B2 Yuki ya konko

Show Notes for bonus episode 2 of our Podcast – Yuki ya konko.
Hopefully there will be more songs for you all in the future, until then we hope you enjoy this one.
Be sure to check out the rest of the website while you’re here.
Song Notes

雪やこんこ 霰やこんこ
降っては 降っては
ずんずん つもる
山も野原も 綿帽子かぶり
枯木残らず 花が咲く
yuki ya konko arare ya konko
futte wa futte wa
zun zun tsumoru
yama mo nohara mo wata boushi kaburi
kareki nokorazu hana ga saku
Fall snow, fall hail!
As it keeps falling
It piles up and up.
The mountains and fields wear cotton wool hats.
The bare trees become covered in snowy flowers.
ゆきやこんこ 霰やこんこ
降っても 降っても
まだ降り やまぬ
犬は喜び 庭かけまわり
猫はこたつで まるくなる
yuki ya konko arare ya konko
futte mo futte mo
mada furi yamanu
inu wa yorokobi niwa kake mawari
neko wa kotatsu de maruku naru
Fall snow, fall hail!
No matter how much,
It doesn’t stop.
Dogs run around the garden with joy.
Cats curl up beside the fireplace.
Cover Image: Snow Balls by Bertha Lum, 1912.
You can listen to the full podcast episodes here: Japan Archives, or wherever you listen to Podcasts.
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