Wiki Category: Kashihara

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Again this is a page which links to pages relating to Kashihara.



Misasagi Misasagi (陵) is a term for tombs (usually kofun tombs) of the Emperors and Imperial Family up until 701AD.1 The name of misasagi for Emperors are shown below. Legendary Period [2] Emperor Suizei – Tsukidaoka – 桃花鳥田丘上陵. The location of this tomb is unknown, but it is said to[...]

Yamato Sanzan

Yamato Sanzan

Yamato Sanzan Yamato Sanzan (大和三山, Three Hillls of Yamato) are located near the city of Kashihara in Nara Prefecture, Kansai Region. These three mountains are Unebiyama, Amanokagushima and Miminashiyama. All three of them are formed of igneous rock and are mentioned in the Man’yōshū.1 Mount Unebi Co-ordinates: 34°29′32.5″N135°47′06″E Height: 199.2m Mount[...]



Co-ordinates: 34°31′N 135°48′E Region: Kansai Region Prefecture: Nara Prefecture Kashihara Kashihara (橿原市) is located within the modern day Nara Prefecture (Ancient Yamato). Historically the city is seen as the place where the first Emperor Jimmu descended to earth on the 11th February 660BC and began his rule in Japan.1 Footnotes[...]

Emperor Jimmu

Emperor Jimmu

Reign: 660-584BC Period: Legendary Period Family: Emperor Suizei (son) Burial Place: Near Mount Unebi. Order of Succession: Predecessor N/A  * Successor Emperor Suizei Emperor Jimmu Emperor Jimmu (神武天皇) was the first legendary Emperor of Japan, dated in the Nihongi to have begun his rule on 11th February 660BC in Kashihara,[...]

Sacred Regalia

Sacred Regalia

See also: Divine Treasures Sacred Regalia The Sacred Regalia (三種の神器) are the three Sacred Items of the Imperial Throne, consisting of the Sword Kusanagi (草薙劍), the Jewel Yasakani no Magatama (八尺瓊勾玉) and the Mirror Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡). The Sacred Regalia is known to have been given by Amaterasu to[...]