Wiki Category: Kimono

All Pages on our site linked to Kimono.

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Kimono.

Kosode no te

Kosode no te

Kosode no te Kosode no te (小袖の手 – The Kimono’s Hands) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Toriyama Sekien. This creature relates to a part of a womens soul which is said to remain in the clothing and other items that she wore. With[...]



Enenra Enenra (烟々羅 – Smokenet) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi. This creature was the smoke cast from fire to repel mosquitos away from the house of a poor man. The ‘En’ uses the kanji for smoke, with ‘Ra’ using the an archaic term for[...]



Hitodama Hitodama (人魂) is a type of Yurei depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. It is represented as a kind of floating orb or fireball, which are state to be the souls of the dead. There are ways to ensure that when the supernatural apparears, your[...]