Akamatsu Family

Akamatsu Family
Mon of the clan.

Akamatsu Family

The Akamatsu Family (赤松氏) was a descendant clan of the Minamoto, founded by Akamatsu Norimura in 1336 after he allied with Ashikaga Takauji to fight the Kamakura Shogunate; later being made shugo of Harima.

They were one of only four families who were eligable to head the Samurai Dokoro (Board of Retainers) during the Muromachi Shogunate. 1

The family was all but destroyed by the Yamana and Hosokawa Families in 1441 after Akamatsu Mitsusuke assassinated the shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori. This was known as the Kakitsu Incident.

They did regain some power afterwards but finally lost their domain in 1521 after being attacked and defeated by their vassals the Uragami Family.1



1. Kodansha. (1993) ”Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia”. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd.

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