Wiki Category: River Ye
All Pages on our site linked to River Ye.
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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to River Ye.
Aki Province
Aki ProvinceSee also: Provinces Aki Province Aki Province (安藝國/安芸国) was one of the many provinces in Japan. Legendary Period According to one version of events in the nihongi, the kami Susano-o comes to the River Ye in this province. Here he meets Ashi-nadzu-te-nadzu and his wife Inada no Miya-nushi Susa no[...]
Susano-oAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Yomi Family: Amaterasu (sister) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ōkuninushi (son) Takiribime (daughter) Ichikishimahime (daughter) Takitsuhime (daughter) Ōkuninushi (descendant) Numerous other decendants Susano-o Susano-o (須佐之男), also called Hayasusano-o2, is known to be the father of Ōkuninushi and brother to the Sun Amaterasu and Moon Tsukiyomi. He rules over Yomi[...]