Day: 29 April 2020
Health Care Podcast Science
B7 The Tatoo Collector
B7 The Tatoo Collector
Show Notes for bonus episode 7 of our Podcast – The Tatoo Collector. Story Notes Fukushi Masaichi (福士政一) is an interesting man, born January 30th 1878, he lived until 1956 and had a single child by the name of Fukushi Katsunari. Now they are of interest to us as he[...]
Podcast Proverb
B6 Proverbs
B6 Proverbs
Show Notes for bonus episode 6 of our Podcast – Proverbs. Story Notes There are many proverbs throughout Japan and so we wanted to introduce you to a few of them. 釈迦に説法 しゃかにせっぽう Translation: Teaching Buddhism to the Buddah. Trying to explain things to someone who knows more than you. 花より団子 Hana yori dango Dango[...]