Wiki Category: Minamoto no Shitago

All Pages on our site linked to Minamoto no Shitago.

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Minamoto no Shitago.

Gosen Wakashū

Gosen Wakashū

Gosen Wakashū The Gosen Wakashū (後撰和歌集, Later Collection of Japanese Poems), often abbreviated to the Gosenshū, was a Japanese compendium of poetry and the second of the official Imperial Anthologies. Creation The anthology was created under the orders of Emperor Murakami (r.946-967) and though the completion date is unsure it[...]

Wakan rōeishū

Wakan rōeishū

Wakan rōeishū The Wakan rōeishū (和漢朗詠集, Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Singing) is a compilation of Chinese and Japanese poetry. This piece was solely edited by Fujiwara no Kintō,1 containing 216 Japanese poems and 587 Chinese couplets,23 compiled around 1013.2 The book was seperated into two books, one[...]

Wamyō Ruijushō

Wamyō Ruijushō

The Wamyō Ruijushō (倭名類聚抄) is a piece of Japanese Literature compiled around 934 by Minamoto no Shitagō at the behest of Princess Noriko.1 It is also known as the Shitago ga wamyō.2 Background Wamyō Ruijushō This piece is the oldest Chinese-Japanese dictionary we have,1 with both a 10 and 20[...]

Thirty Six Poetic Geniuses

Thirty Six Poetic Geniuses

See also: Six Poetic Geniuses, 36 Women Poetic Geniuses, 36 Poetic Geniuses of the Late Classical Period Thirty Six Poetic Geniuses The Thirty Six Poetic Geniuses (三十六歌仙 – Sanjūrokuninsen / Sanjūrokksen) was a list of 36 poets compiled by Fujiwara no Kinto between 1009-1012. This idea of ’36’ poets was[...]

Minamoto no Shitagō

Minamoto no Shitagō

Period: Heian Period Occupation: Nashitsubo no Gonin, Poet Family: – Birth: 911AD Death: 983AD Minamoto no Shitagō Minamoto no Shitagō (源 順) also known as Minamoto no Shitagau was a Heian Period poet living from 911 to 983AD.12 Later in life he became a Buddhist Monk and took the name[...]

Nashitsubo no Gonin

Nashitsubo no Gonin

Nashitsubo no Gonin The Nashitsubo no Gonin (Five Men of the Pear Chamber – 梨壺の五人) was the term used in 951 for a group of five men who helped in compiling the Gosenshū.1 These people were chosen specifically by Emperor Murakami and were additionally tasked to make a scholarly study of[...]