Fun’ya no Asayasu

Fun'ya no Asayasu
Fun’ya no Asayasu in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

Fun’ya no Asayasu

Fun’ya no Asayasu (文屋 朝康) was a low ranking official and poet who was son to Fun’ya no Yasuhide. He flourished between the 9th and 10th century.

We know during his life he participated in many poetry competitions and has three poems in Imperial Anthologies.

One poem (No.37) is also featured in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu and goes as follows:1

Japanese text2
Romanized Japanese1
English translation1
Shiratsuyu ni
kaze no fukishiku
aki no no wa
tama zo chirikeru
When the wind gusts
over the autumn fields,
white dewdrops
lie strewn about
like scattered pearls.


1. MacMillan, P. (2018) ”One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each: A Treasury of Classical Japanese Verse”. St. Ives: Penguin Classics.
2. Suzuki, H. et al. (1997) ”Genshoku: Ogura Hyakunin Isshu”. Tokyo: Bun’eidō.

Six Poetic Geniuses
Otomo Kuronushi * Priest Kisen * Ono no Komachi * Archbishop Henjo * Ariwara no Narihira * Fun'ya no Yasuhide

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