he[...]
Fujiwara no Nakanari
Fujiwara no NakanariPeriod: Nara Period / Heian Period Occupation: – Family: Fujiwara no Tanetsugu (father) Fujiwara no Kusuko (sister) Birth: 774AD Death: 810AD Fujiwara no Nakanari Fujiwara no Nakanari (藤原 仲成) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Shikike Branch of this clan. Living from 774-810AD he was the[...]
Fujiwara no Otsugu
Fujiwara no OtsuguPeriod: Nara Period / Heian Period Occupation: Udajin, Sadaijin Family: Fujiwara no Momokawa (father) Fujiwara no Tabiko (sister) Birth: 773 Death: 843 Fujiwara no Otsugu Fujiwara no Otsugu (藤原 緒嗣) was a member of the Fujiwara Clan, more specifically the Shikike Branch of this clan. Living from 773-843 he was the[...]
Shinsen Shōjiroku
Shinsen ShōjirokuShinsen Shōjiroku The Shinsen Shōjiroku (新撰姓氏録 – Revised Geneologies) is a piece of Japanese literature listing the geneologies of many noble families from the Heian Period. Originally created as a collection in 30 chapters1 now only fragments of the original 30 survive.2 Begun in 799AD at the order of Emperor[...]
RyōunshūRyōunshū The Ryōunshū (凌雲集) is a poetry anthology compiled by Ono no Minemori and Sugawara no Kiyogimi in 814 on the behest of Emperor Saga. The compilation, written in Chinese, is filled with poems of seven syllables (kanshi), and consists of poems from 33 individuals dating from 782 to 814.[...]
Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu
Fujiwara no FuyutsuguPeriod: Nara Period, Heian Period Occupation: sadaijin, poet Family: Fujiwara no Uchimaro (father) Fujiwara no Yoshifusa (son) Fujiwara no Junshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Nagara (son) Fujiwara no Yoshisuke (son) Fujiwara no Yoshikado (son) Fujiwara no Koshi (daughter) Fujiwara no Yoshiyo (son) Fujiwara no Manatsu (brother) Fujiwara no Onatsu (sister) Birth: 775AD Death:[...]
Fujiwara no Yoshifusa
Fujiwara no YoshifusaPeriod: Heian Period Occupation: dajō daijin, sesshō Family: Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu (father) Fujiwara no Akirakeiko (daughter) Emperor Seiwa (grandson) Fujiwara no Mototsune (adopted son) Fujiwara no Yoshiyo (brother) Fujiwara no Junshi (sister) Fujiwara no Nagara (brother) Fujiwara no Yoshisuke (brother) Fujiwara no Yoshikado (brother) Fujiwara no Koshi (sister) Birth: 804AD Death:[...]