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Momiji-gariMomiji-gari Momiji-gari (紅葉狩 – Momiji Hunting) is a depiction of a woman with a connection to a particular demoness in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi. In this depiction she is shown in a mountain, holding a long-handled sake pot. This particular creature relates to the Demoness known as Kijo (a possible[...]
How an Old Man Lost is Wen
How an Old Man Lost is WenHow an Old Man Lost his Wen How an Old Man Lost his Wen, known in Japanese as Kobutori Jiisan (こぶ取り爺) is one of many Japanese folktales. Synopsis There was an old man who had a lump (wen) growing out of his cheek and after seeking out many doctors and medicine none[...]
Divine Treasures
Divine TreasuresSee also: Sacred Regalia Divine Treasures Divine Treasures appear to be some form of previous items gifted to Japan or brought to Japan by kami in the distant past. Reign of Sujin Under the rule of this Emperor there is made mention of Sacred Treasures which had been brought to[...]
KiyohikoPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: – Family: Prince Amanohihoko (great-grandfather) Birth: – Death: – Kiyohiko Kiyohiko was a man from the time of Emperor Suinin, said to have been the great-grandson of Prince Amanohihoko. Late in his reign the Emperor sends for the Divine Treasures brought at the start of his[...]
DorotabōDorotabō Dorotabō (泥田坊 – Mudman) is a type of yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi. This creature is described as a dark figure with three fingers (like an Oni) and only one eye who resides in one particular rice paddy. He is also heard to say the phrase “ta kaese![...]
TenadzuchiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Agricultural? Family: Ashinadzuchi (husband) Kushinadahime (daughter) Tenadzuchi Tenadzuchi ( 手名椎 / 手摩乳命) is a Shinto kami seen in the texts of the Kojiki and Nihongi in relation to their dealings with Yamata no Orochi. She is the wife of Ashinadzuchi and mother to Kushinadahime in both[...]
AshinadzuchiAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Family: Tenadzuchi (wife) Kushinadahime (daughter) Ōyamatsumi (father) Ashinadzuchi Ashinadzuchi ( 足名椎 / 脚摩乳命) is a Shinto kami seen in the texts of the Kojiki and Nihongi in relation to their dealings with Yamata no Orochi. He is the husband of Tenadzuchi and father to Kushinadahime in both the Nihongi[...]
Yamata no Orochi
Yamata no OrochiYamata no Orochi Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ, also 八岐大蛇 , 八俣遠呂智 or 八俣遠呂知, 大蛇) was a giant serpentine Dragon mentioned in the Shinto Mythologies in association with Susano-o. The Dragon and Susano-o can be found in old texts such as the Kojiki and Nihongi.12 The appaearance of the Dragon in[...]
IkuhiPeriod: Legendary Period Occupation: Priest Ikuhi Ikuhi (活日) was a man who lived during the reign of Emperor Sujin. He was appointed as the Brewer of Ōkuninushi in the 8th year of his reign. Later that same year he presented sake to the Emperor and sang as song which went[...]
Susano-oAffiliation: Shinto Kami of: Yomi Family: Amaterasu (sister) Tsukiyomi (brother) Ōkuninushi (son) Takiribime (daughter) Ichikishimahime (daughter) Takitsuhime (daughter) Ōkuninushi (descendant) Numerous other decendants Susano-o Susano-o (須佐之男), also called Hayasusano-o2, is known to be the father of Ōkuninushi and brother to the Sun Amaterasu and Moon Tsukiyomi. He rules over Yomi[...]