Wiki Category: Shippeitaro
All Pages on our site linked to Shippeitaro.
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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Shippeitaro.
Human Sacrifice
Human SacrificeHuman Sacrifice Human Sacrifice was a practise that was said to have been carried out in ancient Japan. Though it is dubious whether this actually occoured or not. Hitobashira Hitobashira (人柱 – Human Pillar) was the practise of emtombing a person at the base of a structure/pillar with the belief[...]
ShippeitaroShippeitaro Shippeitaro (しっぺい太郎, 竹篦太郎, 悉平太郎, 執柄太郎) is the name of a dog from a Folktale of the same name. In one version of the story, a warrior takes shelter for the night in an abandoned temple. Close to midnight he awakens to see many strange dancing cats, and over here’s[...]
FolktalesFolktales Here follows a list of Japanese Folktales (昔話) currently on our website. There will be more over time, so please bear with us for the time being. Festivals Ōtoshi no Kyaku. The New Years Eve Visitor. A collection of tales around mysterious New Years visitors who will give great[...]