Wiki Category: Emperor Sushun

All Pages on our site linked to Emperor Sushun.

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Emperor Sushun.

Empress Suiko

Empress Suiko

Reign: 593-628AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Bidatsu (husband) Emperor Kinmei (father) Emperor Yōmei (brother) Soga no Umako (uncle) Shōtoku Taisha (nephew) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Sushun * Successor Emperor Jomei Empress Suiko Empress Suiko (推古天皇) was the thirty-third Emperor of Japan1, younger sister to Emperor[...]

Emperor Sushun

Emperor Sushun

Reign: 587-592AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Soga no Umako (uncle) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Yomei * Successor Emperor Suiko Emperor Sushun Emperor Sushun (崇峻天皇) was the thirty-second Emperor of Japan. He was placed on the throne by Soga no Umako after winning a skirmish against Mononobe[...]

Shōtoku Taishi

Shōtoku Taishi

Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Yōmei (father) Empress Suiko (aunt) Occupation: Prince, sesshō Shōtoku Taishi Shōtoku Taishi (聖徳太子) also known as Prince Umayado was the son of Emperor Yomei nephew of Empress Suiko. He is said to have been able to speak at birth and was an accomplished scholar, able[...]

Emperor Yōmei

Emperor Yōmei

Reign: 585-587AD Period: Asuka Period Family: Emperor Kinmei (father) Empress Suiko (sister) Burial Place: – Order of Succession: Predecessor Emperor Bidatsu * Successor Emperor Sushun Emperor Yōmei Emperor Yōmei (用明天皇) was the thirty-first Emperor of Japan. He is known to have been the son of Emperor Kinmei and father to[...]

Mononobe no Moriya

Mononobe no Moriya

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: – Birth: – Death: – Mononobe no Moriya Mononobe no Moriya (物部 守屋) was head of the Mononobe Clan during the reign of Emperor Sushun. He, not wishing to have Sushun on the throne, and to promote a different candidate, ended up in a[...]

Soga no Umako

Soga no Umako

Period: Asuka Period Occupation: – Family: Soga no Iname (father) Soga no Emishi (son) Emperor Sushun (nephew) Birth: – Death: – Soga no Umako Soga no Umako (蘇我 馬子) was a member of the Soga Clan noted to have been even more powerful than his father, Soga no Iname. During[...]

Mononobe Clan

Mononobe Clan

First Ruler: – Final Ruler: – Dissolution: – For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Mononobe Clan The Mononobe Clan (物部氏) are known to have made up the Imperial Guard. This clan is said to be the descendant of Ōhesoki.1 Legendary Period 80 Mononobe are said to have[...]

Soga Clan

Soga Clan

First Ruler: Soga no Ishikawa Final Ruler: Soga no Emishi Dissolution: 645AD For a full list of Clans: See Japanese Clans. Soga Clan The Soga Clan (蘇我氏) was a very powerful clan in ancient Japan, orchestrating the placing of several rulers on the Imperial Throne. Legendary Founding The kojiki lists[...]