Wiki Category: Kawachi
All Pages on our site linked to Kawachi.
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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Kawachi.
Shinsen Shōjiroku
Shinsen ShōjirokuShinsen Shōjiroku The Shinsen Shōjiroku (新撰姓氏録 – Revised Geneologies) is a piece of Japanese literature listing the geneologies of many noble families from the Heian Period. Originally created as a collection in 30 chapters1 now only fragments of the original 30 survive.2 Begun in 799AD at the order of Emperor[...]
BeBe See also: Court Titles, Imperial Titles, Provincial Titles, Uji, Sesshō and Kampaku Be (部) was the term used for groupings of people prior to the 7th Century who has associations to the Yamato Court or lineage groups (uji). The individual people in a ‘Be’ were known as ‘bumin.’ All[...]
Kawachi Kagami Meishoki
Kawachi Kagami MeishokiKawachi Kagami Meishoki Kawachi Kagami Meishoki (A Record of Famous Places in Kawachi, 河内鉴名所记) is at the name suggests, a book centered on the area of Kawachi written in the 17th Century. Within the book it talks of the Yōkai Spirit the Ubagabi which haunts the area and Hiraoka Shrine[...]
NihongiNihongi The Nihongi (日本紀 – Japanese Chronicles) also called the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀 – The Chronicles of Japan) is one of the oldest documents we have concerning early and mythological Japanese history. Creation and Sources The document was completed in AD7201, however, its inception may have begun in AD714 when[...]