E75 The 1,000,000円 Question

Show Notes for episode 75 of our Podcast – The 1,000,000円 Question.
Story Notes

The government in Japan has increased it’s incentives to get people moving out of the capital and surrounding districts to help with the overcrowding they are seeing in Tokyo; one of the biggest cities in the world.
This is also aiming to help revitalise the rural area which have come into decline as more and more people move to the big cities.
Previously they were offering 300,000円 for those with children to move out of the city (or surrounding areas of Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba), however this is now going to be raise to 1,000,00円 to further encourage people to leave the capital.
Of course, this does come with some caveats, one of them being you must remain there for at least five years otherwise you are required to return the money.
Money is also going to be given to help ease the cost of moving out to these new areas. And this all comes off the back of the increase in remote working which should allow those in the capital to move out and maintain their current jobs.
For those wishing to change their jobs when they move, they must work in a small or medium sized company, or failing that start up a new business in the area they move to so that they may receive the money.
Would you move out of Tokyo or the city you live in for 1,000,000円 Question. Let us know!
Header Image: Japan Tokyo from pixabay.
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